Page 18 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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WMC student reports sexual assault on campus Victim requests that no further action be taken !IV KATE HAMPSON help people deal with rumors." News Editor He also stated that it is a federal law to inform the community of any reports of fed- A WMC student has reported being sexu- eral crimes. He feels that it is "important for ally assaulted on campus. students to be appraised of anything that The attack took place on September 12, could jeopardize "their safety." but no details as to the nature of the assault Both Webster and Sayre feel that, in gen- have been released. eral, Western Maryland College is a safe The victim has requested that the College place to be. "I'm convinced that Ihis is a safer cease investigating and has declined to re- campus than most," said Webster. port the matter to the police. "I think this is a very, very safe campus," In accordance with the victim's wishes, Sayre acquiesced. However, he added that Members of ASAP learn fa work together for a common purpose on a recent retreat no further action has been taken. Director of nowhere in the world is one hundred percent ASAP wins national award Campus Safety Mike Webster explained that safe: "There are always risks. It is our job as when someone assaulted, has been sexually a community to make sure that the environ- it is important to restore their wishes. of control and not go against the victim's sense ment is as safe as possible." this One step that they are taking towards growth and impact since its founding in Fall Speaking in general terms about the is- UY CHRISTIAN WILWOHL 1994. She mentioned that after one year the goal is an examination of the lighting around News Editor sue of sexual assault, he said, "We don't campus. organization won the Griswald-Zepp Award browbeat rape victims; if you do so you kind One evening last week, members of the Nationally recognized ASAP (Aids Sup- in recognition of its service. In addition, she of rape them again." Administration, Campus Safety, Mainte- port, Awareness and Prevention) recently un- said WMC has given the group a suite and Dean of Student Affairs Philip Sayre is- nance, Physical Plant, and 5 students made veiled its flag to the campus at the group's funding because "the college recognizes the sued a memo and a phone mail message last a walking tour of the campus to see which flag-presentation ceremony outside Daniel members are sincere in what they are doing." week to clarify rumors about the attack which areas most need new lighting. MacLeaHall. During the flag-presentation ceremony, have been circulating the campus. Sayre said According to Sayre, areas examined in- According to the organization's current Liz valuer. one ASAP's founding members, that they were sent out to make people un- clude the alley behind the Pennsylvanla Av- President Shannon Tinney, the flag repre- said that the organization has grown from a derstand "that we were not oblivious to the enue houses, the ANW parking lot, the path sents "a way of showing school spirit and small group of students practicing skits in whole thing." from Harrison House to the main campus, making the group more visible to the cam- Whiteford Hall's laundry room to a widely- He explained that "it is important to com- pus." recognized campus organization. municate hard information when we can, to and the pathway between Forlines and Elderdice. The flag, displaying the group's name in Valuet further explained that ASAP now black letters and theAlDS awareness red rib- provides AIDS education programming on Sex, religion, and society in bon symbol in the center, hangs from a win- campus and throughout the state. dow in Daniel MacLea Hall where the orga- Earlier this semester, ASAP held an over- nization has a suite. night retreat at nearby Camp Hashawha. Ac- Ridington Lecture Tinney said that Emily Grant's father cording to. Tinney, the group planned this made and donated the flag. Grant, a senior, year's events, and the occasion gave old and Sex in the headlines is an attention grab- charged with adultery after divorcing his first is one of ASAP's founding members. new members the opportunity to work to- ber. Always will be. wife. The Catholic Church, she noted, had Recently, the Bacchus and Gamma Peer gether. But that titillating fascination isn't some- not recognized the end of his first marriage Education Network awarded ASAP a na- In December, ASAP plans to host four thingjust the current generation or even folks and brought serious charges when he remar- tional award for Most Outstanding in the sections of the NAMES Project Memorial of the 20th century can claim. ried. "Hope Needs Help" category for the best Quilt to observe World AIDS Day, Decem- It goes way back, according to Mary Beth A renowned educator and historian, Dr. ~ year-round programming in 1997. ber I. The sections will be on display in Norton, a researcher who will discuss "Sex, Norton is currently studying gender and so- This award includes two complimentary Ensor Lounge. Religion and Society in Early Maryland," at ciety in early America from 1670-1750. registrations at the 1997 Bacchus and Since this year's theme is "Children Liv- Western Maryland College's 7th Annual The research is a follow-up to her 1996 Gamma General Assembly which takes place ing in a World with AIDS," Tinney explained Ridington Lecture on October 7, at 8 p.m., book, "Founding Mothers & Fathers: November 13-15 in St. Louis, MO. that other campus groups that work with chil- in McDaniel Lounge. Gendered Power and the Forming of Ameri- In addition, ASAP received $500 for dren have been invited to participate in this Of course, in those days the mere men- can Society" which tracks changes from the transportation and hotel accommodations for program. The STAY students' children will tion of sexual impropriety, especially adul- time of English settlement until 1670. two people, according to Tinney. provide artwork for the display, and Sense tery, was big news and big trouble for those Dr. Norton earned a bachelor's degree Ginger Parke, a member of ASAP, and of Pride's children will write about the im- involved, Dr. Norton said. with high distinction and high honors from Bonnie Bosley, the group's advisor, will go pact of AIDS. In addition, a children's choir Her lecture will focus on a high profile the University of Michigan, and a master's to the conference. will perform on campus. case from the 1600's in which a man was degree and Ph.D. from Harvard University. At the conference, Parke and Bosley will Bosley said that off-campus organizations attend sessions on alcoholism, sexual assault, such as the Carroll County Arts Council, Courtesy of Public Information HIV, and peer education. Parke said that af- Carroll County Health Department, and the ter the conference she will receive her certi- AIDS Alliance will participate. Party Ice & Supplies fication as a peer educator. Tinney mentioned that ASAP plans to add In addition, Parke will participate in a the organization to the college's web-page theater workshop at the conference to gain sometime this year. She said, "Other col- new ideas for the skits that ASAP performs leges can see what we're doing and give us during its programs. feedback. This will provide a means for ex- Bosley was positive about ASAP's changing ideas between campuses." "All the Forks" A. S. A. P. Westminster, MD 21157 113 W Main. St. In one recent U.S. study. about one-half of the Milwaukee's Best $7.69 sexually experienced teenagers Maryland's Best $6.99 had failed to use a condom the last time they had intercourse. Tel: (410) 848-3466 .u Lottery ~ Lotto
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