Page 33 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 33
Volume XVIII, Number 3 Thursday, October 22, 1998 WMC honor code to be reconsidered BY JENIl'ER StRKtS day addressing honor code issues. Assistant Features Editors The e-mail told students of possible consequences of the honor code being abolished, such as professors setting the rules in each class. The SGA will hold an open fo- rum on Thursday, October 22 for students to voice their opinions on the recent events. During the discussions at the faculty. meeting on October 6, a surprise motion to abolish the honor code was proposed. Th(;" pure system. debate has been tabled, meaning In the pure system, students are that it will be postponed until the expected be academically honest next faculty meeting in November. and are trusted to report honor code The motion to abolish the honor violations. code was the idea of Dr. Sam Case, This year's homecoming court was led by seniors Mandy Hofsteuer and Rob Newman (far left]. The It was because of student criti- professor of exercise science and members were Laurel Monroe, Gunnar Burdt, Jennifer Haines. Jeremiah Kelley, Brooke Joseph, and Todd Peters. cism to the SGA that the college physical education. BYJENIFER SIRKIS The Phi Kaps' community ser- the year award. Lightner, who re- put together an ad hoc committee "I made the motion to abolish Assistant News Editor vice projects included participat- tired from teaching mathematics at to review the system at WMC last the honor code because I believe ing in adopt-a-highway, sponsoring WMC last spring, has been an ac- year. Students expressed dissatis- Last Saturday's Homecoming the blood drive that was held on live member of the campus com- that students should have a new gave WMC students a lot to cel- campus over Jan term last year, and munity for over 40 years and has faction with the current honor code. renewed commitment to it," said felt that violations They were not ebrate. participating in various activities served on the alumni association being reported and the faculty was Case after he was informed at the The Green Terror had their sixth for the American HeartAssociation Board of Directors. monthly faculty meeting that the straight victory this season with a and Leukemia Society. Lightner won WMC's Merito- not consistent in its dealings with system was not working. honor code violations. in the Case, who was involved 38-20 win over Dickinson. The homecoming court was re- rious Service award in 1984. He As a result of the report, which writing of the honor code when he Members of the Phi Kappa viewed at halftime by President has also been the college marshall at WMC, remembers the honor Sigma fraternity had another rea- Chambers. They were presented since 1971 and helped to start chap- was released in August, at the recent was a student were administered in when exams code was discussed son to celebrate as they won the with flowers by Kathy Moore ters of Phi Beta Kappa, the national faculty meeting, and the SGA plans Gill Center with the professors James Brant Memorial Cup. Rittler, alumni association presi- liberal arts honor society, and to hold a meeting to hear students walking up and down the halls pa- This award is presented annu- dent. Kappa Mu Epsilon, the mathemat- opinion. ally to the sorority or fraternity In addition, Dr. James Lightner ics honor society, here at WMC. In addition, an e-mail was sent trolling the room. . which surpasses the others in aca- was presented with the alumnus of to all students by the SGA last Fri- Continued on page 4 demics, varsity sports, leadership, that we Shopping center to be built near Comfort Inn and community service projects. "It was really amazing won, said Mike Blundin, president of Phi Kappa Sigma. "When we BY MICHAEL STOKES video store and a liquor store," said in anticipation of the growth of the Because WMC is a non-profit started we just wanted to get estab- SraffWriler Harvey. Westminster.area." organization, the WMC Develop- lished as a fraternity, Having just Harvey would not disclose the Seidel also said that when the ment Corporation, a for-profit cor- A new shopping center on received our charter last May, It's names of the bookstore, the Italian land was zoned, the Cranberry poration, is in charge of the entire a real honor and we were really Western Maryland College prop- restaurant nor the hair salon. The Mall, WalMart and Target did not process (they are also responsible excited." erty is expected to be open in the company is still in the process of exist, and the board of trustees be- for the Comfort Inn). late spring of 1999. signing leases with other possible lieved that it was an attractive com- According to Seidel, the board The Inside "College shopping center, named tenants. has already begun mercialproperty. a member of {he of trustees did not want to sell the Square," will be located Construction Development land, so the WMC Bruce Preston, on the land adjacent to the Com- fort Inn, which is also owned by on the approximate 10 acres of land board whose primary business is Corp. offered a lease to Black Rock (Ii.J"I,'[9'i£ii' i that the center will exist upon. An the development of neighborhood Associates which included the pay- the college. The center is being official ground-breaking ceremony shopping centers, said "The reason The honor code: The Phoenix built by Black Rock Associates of will take place on October 21 at why we finally decided to develop ment of rent in exchange for the shopping center. staff feels that the current honor Maryland. 3:30pm. the land was because the market code is unrealistic in its expecta- The complex's main attraction Dr. Ethan Seidel, WMC's vice economics just became good, so we Seidel said that the main reason tions. will be a 55.164 square-foot president of administration and fi- for the rental agreement is that "if ,WiI"! ., Safeway supermarket, which is one nance, said that Main Street is go- believed the time was right." of the the college decides to expand 50 is an associate Preston of the top three supermarket chains ing to be redesigned so that it will Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Trust years from now, they will be able Peace Corps: WMC Alumnus in the nation, according to Dixon pass through the shopping center. to do so with the land that will be he would not however, Jonathon Shacat '98 is spending Harvey, an employee of Black The entrance to Route 140 will also Company; the company to bid on the occupied by the shopping center." allow his post-college years developing Rock Associates. The complex be blocked off permanently and a Harvey said that the lease's ini- center because of the pos- with two fisheries in Africa. will also contain a regional chain new entrance will be accessible di- shopping of a conflict of interest. He tial deal is for 31 years, of 10 years a options sibility for renewals ~@itlI'l·%l·m·••••• Il"~J bo~~~r~:na~s: ~~ t~~~~:ess of rectly from Main Street. believes that the center is "a much piece. Seidel said that the school Seidel said "The property has needed facility on that [the west- will be collecting approximately Scoreboard: Get the stats on all obtaining an Italian restaurant and been owned by the college for al- ern] side of town," and that "it will $15,000 - $20,000 per month for your favorite Green Terror play- a hair salon chain, and we are look- most 40 years and was zoned for be the best-looking shopping cen- ing into a deli, a coffee shop, a commercial purposes 14 years ago, ter in all of Westminster." Continued on page 4
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