Page 19 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 19
Thursday. October 2, 1997 - Page 7 Triple rooms created WMC enrollment nears capacity to accommodate large crease in financial from page J years, according toO' Connell. This Continued aid would affect how many prospective students means that of the total number of freshman class No. of new students: 504 chose WMC. As a result, enroll- students who begin their college only 60% of them ment was at its lowest in ten years career at WMC, with just 333 students, according to complete their education here. No, of transfers: 67 O'Connell. This was the only year With this in mind, it can be said scholarship money was withheld. that the campus population might Age range: 16-47 When considering just the decrease slightly as the year freshman class, this year's enroll- progresses. As this happens, stu- Percentage of women: 56.2 ment is a 14% increase over the dents can spread out more in resi- Class of 2000, which consisted of dence halls and other crowded ar- No. of different states: 19 441 students. "People are feeling crowded, O'Connell said she has received No. of international students: 36 but it's all in comparison to what feedback from students withdraw- you're used to from when your ing from WMC. The college's rela- Most pop. name: Jennifer class came in," O'Connell said. tively small population is often a The size of the freshman class factor in their leaving. She hopes Most pop. male name: Michael must also be considered in relation that the increase will appeal 10 to WMC's retention rate, which is those who want a larger student currently around 60% over four body. Campus Safety Blotter JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA Space is tight in the newly-created triples, where watl-to-watt furniture doesn't give new students much room. -On 9112 at 1:40 a.m. at DoCS a student reports that 5 days earlier -On 9120 at 11:27 p.m. inANW suited to hold three people, Kane a student complains of illness, but BY EMILY STAMATIIIS she was sexually assaulted. The a student is documented for an al- Assistant News Editar explained. declines DoCS assistance. student declines to participate in an cohol violation. "We're lucky our rooms are big -On 9113 at 12:34 a.m. in investigation by DoCS or West- 'On 9120 at 11:35p.m. inANW Under pressure to accommo- enough that they can become triples Blanche Ward a student was docu- minster police. lot a student and visitor are docu- date the unexpectedly large Class and not be overcrowded," said mented for an alcohol violation. -On 9/18 at 12:03 a.m. in Rou- mented for alcohol violations. of2001, the College was forced to Dean of Admissions Martha -On 9113 at 12:37 a.m. in zer two students were documented -On 9/20al 11:35 p.m. inANW convert 40 double-occupancy O'Connell. Blanche Ward a student was docu- for alcohol violations. a non student is documented for an rooms into triples at the beginning Kane, as well as O'Connell, mented for an alcohol violation. -On 9/18 at 8:38 p.m. in Rou- alcohol violation. of this year pointed out that although it's pos- -On 9/13 at 10:29 p.m. in zer lot an employee reported van- -On 9120 at II :43 p.m. in The triple rooms were split be- sible, this isn't the optimum hous- McDaniel a student was docu- dalism to his auto. tween Rouzer and Whiteford Halls. ing situation. "We don't want to mented for failing to leave a build- -On 9/19 at 1:00 a.m. in Rou- ANW a student is documented for an alcohol violation. According to Director of Residence make a habit out of turning double ing during a fire alarm. zer lot a student was documented -On 9121 at 12:23 a.m. inANW Life Scott Kane, it is his goal to rooms into triples," Kane said. -On 9/l3 at 10:31 p.m. in for public urination and an alcohol a studem is documented {or an ill- break down all the triples by the Freshman Susan Pence was McDarriel a student was docu- violation. cohol violation. end of the fall semester. A total of more than a little surprised when mented for failing to leave a build- -On 9/19 at 1;02 a.m. in Rou- -On 9/21 at 12:48 a.m. in she found out she'd be sharing her ing during a fire alarm. zer hall a student was documented Whiteford a student reports being "We don't want to Whiteford double with two other -On9/13al 10:51 p.m. inANW for disorderly conduct. harassed by phone. The caller is a people. "When Igot the form in the a visitor was documented for an al- -On 9/19 at 6:55 a.m. in the make a habit out of mail saying I'd have two room- cohol violation. grounds shop lot an employee re- student who is documented for con- duct violations. turning double mates, I assumed the room