Page 28 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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IlfilllR TiJffilr S,,,, ..ts Profile on senior volleyball setter Carrie Shadrick +See page 14 Volume XVI, Number 2 Western Maryland College Terrorfieldhockey slowly improving 8Y SHAWN SPRAGm: and Melissa Reynolds helps fortify dropped the Terror's to 0-4 for the StajJWr;/er the defense. juniors Amy North season. and Kerry Wilson are crucial to the Two days later, the team won The WMC field hockey team Terror's fast-break style offense. their first game against York by a is chocked full of enthusiasm, and 1991 WMC alumnus Tracey score of 3-2. is looking forward to the second Folio, in her third year as head Senior Marjorie Hargrave half of the fall season, There is a coach, is quite optimistic of her scored twice in the first half, these 101of new talent, and the team has team's potential. Though the team goals were sandwiched between the potential to become competi- has a 2-5 record, she stresses that Katie Haley's team-leading third of tive. it has been dominant in most of the the year as the Lady Terror led 3-0 This season, 12 of the team's games. "We need to work on stay- at halftime. 26 players are freshmen. Through- ing strong in the second half," she This win snapped a five-game out the first half of this season, they said. Coach Folio also said that the losing streak dating back to the fi- have both learned and enjoyed the team has a lot of camaraderie, and nal game of the 1996 season. sport. The bonds that the freshmen that "every minute has been memo- Following their first victory, the' have developed over the course of rable." team came back to lose to F&M on this season will carry the team Although the team started September 23. through the next four years, and be slowly, they have been gradually Senior Katie Haley put WMC a foundation for future success. improving. in front with the only goal of the Junior Amy North, currently the'leading scorer for the team, successfully "Once the team clicks, we will be On September 16 they played first half, only to have F& M re- maintains possession of the ball. Although starting slow, the season seems unstoppable," exclaims freshman extremely competitively against turn to score four in the second. to be improving for the Lady Terrors. Ashley Meehan. Notre Dame. WMC fell 3-4 this The Terror also fell to Carol Caine, Andrea Cook, and With so much fresh talent on the Upperclassmen also play an game, but lost in overtime. Muhlenberg by a score of 3-1 just Kim Brady. team this season, it will be interest- important role on this year's team. Unable to hold a 3-0 halftime four days later. Junior Amy North had WMC's ing to see what happens in the up- Captains Katie Haley and Marge lead, tbey came up empty-handed The ladies were scored on by only goal in the second half, tying coming games and seasons on the Hargrave lead the offensive attack, in the last half of tbe game. This three separate Muhlenberg players, her for the team lead with four. HilL Terror football remains unbeaten; currently 4-0 overall BY JF.SSICA VERMILLION Tommy Selecky caused Bullets' On his seventeenth carry, Four minutes and 21 seconds times. DeFreitas' total of 32 carries Staff Writer running back Helwig to fumble. DeFreitas fumbled the ball, and the into the fourth quarter the Terrors and 152 yards marked his personal Western Maryland defeated Burgos recovered the ball for no Bullets recovered it. Gettysburg had driven 59 yards and Sermarini best. Gettysburg 55-7 on the road Sat- gam. took the opportunity to drive for 86 completed a pass to senior wide For their fourth victory, WMC urday, September 20. Junior run- WMC drove 73 yards, and yards and a touchdown, putting the _ receiver Donte Abron. Sandrock defeated Ursinus College 20-10 on ning back Gavin DeFreitas and scored their first touchdown of the Bullets on the scoreboard 20-7, the failed to convert the extra point Saturday, September 27 in Scott S. sophomore quarterback Ron Ser- game in two minutes and 37 sec- score at halftime. making the score 41-7. Bair Stadium. marini led the Terror to victory. onds. DeFreitas ran five yards for Gettysburg started the second Two plays into tbe Bullets' Pes- Jay Tharpe ran for two touch- DeFreitas rushed for 152 yards tbe touchdown on his twelfth carry half but two and a half minutes into session Brown intercepted and two touchdowns. Sermarini of the afternoon. The lead was now it had to punt on fourth down and Flaherty's pass and returned it for downs and WMC limited Ursinus to 160 total yards. completed 17 of27 passes for 214 12-0. J 8 yards to go. On their next pos- 26 yards. Thirty seconds later jun- Tharpe, a junior fullback, yards, continuing his 62 percent On the Bullets' third down of session the Terror would not score, ior quarterback Justin Sheridan capped a seven-play, 33-yard drive completion record from last year. their second possession of the sec- but Def-reitas rushed for 24 yards. snuck one yard for a touchdown. with an eight-yard m run to give The Terror scored first off a 33 ond quarter, junior defensive line- Again WMC's defense forced WMC terrorized Bullets quar- WMC a 14-0 lead with 4: 17 left in yard field goal by freshman Brent man Mike Tice sacked quarterback the Bullets to punt, this time on terback Flaherty as he fumbled the second quarter. His second TD Sandrock with 6:32 left in the first Fugaro, who fumbled the ball. fourth down and 11 yards to go. twice in one possession. Tice re- carry from seven yards out pushed quarter. Two plays later the Terror Freshman defensive lineman Kevin The Terror drove 25 yards, and covered the second fumble for no the Green Terror advantage to 20-7 regained possession with sopho- Kramer recovered the ball for no Sennarini completed a touchdown gain. at the 8:55 mark of the third quar- more defensive back Anthony gain. pass to junior running back Jay Freshman quarter back Joe ter. Burgos' interception and 37 yard Sermarini and Defreitas gained Tharpe. Sermarini connected with Rineer finished the game. The WMC opened the scoring with return. II yards as Def-reitas scored his Tharpe again for the two point con- Terror's 18 yard ended with a 12: 16 left in the second quarter, as Holding Gettysburg to just 15 second touchdown, giving WMC version. The Terror led 28-7. Rineer completion to freshman sophomore quarterback Ron Ser- yards in the first quarter, WMC an 18-0 lead. Gettysburg punted again on wide recerver Mike Starke. marini found senior wide receiver entered the second quarter leading The Terror opted for the two fourth and five. Freshman tight-end Sandrock's field goal was good Trey Rash bebind the Ursinus sec- 3~0. WMC scored first, two and a point conversion, and Sermarini leff Groff blocked Rumsey's punt. bringing the score to 55-7 ondary for a 53-yard touchdown half minutes into the second quar- completed a pass to senior wide re- Four plays and 26 yards later the Each team had another unsuc- bomb. ter. Sandrock kicked a 26 yard field ceiver Trey Rush to make it 20-0. Terror scored off a Sermarini cessful possession after the Junior running back Gavin goal to put the Te~or up 6-0. The Bullets managed to rush for completion to Rash. Terror's last touchdown. Defreitas led all rushers with 106 The Terror defense continued two yards before senior defensive Sandrock's kick for the extra In all the Terror made three in- yards on 31 carries, extending his to harass the Bullets' offensive back Kevin Brown intercepted a point was good and WMC led 35- tercepticns, forced five fumbles, line. Sophomore linebacker Fugaro pass and was tackled. 7 going into the fourth quarter. and sacked the quarterback six Continued on page 14
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