Page 148 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 148
Thursday, April I, 1999 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Is America ready for a female president? The entry of Elizabeth Dole into the Ryan Seavolt discusses the media's This individual cited the fact that while sition in the world may cause some mem- race for the Republican Presidential nomi- reaction to Elizabeth Dole and her Mrs. Dole headed the American Red Cross, bers of the press to portray her in a positive nation for the year 2000 has been a hot topic possible campaign. she has never undertaken a more politically- light. Considering the media's stance on of discussion lately. Republicans hope that oriented job such as senator, congressman, women's right, etc., this does not seem sur- the strategy of running a woman for this able candidate, and so far the response has or governor. Therefore, she may lack the ex- prising. position will help to attract more women been as resounding "YES!" Dole has con- perience needed to perform the duties of the Most of the media has not even discussed voters who, because of issues such as abor- fronted her rivals who charge that she lacks President. Dole's platform and stances on various is- tion and affirmative action, usually vote governmental experience with the fact that she While Ido not necessarily agree with this sues. Although, I'm not sure that a potential Democratic. has served under five Presidents, heading up viewpoint, the caller's ideas seemed fairly Presidential candidate would have some very Many Republicans feel that Dole, who the American Red Cross. well fanned and conveyed. I was shocked, strong opinions and ideas for the direction recently stepped down as head of the She even declares in her television ads, however, with the way that the anchor and in which the United States should be head- American Red Cross, could be their best now running in Iowa and New Hampshire, that co-anchor responded to the remark. ing. chance for capturing the highest office in not being a politician may be to her advan- For the previous callers, all of them stat- Nevertheless, the media has thus far con- the nation, particularly in light of the re- tage, since the public seems to have such a ing that they believed Dole was capable of sistently painted a better picture of Elizabeth cent "sex-related" controversies that have distaste for anyone who calls themselves a being a good President. the anchors simply Dole than they did of Bob Dole when he plagued President Clinton. Many of the politician today. responded by thanking them for their call. sought the office of President. Dole supporters feel that Dole has the cha- Her supporters are all too quick to chime But, when this dissenter popped up, they So, while many people believe that Eliza- risma and friendly, open demeanor that her in that Margaret Thatcher became prime min- looked at one another, and the co-anchor; who beth Dole may make a good President or husband, former Senator Robert Dole, ister of Great Britain (the parliamentary sys- happened to be a woman, rolled her eyes dis- Vice-President if she chooses to run, the few seemed to lack. tem equivalent of a president) in 1979, and approvingly, as if to say "Come on, get with who feel that she would not, for whatever Even if Dole does not decided to seek served her country well. Perhaps this means, the times!" reason, may go unheard in the coverage of her party's nomination for president, or if they say, that we are lagging behind the Euro- The newspapers seem to be following this this race. she is not chosen, many experts hold the peans in equal treatment of the sexes. pattern as well, printing only positive stories The tragedy of this is that, although these opinion that Dole could possibly However, not everyone believes that Dole about the would-be candidate, and noticeably individuals may seem to be wrong in the eyes Vice-President on the GOP ticket with would make a good President. Rece~tly, on a keeping out of print the opinions of those who of most people, they nevertheless should be Texas Governor George W. Bush vying for call-in opinion poll on Channel 9 Eyewitness do not feel as positively about Dole. It is such heard. The press should certainly not play the Presidency. News, one. man claimed that he believed that media bias as this that might aid Dole in her favorites, especially with an issue as serious While Dole has not announced her in- although a woman can make just as good a quest for the Republican nomination. as the next leader of our country! tentions as of yet, she has formed an ex- politician as a man, he was not sure that the For, while the media has a tendency to ploratory committee to investigate whether country was ready for a woman President at "lean to the left" in political matters, the can- voters would be interested in her as a vi- this time. didacy of a woman for the most powerful po- Quirks: Perspectives "I tried to call you, but ..." Anne Butler encourages a new it." approach to viewing and judging Johnny looked downcast. "Oh .. Kristen Fraser notes the need for something from which every student could the world. "What's wrong?" Johnny's mother asked more student phones on the WMC benefit. . him. It does not seems like too much to ask Johnny screwed up his little face and stared campus. for a student phone available in all of the Little Johnny walked down the street up at the cloud. "I thought it might be a clown, academic building for starters. There is a with his mother. Occasionally, he would cause it kinda looks like one .... " Imagine this scenario. You are standing phone in Hill Hall for students, in the Writ- point at objects as little children are wont Next they found a discarded newspaper. at the comer ofWMC that rests near the Per- ing