Page 84 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 84
Thursday, December It, 1997 - Page 8 NEWS WMC Budapest study abroad program Scrooge comes to the Hill Continued from page 1 nately she would have difficulties choosing Legend has it that three ghosts haunt courses at WMC Budapest. Me a Tenor", takes the lead as the miserly- Alumni Hall. Although no one is sure if the turned-charitable Scrooge. Also in the cast O'Connell admitted that in general stu- dents are under-informed about the program. theatre building is truly haunted there defi- are company veterans Dara Breitkopf roaming the stage nitely will be four ghosts "We have to be more creative about it," she this Christmas season. Manheim ("Bedroom Farce", "Camelot" and said. She explained that the reason students "Ruthless!") and Dallas Munger ("Camelot", including spir- three holiday The quartet, are unaware of the opportunity is that in the its and one miserable apparition of Jacob "Barnum" and "The Tortoise and the Hare"). first phase of the program the college was Marley, will join Scrooge, Tiny Tim and WMC students in the production are Roxann busy bringing students from Budapest to many others when Theatre on the Hill, a pro- Ingram, Elton Keith and Erin Owen. will Kimberly Pitruzzela of Westminster Westminster. Now that things are established fessional company in residence at the Col- make her company debut as Tiny Tim. Other here they can start sending American stu- lege, presents its adaptation of Charles area children include Andrew Johnson and dents to Hungary. Dickens' classic tale, "A Christmas Carol" "Last year we made a'very big push" for from December 18-21. Matt Shilman, both of Westminster; Alyssa the Budapest program and "we were very "It's a pleasure to be able to bring the AI-Dookhi of Uniontown; Laura Erikson and disappointed that nobody took our offer," community one of the season's most popu- Alyssa Ray, both of Hampstead; Janna Provost Joan Coley said. However, if stu- lar stories of all time," said Ira Domser, as- Ridenour ofMt. Airy; Joshua Welsh of New dents are still not aware of this option, "then sociate professor of theatre arts and the Windsor; and Heather Zukowski of it is our fault. We should be promoting it show's producerldirector. "It's just not Finksburg. more." Performances of "A Christmas Carol" Christmas until you hear Tiny Tim say, 'God will be held Thursday, Dec. 18 at 7 p.m., "You can always do more. You can al- COURTHY OFTHE HILL MAGAZINE bless us, every one.' " ways push it more," said Director of Study The holiday production features several Friday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. Abroad Program Martine Motard-Noar. The PrOVQst Joan Coley and WMC Budapest 20, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec. Director Gabor Drexler pose for a picture at past and present Theatre on the Hill perform- 21, at 2 p.m. Admission is $8 for all seats. reason for lack of interest in the Budapest Budapest Castle. ers, as well as some WMC theatre students For tickets or more information call the program is that it is still new and "there is and local children. Ray Ficca, who has ap- WMC box office at (410) 857-2448. no word of mouth" about it. Also, there is a of communication between the two cam- peared in several of the company's summer general feeling that it is too expensive, al- puses, which he thinks is a key to the shows, including "Greater Tuna", "My Fair though this is not true, she explained. program's success. "Students had no idea Lady", "Noises Off", "Barnum", and "Lend Courtesy of Public Information WMC Budapest is "by far the least ex- what was going on on the main campus," pensive" study abroad option at WMC and Nagy commented. Honor and the only one "where full financial aid would O'Connell said they try very hard to keep II" l".lt4tlo" to "ll I"c- transfer," Motard-Noar said. The only addi- in touch with Budapest as best they can but tional costs compared to staying in Westmin- it is difficult because WMC Budapest is in- ult¥. st4U ""d stud'''tH. conduct board ster are a plane ticket and some pocket dependent. Ci,cle f< and S.2.'R..7J.2. money. The final objective of the Budapest pro- Students who start their college studies gram is to establish not only a student ex- l1Jill 6e hOSti11, a1t auction on The Honor and Conduct Board adjudi- in Budapest complete two years or less be- change where WMC Budapest students can 'J-eMua,¥ 9. 1998 in the 'J-Mum. cated a case on Tuesday, November 11, 1997, fore coming to Westminster. Consequently, come to Westminster and American students involving a student charged with violating the courses that are offered in Hungary are can go to Budapest but also an exchange be- 'lhe etleni11fj l1JillcO»l»1e~ce l1Juh the college's policies on destruction of prop- generally freshmen and sophomore classes tween the professors of the two facuities, A din11e'l at 5 o'clock i11 the erty, endangering the health and safety of so juniors and seniors have a hard time find- O'Connell explained. others, and drinking underage. ing courses, O'Connell said. But there are To start the faculty exchange program etleni1tfj, ~ollol1Jed.61( the auction. The student was found responsible for all probably some courses already available for they would like to have one WMC profes- 'lickets ~O'l this went l1Jill ,0 011 charges and was suspended from the Col- them and the Budapest program is working sor go to Budapest and one WMC Budapest lege for the Fall 1997 semester and the 1998 hard to add to its offerings. professor come to Westminster, Provost Co- sale the last l1Jeek o~ Ja11UtFl'f, January Term. Junior Craig Nagy of Ohio spent his first ley said, but not until the next academic year. so 6e s are to shol1J I(OU'lsuppo'lt The student is also required to enroll in two college years at WMC Budapest, stay- "I had thought about teaching in Europe. an alcohol treatment program, pay restitu- ing with his wife who was already attending I'd be interested," said Visiting Assistant to'l 60th 0'l,411iz.atio11s and. 90i11 tion for damages, write a reaction about the medical school in the city. "I enjoyed [it] Professor of Physics Michael Panunto. He us ~O'l. a ~u11-tilled. etle11infj o~ consequences of alcohol consumption due to when I was over there. I think it is a wonder- thinks study abroad programs are a good idea peer pressure, and lost parking privileges ful experience," he said. It was interesting because it is interesting to meet peoples of sales 411d SU'lp'liSes! through the Fall 1998 semester. to learn from Hungarian and British profes- different cultures. "I wish I had been able to sors, Nagy explained. He said he would en- do it," he commented. courage WMC students to go. O'Connell feels that the advantages of a Campus Safety Blotter However, Nagy had some difficulties program like WMC Budapest are that it while studying at WMC Budapest. He brings diversity to the college and it provides thought there was no sense of community, a relatively inexpensive opportunity for -On I 1/20 at 1:51 p.m. in Hill Hajj DoCS erty for trespassing. mainly because there was no real campus in WMC students to study abroad. "responded, evaluated and escorted an ill stu- -On 11/30 at 2:24 a.m. in Decker DoCS Budapest. He also felt that there was a lack dent to Smith House at the request of an responded and took a report for breaking, employee. entering and theft from a college office. -On 11/21 at 2:34 a.m. in BWH Greek -On 11I30at3:00p.m. in McDDoCS was Letter organization were documented for notified by a student and responded to a proscriptions of conduct. malfunctioning fire alarm. -oo I 1123 at 9:04 a.m. inANW DoCS -On 12/2 at 8:17 p.m. in PELC responded and took a report for ma- DoCS responded, evaluated and licious destruction of property ~ ~fl.RYLAND C treated a student for an injury. due to graffiti damage in the ~
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