Page 43 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 43
FEATURES Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 15 President chats about campuschanges Sound Advice From BY NICKI KASSOUS will be the most expensive in Before the game, Chambers Sam: Assistam Features EdilOr WMC'shislOry. will ride in the parade and host a In a recent interview, Western The cost to rebuild Old Gill lunch at his house for WMC's 25 Maryland College President Rob- may not have been as expensive as year reunion class of 1972. The Dear Sam, decided not to pursue any rela- ert Chambers, discussed the many the new science building, but class will then return to his house I don't normally write 10 tionship. But this semester, projects in which he is involved, as Chambers is still pleased with the after the game for a wine and people I don't know for advice, things have changed. I want well as the many ways the face of renovations. "It is incredibly gor- cheese reception. but here it goes. I'm a guy who very much to go out with him, WMC is changing. geous," he said. "Within a month According to Chambers, the is in love with a girl on campus but I'm not sure how to go about The Capital Campaign, WMC's or so, we would like to have some importance of homecoming is to but don't know if I should tell massive fund-raising drive, contin- sort of reception and invite all of give alumni an opportunity to her how I feel. You see, a very doing it. We really don', talk a lot as we once did, but I whole ues to captivate much of Dr. Cham- the firefighters [who battled the "hang out on campus again." He good friend of mine also has want to change that. Can you bersume. "It's going quite well," enjoys seeing old, familiar faces strong feelings for this girl. help me? said Chambers, adding that $30 on campus and showing current Should I ask her out even though million of the proposed $40 million "I know the dining WMC students that the college my friend may get hurt in the - A Little too Late goal has already been raised. hall is crowded and community includes more people process? Is it really worth it? In addition to fund-raising, than they see on a daily basis. Chambers looks forward to an up- classes are "It's great to have an opportu- Thanks for your help. coming retreat with the entire nity for people to return to cam- - Confused Dear Little, want to go out If you really Board of Trustees. On the week- crowded. To me pus, and they always do," Cham- end of November 7-9, Chambers these are good bers said. with him, then you should take and just do it - call the initiative will accompany the board to the In the coming years, a grow- Dear Confused, him or better yet, make arrange- Aspen Institute Wye River Confer- problems to have. " ing number of students will be re- I think you should ask out ments to meet with him in per- ence Centers on Maryland's East- turning for homecoming because this girl if you are indeed in love son and simply ask him 10 din- ern Shore. The retreat will provide Dr. Robert Chambers WMC currently has its largest with her because you'll always ner or just tell him that you'd time for hiking and various other freshman class in irs history. wonder what would have hap- like to spend more time with outdoor activities. blazes last December]." "We've maintained our quality pened if you do not. Also, I "We want the trustees to get to The success ofWMC's football despite our increase in numbers," think it's good that you are tak- him. He may respect you even know one another and spend a team has Chambers looking for- said Chambers. ing into consideration the feel- more for being honest. And who for he is waiting maybe knows, couple of days discussing what ward to an exciting homecoming. Although he knows the in- ings of your friend. But I feel if you to "make the first move." trustees should do related 10 the "They've got their best record crease in the WMC population you are honest with your friend college," Chambers said. since 1968 and the last undefeated has caused problems with hous- about your own intentions con- Related to the college, Cham- team since 1951," says Cham- ing, class size, and dining ser- cerning this girl, then he will re- Are you having a troubled bers is enthusiastic about the large bers, who adds that four of the vices, he is optimistic. spect you for your honesty in the love life? Are you about ready freshman class, the winning foot- next five games are against tough "I know the dining hall is long run. True, he may get hurt to strangle your roommate? Is ball team, the reopening of Old Gin opponents. crowded and classes are crowded. at first, but ifhe is a true friend, life in general just not treating Gymnasium, and the new science Chambers will attend the To me these are good problems he will come around in time. All you right? Well never fear, building. Chambers regrets that a homecoming game against to have," he said. the best! "Sam" will lend an ear. New to plethora of trees were removed to Franklin & Marshall. At half- In the future, Chambers does the Phoenix staff, Sam promises make room for the new building. time, he will present the Young not see the college admitting as to offer "sound advice" to cure Yet he promises that "we will re- Alumni Service Award, the many students. Dear Sam, all your woes. Letters can be place every one of those [trees]." Alumna of the Year, and the "I'm not sure we want to ex- Last semester I went out on dropped off in Sam's box located AI $13.5 million, the new building James Brant Memorial Award. pand the college." a date with this guy, and I had a behind the information desk Library department restructuring nice time. However, I felt that counter in Decker Student Cen- right for me, so Iter. he just wasn't BY JONATHON SHACAT Results of Honor & Senior Writer Most students in the library spend their time huddled between Conduct Board bearings the library shelves with their noses in a book. But few may realize that The Honor & Conduct Board disciplinary probation through the library administration has re- adjudicated a case on Friday, the Spring 1998 semester. cently restructured some of the de- October 3,1997, involving two The other student in this in- partments in Hoover Library, and students charged with violating cident was also found respon- plans are underway to hire an the college's policy on physical evening reference librarian. harassment. sible and was placed on conduct Cataloging and acquisitions has One student was found re- probation through the end of the been combined to make technical sponsible and was required to Spring 1998 semester. services and systems, eliminating move off campus for the re- an unfilled staff position. Dave mainder of the Fall 1997 semes- Courtesy of Scott Kane Neikirk, the library director, ter as well as being placed on projects to use the money from that department to hire an evening ref- erence librarian. Community Service Opportunity Circulation is now called access services. As the name changed, so Jane Sharpe's job ill Hoover Library has a new title and description. As Attention students, faculty, and staff. CorroU County too did the focus of it. ''The em- access services librarian, she oversees the deparrmenlformerly known as in need of, supportive ~ Iobeeome phasis is on serving the people, not circulation. I> people living with HIV en-. inventory of physical objects," said Buddies ttuIy make a ~l1t~bavc Neikirk. well with people and asked her to ticles that professors place on re- 011, _1Mty, and a siiiliie;ofilll:pJlrywilave!he One person directly affected by change from catalog librarian to serve. these changes is Jane Sharpe. Her circulation, now called access ser- "It is hectic," she said. "The ties we need; title and job description were vices. nature of access service is busy." Buddies oIfercarins friendabip, companignship, and changed; she is the new access ser- "She is very efficient, has a Even though she is still getting tical suppan 10people facing an \IDCCIt8in ful1a. vices librarian. wonderful attention to detail, at the used to the workload, Sharpe still You might find yourself taking a special mea110 so Lori Voskuil, the former circu- same time has an outstanding man- wants students to know that, "my lation librarian, resigned in the end ner, outstanding people skills," said door is always open to them when one m!he hospital, helping with simple chores, or spending of the spring semester. Neikirk did Neikirk. "She knows her onions I am here, so please come and dis- a quiet evening listening to someone who needs to talk. not elaborate on why Voskuilleft. and has a great manner." cuss if they have an inquiry." HERO is now accepting registrations for the November He simply said, "People come and With her new job, Sharpe has Both Sharpe and Carol Quinn, 14-16 Buddy Training. go." new duties. She handles student head reference librarian, received If you want to know more about this rewatding program. When the position opened up, concerns with overdue books, and awards at the October faculty meet- Neikirk recalled that Sharpe works catalogs the large amount of ar- ing for 25 years of service to WMC. call HERO VoIunIeer~4~80.extension
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