Page 42 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 42
Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 14 FEATURES Some students and faculty bound by more than blood its drawbacks," said Marie, who Friday feels fortunate that her By NICKI Kcssous lists her unique last name as one of daughter, Megan, is a WMC sopho- Assisturu FeaturesEditor the drawbacks. She says that other more. "I think it's the best of both students will approach her to ask worlds. I know she's getting a The last name "Smith" is rela- questions about her mother's class, wonderful education and 1person- tively common in this country. So but since Marie never took one of ally know the people here are dedi- it's no surprise that when profes- her mother's classes, she does not cated and take a personal interest sors saw the name Nathan Smith know what to tell them. in the students," said Friday. on their class rosters, they made no The two interact most fre- Friday says that Megan often connection to Professor of Chem- quently in Henriette's office, espe- visits her in the president's office istry, Richard Smith. cially around exam time. "She and the two have lunch together on That was their mistake, because doesn't come to see me; I go to occasion. They also enjoy attend- Nathan is Dr. Smith's son. "I did see her," said Marie. ing art shows, lectures, and foot- not make an effort to hide or tell a "l see my daughter when she ball games with one another. " colleague that Nathan was in one needs money," Henriette said, Susan Cullison, secretary in the of their classes," said Smith, who laughing. "I'm trying very hard nor president's office, feels that her enjoys his son's presence at Wes't- to call her too often and check on husband, a WMC alumni, was em Maryland College. her; usually she's the one that takes more influential in her son's deci- As a senior physics major, the initiative," she adds. sion to attend WMC than she was. Nathan found himself in his Henriette feels that having her Her son Chris, a freshman physics father's classroom one semester. daughter at WMC puts pressure on major agrees with her. "My dad did "He didn't treat me any differently her, because she wants Marie to do a little more [encouraging] because than anyone else," said Nathan. well but must understand that she he is an alumni," said Chris. 1/1between classes, sophomore Megan Friday drops into the president's to office 10 have a chats with her mother, Mary Ann. executive secretary For Smith, instructing his own is just a regular student. "In a sense, we almost tried to the president of WMC. The mother/daughter team attend art shows, son was a meaningful experience. Financial Benefits steer him away [from WMC], be- lectures, andfootbaii games together: "It was fulfilling because it gave me WMC policy states that all full- cause we didn't want him to feel ated from WMC last May and his Whether it be a faculty mem- an opportunity to share with time employees of a minimum of like he had to go here," said younger sister, Caren, began her ber and their children or a trio of [Nathan] the knowledge that I two years can send their children Cullison. However, Cullison is freshman year this fall. "I think sisters, the campus continues to at- spend my life imparting to stu- to WMC and the tuition is free, ac- enjoying her son's company now I've been fortunate to have my tract families to "the Hill;''' prov- dents," he said. Smith also feels cording to Neitzy Feustel, person- that he is a WMC student. The two brother and sister on campus. I'll ing that the ties that bind families he has become more empathetic nel assistant. Additionally, full- talk on the phone and communicate always have someone there to talk together also bind them to WMC. towards his students because he can time employees who work at WMC through e-mail, "usually at my re- to," Rob said. watch their struggles through the for a minimum of five years have quest," said Cullison. When Rob was a freshman, he New director of eyes of his son. "Watching him go the option of sending their children Sibling Rivalry remembers Mark introducing him through the education process has to another private institution on an In addition to faculty and staff to all of his friends. "I got to meet Annual Giving heightened my empathy and iden- exchange program, with the tuition who have children attending all of his friends, so I felt like a big Mark Lancaster of Westminster tification with students." free of charge, or of receiving WMC, there are numerous brother man on campus," said Rob. Now is the new director of annual giv- While Nathan asserts that his $6,565 towards the price of tuition and sister pairs at the college simul- that the tables have turned, Rob is ing, according to Steve' Close, as- father did not influence his decision at their child's college or univer- taneously. According to Financial taking the opportunity to do the sociate vice president and director to attend WMC, he could not have sity of choice. Aid Counselor Eleanor Geiman, a same for his sister. "If she needs of development. pictured his college career differ- According to Smith, this prac- $2,000 discount is given to ease the anything, I'm here." Lancaster, who also will con- ently. "I don't know how I would tice dates back to the Hippocratic cost of sending two or three stu- The Newmans formed a family tinue to serve as part-time Coordi- have done without being able to Oath, in which medical profession- dents to WMC at the same time. trio ofWMC students, even though nator of Religious Life, will head rely on him," said Nathan. als are advised to teach the children This discount is allotted per fam- they were not all here at the same WMC's annual fund. Annual giv- Hanging Out in Mom's Office of their colleagues for free. "I take ily, per academic year. The sopho- time. However, there are three fe- ing, Close said, is the top priority The Smiths are not the only pro- it-as a great honor to teach the chil- more or freshman sibling receives males at WMC who are all students of the College's current five-year fessor-student team at WMC. Dr. dren of my colleagues," he said. the $2,000 discount. and who all share a common last comprehensive campaign and com- Colette M. Henriette, associate pro- The daughter of Mary Ann Fri- Rob Newman, a junior bio- name, Addeo. prises $7 million of the $40 mil- fessor of foreign languages, and her day, executive secretary in the chemistry major, knows what it's The oldest sister, Jenny, is a jun- lion goal. daughter, Marie, ajuniorsociology president's office, is currently en- like to have his siblings at WMC. ior math major. Jenny sees her col- ''Throughout his career, Mark major also inhibit the WMC cam- rolled in one of Smith's courses. Rob's older brother, Mark, gradu- lege years with her sisters as "our has put together an impressive pus together. "It has its benefits and last chance to be together." record of fund raising, especially Her younger sister, Christy, is a in his work for several non-profit sophomore math major. Jenny and organizations," Close added. "He Christy currently have a class to- will be able to draw on that experi- gether. "[Having a class with ence, as well as his strong devotion Jenny] was kind of weird at first, to WMC and a thorough under- but now we work on our homework standing of its mission, as he con- together," Christy said. tinues to build our program."Close Did her older sister influence said Lancaster will work with vol- Christy'S decision to come to unteer groups and other supporters, WMC? According 10 Christy, the many of whom he knows from his answer is no. "That's the reason I prior experience here. didn't want to come here, because Lancaster, who also has taught Ididn't want all of us going to the several courses in the philosophy same school." and religious studies and sociology This year, another Addeo sister departments, replaces Kimberly entered the picture. Terri, the Stevenson Parks who recently youngest is a freshman biochemis- moved to the major gifts staff. try major .. White she likes always Before coming to WMC, he having one of her sisters to turn to, served as pastor of Emory United Terri agrees with Christy in that she Methodist Church in Upperco and initially did not want to attend spiritual director of SI. Mary's WMC. Spiritual Center in Baltimore. However, Jenny views the situ- Lancaster, who has taught En- ation differently. "Christy is jeal- glish and biblical studies in West ous because [had one year by my- Africa, earned a master of divinity self and Terri will have a year degree from Wesley Theological alone; she'll always have one of Seminary and a bachelor's degree Susan Cullison, a secretary in the president's office, enjoys having her son Chris, a freshman, around WMC. us here,"she said. from Frostburg State University. She said her husband, a WMC alumni, played a part in Chris' decision 10 attend the college. Courtesy of Public Information
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