would -On9/l4at 12:47a.m.inANW ports theft of an auto battery from -On 9121 at 12:58 a.m. inANW be bigger," Pence said. lot two visitors were documented a college auto. a student is documented for alco- rooms into triples." The arrangement is working out fora fist fight. hol and conduct violations. for Pence and her roommates un- -On 9114 at I:27 a.m. in Rou- -On 9121 at I:52 a.m. in ANW Scott Kane der the circumstances, but it's not easy. With three desks, three dress- 21 converted triples remain at this ers, two bunked beds and a loft bed, several assaults in progress. point. the room is packed. They also had problems, the student was Once arrived, officers Because enrollment numbers to figure out how the three women documented for alcohol par- generally drop at the beginning of would share two closets. poisoning. The student were able to identify wit- involved ties and the semester due to freshman no- A shortage of electrical outlets was transported to Car- nesses and document the shows and students deciding not to is one of Pence's greater concerns. roll County General Hos- incident. live on campus, the rest of the With one electrical power strip pital (CCGH) by ambulance. population is usually given an op- plugged into another, "I'm worried -On 9/14 at 1:40 a.m. -On 9/21 at2:19a.m.out- portunity to "spread out," Kane said. This has been the case this "I really like my student. The student was trans- nonstudent's complaint of assault year as well. ported to CCGH by ambulance. by a student. Except for honors students who roommates, but I -On 9/14 at 7:25 p.m. in Penna p.m. Blanche hall a 10 may reside in Daniel MacLea, first- Ave. houses DoCS EMT met a stu- student was documented for an al- ANW -On 9/21 at 2:34 a.m. outside the of is documenting DoCS year students have no choice other need my space. " dent complaining of medical prob- cohol violation. above incident when in the pres- than to occupy Rouzer and White- lems. The student declines assis- -On 9/19 at 11:56 p.m. in ence of the campus police officer ford Halls. Susan Pence tance. At 10: 13 p.m. that same day Blanche a student was documented one student assaults another stu- Although upperclassmen live in that student requested transport to for several conduct and alcohol vio- dent. The student offender is taken these buildings as well, only fresh- about starting a fire," she said. CCGH. lations. into custody, and iater released. men were put into the newly-made When she's able to participate -On 9/15 at 12:38 a.m. in -On 9/19 at 11:57 p.m. in Charges both on campus and in dis- triples. According to Kane, the in the room draw process for next :Whiteford an RA reported getting Blanche a student was documented trict court are filed. housing arrangement was planned year, Pence said she definitely harassing phone calls. for an alcohol violation. -On 9121 at 3:45 p.m. in ANW depending on when students made wants to live in a double room with -On 9116 at 8:19 a.m. in Baker -On 9/19 at 11:59 p.m. in a student reports possible unautho- their deposits. just one other person. Memorial Chapel an injured stu- Blanche a student was documented rized entry to her room. A discount of $147 was given "I really like my rooJ!lmates, dent was treated by DoCS para- to all students occupying tripled but I need my space," Pence said. medic. The student declined any for an alcohol violation. a.m. in On 9121 at 8: 01 p.m. in PELC -On 9/20 a stu- and transports treats at 1:43 DoCS double-occupancy rooms. If the WMC population contin- additional services. McDaniel two students were docu- dent with a broken finger to CCGH. When deciding which rooms ues to rise, there is a possibility that -On 9/l6at 5:22 p.m. in Englar would be converted into triples, a new residence hall might be built Dining hall DoCS EMT and DoCS mented for noise violations. a.m. in -On 9122 at 8:31 a.m. at DoCS at 2:30 9/20/97 -On Kane said the doubles were evalu- According to Kane, the college is paramedic treat an employee with McDaniel two students were docu- a student is documented for an al- ated to choose the most spacious only beginning to look into whether medical problems. The employee cohol violation. ones. For example, the rooms at the this might be necessary in the fu- was transported by ambulance to mented for noise violations. of -On 9122 at 11:15 p.m. in Penna -On 9120 at 5:30 a.m. outside ends of Rouzer halls are approxi- ture. CCGH Blanche DoCS discovered vandal- Ave. houses a student reports be- mately five feet longer, and more -On 9/16 at 8:45 p.m. at DoCS ism to the emergency phone. ing harassedby phone.
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