Page 150 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, April 1, 1999 - Page 10 FEATURES Gemini (5121-6/20): "I rolled "Scenario," A Tribe Called two spliffs/so now I guess I'm Quest In this issue's horoscopes, the double-jointed." key to unlocking the mystery of "Underground Rapper," Das Scorpio (10/24-11/22): Since your immediate future will be Eh I can't repeat what Tupac said found in some funky fresh rap about Biggio's wife, I won't say lyrics. Please forgive any mis- Cancer (6/21-7/23): "Blue anything. quotes; it seems the stars only flow-ers .... " listen to the Jon Spencer Blues "Blue Rowers," Dr. Octagon Sagittarius (11/23-12/21): Explosion. Contrary to MTV's belief, Limp Leo (7/24-8/23): "I am the Bizkit is not hip-hop. Aries (3/21-4/19): "Your funk soul sensation." momma so fat that she could get "Funk Soul Sensation," Jemini Capricorn (12/22-1/20): busy With 22 burritos/When the Gifted One "Killing your brain like a poison- times was rough, Iseen her in the ous mushroom." back of Taco Bell with hand- Virgo (8/24-9/23): "If I had "To the Extreme," Vanilla Ice cuffs." wings Iwould fly; let me contem- "Yo Momma,"The Pharcyde plate. 1 glance at the cut and see Aquarius(1/21-2119): "Tlove my homey Nate." it when you call me Big Pappa." Taurus (4/20-5/20): "I "Regulate," Warren G "Big Pappa," Biggie Smalls missed the bus/and that is some- thing I will never, ever, ever do Libra (9/24-10123): "Don't Pisces (2/20-3/20): "Every- again." sweat what you heard.just act like body got they cup, but they ain't "I Missed the Bus," Kris you know." chipped in." - Kross "Gin & Juice," Snoop Dogg Life-Affirmative Sayings "Success is not the key to happiness. "If you don't risk "The world breaks around everyone, Happiness is the key to success. If you anything, you risk and afterward many are strong at the love what you're doing, you will be even more." broken places. " successful. " ---Erica Jong ---Ernest Hemingway ---Herman Cain, chairman of the board of Godfather's Pizza "In the depths of winter, Ifinally Rat's Web. learned that within me lay an by Anne Butler invincible summer. " ....Albert Camus So you've seen these web Geocities (ranging from Tatooine vanced user. Their addresses are pages around, and you want one for sci-fi buffs, to Hollywood for actually separated by the state of your own, eh? Well this and film fans) and then further broken you live in, so it's not very hard from Fitness, November 1998 the next column is for you. It's down to living on streets. to remember. all about creating your own web- Tripod http:// Okay, so you've picked a pro- site! vider, now what? Well ... What is Several places offer free Tripod offers 11 MEG of space. your page about? Is it just about Free, confidential services webhosting service in exchange Unlike the other two, the addresses you? That's all well and good, but round-the-clock for advertising on their site. for Tripod bomepages are shorter to draw in the surfers you need a There are many services, butI've and easier to remember because hook, a gimmick. detailed some of the more well they involve only the member's Many people maintain pages known ones here: name and not the neighborhood on some of their interests and fa- they are in (though Tripod does vorite activities, and this can be Geociues http:// have things called "neighborhood a good draw. Go to Yahoo or an- pods"). other search engine and look up The "McDonalds of web Tripod offers a simple webpage your interests whether it be chia hosting sites," Geocities has lit- builder and some resources such pets, gardening, surfing, or the erally millions of customers or as graphics. Dukes of Hazzard. "homesteaders." They offer 11 Tripod unfortunately causes Get an idea of what other MEG of room, free e-mail, and annoying pop-up windows to oc- people have done so you know a relatively reliable service. You cur with advertising in them. what you can be the first to do. set up shop in any number of"ar- (Geocities does the same thing, but Every day we provide services eas" ranging from SoHo for art- offers it's members a way to avoid Now how do you actually ists and writers to these irritations. Tripod offers no make a page?WeU that's next is- to people who never expected EnchantedForest for kid-friendly choice.). sue, ladies and gentlemen. See to be hurt by sexual violence sites. Angelfire http:// you then? There is even a separate neighborhood for college stu- Angelfire offers 5 MEG of Weird Ass Site of the Issue 24 Hour Hotline: dents, called CollegePark. space, the lowest of all providers The Official Cow-tipping 410-857-7322 Geocities .also offers tools for detailed here. However, they claim Page-http://members.xoom.coml more experienced users. they're the fastest in page creation toch! Fortune City - http:// (I have not tried it myself). They Yes, now you don't even have Whether the. crime was last night have a sound and graphics library to leave campus to participate in Fortune City offers 20 MEG, like Tripod offers, and files used this quaint college tradition! or-last year, we'can help. '. the most of any of the providers from the library are not counted I've seen. However, their server towards the 5 MEG limit. Have a webpage? Then send the is slow and is occasionally hard There are two options of ways address to, to deal with. You're settled into to edit your home page, one for the and you could be featured in an neighborhoods much like newbie and one for a more ad- upcoming column!
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