Page 16 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 16
Thursday.Dctober 2, 1997 ~ Page 4 COMMENTARY Effects of large freshman class felt all over campus With Glar lines reaching as- far as the bookstore and an available computer harder 10 find than a Tickle Me Elmo doll was last Christmas, WMC students are feeling the effects of the biggest freshman class in the school's history. [0 spite of Provost Joan Coley's comment thai she doesn't "think we've reached capac- ity," the Phoenix staff certainly disagrees. When double rooms are being made Into triples and twenty-three freshman English Composition and Reading sections are needed, it seems to us that the college is over- crowded. One issue that does not yet seem to have been raised is how this class will be accommodated as their college career progresses. Both men and women have been forced to live in a cramped environment. Adjust- ing to college life is hard enough, but such close quarters must make it even more diffi- cult to learn to live with strangers. Aside from the relationship difficulties, lack of space has more practical concerns. Two small closets provide hardly enough Another practical problem is the short- One issue that does not yet seem to have moment; it is hard to imagine what it will be space for two residents, let alone three. It is age of electrical outlets. Freshmen are caus- been raised is how this class will be accom- like a year from now. Although the Harrison impossible to fit a third closet in these rooms; ing a definite fire hazard as they are forced modated as their college career progresses. House lot is due to be expanded, the new certainly this means that they are not suit- to create a chain of linked power supplies in What will happen when they are allowed to science building will eliminate so many able for a third occupant. order to accommodate their appliances. have cars on campus? Parking is tight at the spaces that it will hardly be felt. What will happen when the freshmen move into upper-class housing? Will doubles be converted to triples in McDaniel, ANW, and Blanche as well? If the college intends to continue admitting such large freshman classes, a new residence hall will soon be needed. Greek floors are already filled to capac- ity. In some cases, members of the organiza- tions have been unable to take advantage of their housing due to lack of space. Larger As the freshman class has grown so drastically, we're forced to wonder if the college is lowering its admission standards. freshman classes mean that sororities and fraternities will only get bigger. Future Greeks deserve the same housing opportu- nities as their·predecessors. As the freshman class has grown so dras- tically, we're forced to wonder if the college is lowering its admission standards. If this is the case, in a few years' time, a degree from Western Maryland College will not be worth At OCSyou'lI develop tne qualitIes you need to be- what it is today. come a Manne Offlrer Invaluable tramlng that could If these assumptions are true, the Phoe- the '"st step towards prepanng you for a MariJJes what It takes 10 be a leaderof Mannes,you nix feels thai the administration is doing the a Manne Off,cer Officer CandIdates School (OCS)IS lead to an ex[mng career m aVIatIon If you've got By opening an injustice. students its doors future beyondanythmgyou could imagme .,..""""_""""'_ could get an offlcP WItha spectacular View to such an inflated number of new students without the facilities to handle them, the col- lege is denying everyone the opportunity to \1 \ it I" I o I I Ie f it make the most of their time at WMC. For more information about the Platoon Leaders Class Aviation and The above editorial is the opinion of the Ground Officer Programs for Freshmen - Seniors, see Captain Gustafson In Phoenix's editorial board. not anyone indi- the Student Union TODAY from 10:00am - 2:00pm or call (301) 394-0519. vidual.
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