Center. But, this phone is covered with to do and ask his mother what it was. At Johnny picked it up and repeated his question. sonnet Office and the Pennsylvania Avenue grave warning of bodily harm for all students one point they came to a fire hydrant. "It's a newspaper," she replied. "It tells people Apartments driveway entrance. A suspicious other than the Writing Tutor who use this "What's that?" Johnny asked. what's going on in the world. Daddy and Ilike stranger approaches, carrying what appears phone for the mundane or the necessary. " A fire hydrant," his mother said pa- to read it in the morning." to be something ominous. You try to contact So, phones in every academic building tiently. "It stores water that is used to fight Johnny examined the paper and looked Campus Safety, but you are nowhere near any would be helpful. fires." Just then, a dog came up and relieved back up at his mother. "Really?" feasible way to reach them. Also, there are other areas to consider. himself on the hydrant. The mother didn't "Really," answered his mother. Seeing him How about this one? You leave PELC, Each student could probably come up with a notice and continued. "What did you think realizing that you are l5.,minutes late to an figure that would be sufficient for the cam- appointment. You wish there was some way pus. "I suppose it is a sword... It can be many things... It that you could contact the person that you I am not advocating simply phones for are trying to meet. But, there is not, except the academic buildings. More phones would all depends on how you look at it. for one of the lone phones at the other end of be useful in places that I've already men- ANW. tioned as well as near the far corners of the it was?" still examining the paper she asked, "Why do Or, imagine this. You are walking near campus. "A doggie potty," Johnny replied mat- you ask?" Winslow, knowing full well that you room- It does not seem like a huge expenditure ter-of-factly staring at the urinating canine. Johnny removed the top sheet from the rest mate is on their way to meet you. You real- to simply increase the number of phones His mother looked down and noticed of the paper. "Well, our teacher showed us that ize that you have forgotten something in your around campus. Everyone is concerned about the animal. "Urn, r guess it's that too," she if we fold it like this," he demonstrated creas- dorm room. How will you ever get it with- upgrading systems, be it the phones in the said, dragging Johnny away hurriedly. ingthe paper and turning it around, "It's a hat!" out hauling across campus? dorm rooms or computer systems. Why not Later, they came upon a willow tree. He showed his work to his mother, beaming Lastly, you're standing near Glar. Where do the phones at the same time? "What's that?" Johnny asked pointing proudly. is your significant other? They promised you I am also not advocating creating these at the tree. Surprised, Johnny's mother looked at the a quiet dinner alone, and they are 20 min- phones every 8 feet or so. It just seems that "That's a tree, dear," his mother an- newspaper and then at what her son had utes late. Who feels like running all the way is not that much to ask to have a phone near swered, "You've seen them before." wrought. "I guess it's both .... " up to Ensor Lounge or all the way to Cam- all of the places where students tend to con- "Yeah ... " Johnny said, "It's just a tree?" They continued until the child stopped and pus Safety, which, more often than not, will gregate. Johnny's mother nodded, puzzled. "Yes, picked up a stick. He held it out to his mother. have a locked door preventing your attempt. The security issues raised by my intro- what else would it be?" "And what's this?" Not to mention the fact that if you wan- duction show a strong reason for having these "Well, I thought it was a home for squir- The mother answered with patience only der off too far, your significant other will phones on campus. Even the reassurance that rels and birds cause they're crawling those with children can have, 'It's a stick dear, show up in your absence, ready to accuse the phones are there, even if they are never around it...." Johnny pointed at the activ- most likely it fell from a tree." YOU of being late. If only there was another needed, is worth the price of setting such a ity on the trunk. Johnny waved the stick around a bit and phone that you could use. Then, your rela- plan in motion. Johnny's mother blinked as she noticed clashed at the air. " Oh ... It kind of looks like tionship would be saved. Well, maybe nOI, This solution would make communica- the animals for the first time. "Oh, yes, it's a sword to me .... " but it's not that far out of the realm ofimagi- tion on campus much smoother for all of the a home for birds and squirrels, too." The mother blinked and took the stick from nation. students, and make (he scenarios presented A bit further on, Johnny stopped and her son. She examined it and then smiled while Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest the above a rare occurrence. Your appointments looked at (he sky. He pointed and asked handing it back to her son. "I suppose it is a \:\'MC could use more on-campus phones. will flow smoothly, your roommate will love again, "What's that?" sword. It can be many things, just like the Now, I am not suggesting that this is an earth- you, and your love relationship will never Johnny's mother sighed and answered, cloud, the tree, the newspaper and the hydrant. shattering requirement by any means. It is experience another fight. Well, maybe not, "That's a cloud. Rain and snow falls from It all depends on how you look at it." simply not nearly that important. But, it is but isn't is worth a try?
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