Page 22 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 22
.J Thursday, October 2, 1997 _ Page 10 FEATURES Letter from abroad: G'Day from Down Under G'DayWMC, to get here from the USA. Hello from the Land Down Under! I hope Australian culture is very different than everyone has had a good start to the begin- back home. Things are a lot more laid back ning of fall semester and thai things are go- here. Australians have their own type of ing well. slang and word endings as well. Almost ev- Things down here in the southern hemi- erything gets shortened and -ie or -y added sphere are a lot different. I started classes to the end. Also, you have to make sure to July 21 at the Queensland Conservatorium remember that chips are french fries and of Music at Griffith University in Brisbane. crisps are potato chips. If you ask for fries, So far, classes are going pretty well. It is no one will know what you are talking about. about week seven now, and only three more So far, traveling has been fun. I have weeks until Spring Holiday. taken a couple of trips to Surfer's Paradise The plane trip takes about 23 hours be- and the Gold Coast Beaches, as well as the tween connections and the 16hour flight over Sunshine Coast and Cairns up into the the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't too had, except Daintree Rainforest up north. All of the just about every flight had the same meal, places have been great and the natives are and each showed "The Saint" as the movie. very friendly. Trust me, don't rent it! However, you have to be careful where Classes are run a little differently here. you go in the rainforests because of the Each class has a one-two hour lecture and crocodiles in the rivers. Also, at the beach, some have a two hour tutorial as well. Most only swim between the green flags. Even of the assignments are done independently though there is no real chance of it, shark outside of classes and tutorials. When you Between studying and sight-seeing, Jimmy Reddan found time 10take this picture of a kangaroo. attacks do happen. register for classes, then you go to find out These animals are among the many exotic sights he will see while studying in Australia. Many of the parks have Aboriginal sites what time they are, and you can forget about lot of fun to do and Ihave met a lot of inter- into a "dent." Also, you can take a ferry ride along the way. A couple that Ihave been to the MWF, 1TH system. esting people so far. down the Brisbane River, see a show at the had some cave art and tribal dances that you There are all kinds of things to do at the There is always plenty to do in the city. Queensland Performing Arts Complex, or can watch. "con," including being in the choir and other The big thing is to go to the koala sanctuary just browse around on the Queen StreetMall. Later, Iwill be going to Kangaroo Island groups and participating in Opera and hold a koala and pet or feed some kan- City Hall is also a great place to tour if you in the South and to Tasmania, Sydney, Queensland. Right now, "AIDA" is in town garoos. Public transportation is great and want to know about the history of Brisbane. Melbourne, and Perth. Then it isoverto New and many of the students, including myself, pretty cheap, just make sure you remember Or you can alwaysjust get a couple of friends Zealand for a brief stop in Fiji before I re- are playing extras in the production. It's a to drive on the left side and try not to get and go have a Barbie over the South Bank turn. Things should get pretty interesting of the river. along the way. Night life in the city and on campus is a Well, that's it so far from my journey whole other story. The drinking age is 18, down under. There will be a lot more to tell so anyone and everyone is out and about. you when I return in January. Hope every- There is some kind of club or bar-on every one has a great fall semester (it's just turn- corner, but don't get too "pissed off" or they ing into summer here)! Iwill see everyone won't let you drive home. Thursday nights when Iget back. I miss everyone and please are "Uni-nights" in town and spirits (includ- keep in touch! ing beer) are $1. Make sure you ask for a Ta! "pot," and not a glass oryou will get a whole Jimmy Reddan pitcher. If you want to go out to eat, don't Mt. Gravatt Res. 8221 plan anything else. An average meal takes Griffith Uni about 4 to 5 hours, but the plus side to that is Nathan, QLD4111 in Australia, you don't have to tip. Australia As far as other things go,Australia is still e-mail: a little behind in the movie circuit and other multi-media things. "Men in Black" opens Jimmy Redden is a juniot; musidtheater major here in October. News takes about two days Few.WMC students take advantage of Study Abroad. BY SHEA HENYON Foreign Study. COnlriblllingW~iler The affiliate is the "middle man" who According to a 1996 survey of 11 col- is responsible for coordinating every- leges conducted by WMC's Director of thing from the flight to the classes a stu- Study Abroad, Dr. Martine Motard- dents takes at the school overseas. SAFE Noar, WMC has the lowest number of Gettysburg has its own programs, study- When a college such as Beaver or students a year studying abroad, with little hope for improvement. ing abroad becomes cheaper for the stu- "WMC's numbers are pathetic," says ZONE Motard-Noar. The question remains: dent; therefore, more students are inter- ested. why aren't more WMC students study- This is what Motard-Noar describes ing abroad? Motard-Noar says the main reason as the "vicious cycle." If more students were interested, then WMC could imple- WMC's numbers are so low is that WMC ment programs, and it would become Blue Jean Day financial aid does not transfer to the possible for financial aid and scholar- school abroad. ships to transfer, which would allow Allies has designated October 9 as Blue Jean Day. Anyone who wishes to show support for In order for students to study abroad WMC to control costs and keep from gay, lesbian, and bisexual rights should wear blue jeans. The purpose of this day is to they have to go through another college loosing money. increase awareness and to show support for the diversity of sexual orientations on campus. or a center because WMC does not have Dr. Tom Deveny, professor of foreign In addition, "safe zones" will be provided from this day forward for students and an established study abroad program. language, points to other reasons why faculty who wish to demonstrate their sexual orientation or show their support for others Instead, WMC is affiliated with com- demonstrating their sexual preference. Anyone can come to the Safe Zones, and should schools, such as Gettysburg, have more feel free to discuss any problems that they may be experiencing, whether or not the monly used programs such as Beaver students going abroad. Gettysburg has problems are sex-related. Safe Zone stickers will be available to anyone who wishes to College and the American Institute for a two-year foreign language requirement designate their dorm room, office, or other private area as a Safe Zone. Continued on page 12
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