Page 90 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 90
Thursday, December 11,1997 -Page 14 SPORTS Lapato on District Academic AII- Wrestlers place America team for second straight year in top ten in last WMC junior Tom Lapato, of Mount Sheve, Sports Information Director at ware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Airy, MD, has been selected to the GTE Gannon University. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Vir- two tournaments Academic All-America College Division The district selection made by mem- ginia, enables Lapato to move into the II football team, announced on Monday, bers of the College Sports Information Di- national balloting with the student athletes November 17 by district coordinator Bob rectors of America (CoSIDA) from Dela- picked from CoSIDA's seven other dis- BY CAROI.YN BARNES tricts. Sport., Editor The recognition is the second in a row for Lapato, one of four repeaters from the Western Maryland placed fourth out 1996 district squad. often teams at the King's College Mon- The College Division includes National arch Invitational on Saturday, Novem- Collegiate Athletic Association Divisions ber 15. II and III and the National Association of The Green Terror combined 62 team Intercollegiate Athletics. points to finish behind champion Lapato garnered one of the four spots Elizabethtown (103.5) and runner-up for defensive backs on the district team as Messiah (90). a mathematics and computer science ma- Freshman 126-pounder Rodney jor with a 4.0 cumulative grade point av- Stine,junior I34-pounder John Wert and erage. The starting strong senior 142-pounder Steve Smiddy were safety for Green Terror made 46 tackles the top placewinners for WMC, all com- to finish fourth on the team and tied for ing in third. Green Terror second on the squad in pass breakups with sophomore Charlie Conaway earned fourth place at 167. five. He also forced a fumble and recov- ered two others. Saturday, December 6, the team A Dean's List student with highest hon- placed tenth in the 28th annual Jerry ors in all four semesters thus far, Lapato Petrofes Invitational held at Lebanon also was named to the Centennial Confer- Valley College. ence (eq football Academic Honor Roll A runner-up effort by John Wert lead each of the past two years. the team to their victory. He also earned a spot on the All-Cen- Wert, the sixth seed in the 134-pound , tennial Conference second team, which weight class, won three decisions to the championship round. Junior strong safety Tom Lapata carries the bal! down the field, escaping the grasps of opposing was announced Wednesday, November 19. reach In the title bout, he was pinned in the teammates during a 1997 Centennial Conference game. Lapato had 46 total tacktes. Courtesy of Sports Information second period by Messiah's Mike Gaugler, who was named the Men swimming well, tournament's Most Outstanding Wres- tler. captain Steve women fighting for air fourth Senior at 142 and freshman Smiddy placed heavyweight Brian Jones sixth for Western Maryland. There were 192 wrestlers from 2) BY CAROI.YN BARNES Sophomore Barkley Dameron had schools in the two-day invitational, SporlĀ£EdilOr in'dividual wins in the 50 and 100 free which was won by_EIizabethtown Col- for the Terror women, in addition to Swimming at Western Maryland has being a member of the first-place 200 lege. been balanced so far this season, with free relay unit. the men having a fair season, while the The women lost two more games. Information compiled by Sports Informa- women have yet to win. First, they lost to Franklin and tion The men's team opened its 97-98 Marshall 118-74. The second of the dual-meet season with a 106-89 win at two was a 76-18 loss to Albright. Susquehanna Saturday, November 15. Swarthmore swept the December 6 Pizza, wings, and more Inc. The men were paced by Chris meet against the Green Terror as the Drawbaugh and Aaron Corbett. women swimmers also lost by a score Drawbaugh won the 200 and SOD-yard of 62-29. 117 Pennsylvania Ave. freestyle events, while Corbett touched Sophomore Barkley Dameron .won first in the 100 free and 200 individual the IOO-yard freestyle in 58.60 seconds 410-840-8338 medley. while freshman Kara Wnukowski came Drawbaugh also swam a leg on the in second in the 50-yard freestyle and victorious 400 medley relay to open the 100 breaststroke. the meet, while Corbett added a fourth- The Green Terror men are now 2-2, place effort in the 100 backstroke. while the women are 0-4. 16" CHEESE WMC then lost a match to Franklin and Marshall 106-73, but went on to beat Albright 63-32. $4.99 Saturday, December 6, the men ~rite, report, competed against Swarthmore. Junior Aron Berenyi won two take events, but it was not enough to pre- vent Swarthmore's 55.5-35.5 win in a Everyday, All day Centennial Conference men's swim- photographs, ming meet at Harlow Natatorium. Ber en y i captured the 50-yard edit, etc ... * Pick up only freestyle in 22.92 seconds and the 100- free in 49.53 seconds. Freshman Chris Clem mens was the only other Western Maryland indi- conveniently located just 2 blocks vidual winner, placing first in the 11_ yard backstroke. from the college campus, at the The women were handed their first defeat by Susquehanna on November 15 by 112-84 to earn the Crusader's a corner of Penn. Ave. and Union St. split for the meet overall.
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