Page 89 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, December 11, 1997 - Page 13 60 Seconds Gearing up for semester's end What are your tips for fellow classmates on how to study for and Smith House and organizations help to ease exam stress handle the stress of exams? BV NICKI BELANGF.R agement tips and studying skills, as added. SI':lIiorWriter can the 504 office, the academic It is important for students to BY JESSIE WATfS skills center. remember that there are ways of PhOlQgrapherlStajJWriter It's that time of year again. The "Most of the lime we know dealing with stress and people stockings are hung by the chimney, these things, but we don't always who can help. And most impor- the malls are packed with shoppers, do them," Glore said, citing com- tant, that exams will be over soon. and students are pulling their hair mon sense approaches as the best "Don't stress out, it's out over term papers and final ex- way to deal with stress. "This is a not worth it. Study, ams. "Strain, or pressure," is the defi- tough time of year to deal with she added. stress," but don't burn your- ninon of stress according to Next semester she plans on Webster's Dictionary. Students at helping people look at stress, study self out. " Western Maryland College feel this skills, motivation, and ways to im- Sandra Mendes' 98 strain and pressure increasing dur- prove techniques for dealing with the semester Communication! Art ing these final two weeks of the stress throughout panicked at the end so semester. aren't' people History Not only is there holiday shop- when finals are looming near, ping to somehow get accom- "There isn't much that's going plished, but also an onslaught of to help you if you haven't done the papers, oral presentations, and fi- work in the classes until the last through. "Just chill. " nal exams to struggle anybody into It's a minute," Glore warns. such as organizations, to turn Student enough Richard Hamilton' 98 Scrooge. sororities, also help students deal Most everyone has felt the ef- Communication with their stress. Alpha Nu Omega fects of stress: nervousness, burned holds a study break for members out, fatigue, inability to function to feast on pizza and hot chocolate properly. and to be loud during quiet hours. "We see a lot more generalized "It's a chance to get out of our illnesses, like sore throats and up- rooms for an hour," Karen Will- per respiratory illnesses at this iams, president, said. They also "Drink lots of coke, time," said Dana Plevyak, RN at have "secret Santas" and exchange sleep well, and don't Smith House. small gifts for each other, reveal- When the body is under stress, ing their identities at a party the go psychotic. " Maggie Kimura '99 "Most Everyone has felt the effects of History stress: nervousness, burned out, fatigue, inability to function properly." the immune system is run down. Sunday before exams. Many students also pull all- "We have a holiday party with nighters, grabbing junk food from our advisor to have fun one last the vending machines, and sitting time before exam week," said for long periods of time, which runs Amanda Hofstetter, president of "Budget time be- down their bodies even more. Phi Mu. They also hold a study tween exams. Don't Plevyak and other medical profes- break to get together during exam sionals at Smith House treat the week. cram, it doesn't work. symptoms first and give their pa- Most students who were asked tients advice on dealing with the about their ways of dealing with Make a review stress, emphasizing the need to rest stress laughed at the idea of being sheet. " and eat properly. able to deal with it. There !lIe other school officials "I don't really deal I Kevin Sayer' 00 who can help students deal with just struggle through it," said se- Business Administration stress during exam week. Susan nior, Debbie Bosley. Glore, director of counseling ser- Another senior, Mark Resch, "Have sex all week- vices, has several pamphlets tell- said that he doesn 't deal with stress ing students what stress is and tips either. "My freshman year 1 was end." on how to manage it. stressed out. Now Ijust do every- Ahsan Latif' 99 Glore also plans on providing a thing I can to stay cairn," he said. Ott said that she Junior Debbie Business Administra- relaxation program for students in tells herself this stress is nothing Whiteford Hall soon. Small groups tion/Economics can come into her office to ask for compared to the stress she deals help in relaxation techniques. with during the holidays. "I exer- "Make sure you've She can also provide time man- cise a lot more," junior Jen Whelen read the material; The Great American Smoke Out review your notes Continued/rom page 12 effective. Several people turned in rette butts. and old tests. Flash lighted, a statistic about the effect cigarettes, and if we can get one The issue has been discussed in of cigarette smoking was read. more person to stop smoking for a Council cards or note cards . Substance Free member, Stacy day, then we've done good." the All College meeting. and at a recent faculty really work." Dobres, was disappointed that only The Great American Smoke-out Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice-president about a dozen people attended this Mary Cannon ' 98 event. "I was hoping there would raised some concerns bulls. about the lit- of the college, is now looking at dif- tering of cigarette ferent types of canisters to purchase BiologylBiochemistry be a better tumout," she said. According to Aaron Corbett, for the school. Seidel adds that the However, Jacobson views the SGA Vice-President, the SGA has issue of banning cigarette smoking day as a success. "I think it was discussed getting canisters for ciga- in Red Square is also being ad- dressed.
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