Page 14 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 14
COMMENTARY THE SOAPBOX ~::g~~~I~~ I AdamDean I AdvertJslng Manager Hey everybody! I know it is about time to for these poor hamish souls? What?! What be a show to watch. Laura Kelley 'OJ begin getting serious, but right now J don't feel did you say? Nooo, that is a bad idea. Yes, I Howaboutan all new"Hogan's Heroes?" Business Manager like it. So compadre, what should we write about know it works for stray dogs and cats but I really have problems with any show that's TaraBonjourni'99 today? I know! I know! Let's talk about televi- you can't do that with people. And besides, mainpurposeseemsto be to show the "lighter News Editors sion. Why television? Well, why the heck not? the ACLU would be all over you like a Vice side"of Nazism. Idon't see why theydon't go ~;i~WfJ::~~8 Many people watch television. As a matter of President on a Buddhist Nun's pocketbook. the whole way and make people really angry. fact,I wouldbet almost all of youdo.That sweet, They couldmakethe"Heroes"bethepoorNazi So back to "Dharma," Iguess Ijust didn't AlslstaDt News Edttor alluring mind-candy sucks all of us in when we get this show. The first episode didn't make prisonguardsforcedtodealwithunrulyAmeri- Emily Stamathis '00 are supposed to be doing other things. It calls to any sense. These two people meet each other canprisonerswhosebehaviorcausesthemdeep us. "Come, come. Watch me. Don't worry about and then about ten minutes later they are emotionalpainandpreventsthem fromfulfill- Features Editor JenniferVic.. '98 your homework, you have time to do it later. married.What giveshere? It probably would ingtheirownpersonalgoals(promotion,world Come, I will entertain you. I can make you have been better just to begin the whole se- domination, massacre of ethnic minorities, a Assktaat: F'eataret EdltoJ' laugh. I can show you pictures of explosions ries with them together andjust forget about Nicki Kas90lis '99 pair of spiffy new jackboots, etc.) Heck, this 1!41__ and half naked people. Come, watch." all this stuff, mighteven be a good soapopera, Now, whenever my television starts talking I guess I'mjust not a sitcom kind of guy. I also like the news and news magazines. ~Dean'98 to me, my first inclination is to do an Elvis I mean, they are nice every once and a while, They always let you know what to be angry Presley and shoot the 'Screen. Unfortunately, I but not every night of the week. And, any- about. J mean, how would most of us know always seem to have left my .45 automatic in way,laughing is overrated. I personally pre- thatthere was a crime epidemicwithoutsome my other pants. But, luckily three shots of Old fer being pissed off. There is nothing to get talking noggin blatheringit to us every single Grandad always seem to have the same effect. your blood circulating in the morning like a night? I guess people would just think. those Then I sit down and watch. nice, steaming bowl of hatred for your fel- bullets were from careless deer hunters or So what do I watch? Lots of stuff. I usually low man, We need more TV shows about something.Ido feelthatnews isimportantand try to give new shows a chance, but to be hon- people who don't like each other. Take needs to be covered, but do thejournalists al- est most TV todayjust sucks. Take for example "Friends" (off the air, please) for instance, I ways have to assume their audience doesn't the new show on ABC, "Dharma and Greg." wouldn't want to be "Friends" with any of know anything? I guess so. Maybe they are Please! My first reaction to this program was to these people, They all are too self-centered right. say to myself, "Thank God the hippie era died and sniveling to be tolerable for more than a So letme ask youguyswhat kindof shows out longago." But then I thought to myself,what few minutes. Iwant there to be a serious fight do you like? Is there anything good on out if it didn't die out for everybody? What if on over something on this show (maybe over there?Ifso, proveit to me.Youhavegot my e- some corner of the globe (like California?) it who most needs to get a life?) which winds mailaddress. Use it. didn't die out completely? Are there still people up with them all hating each other.Then they trapped in another time, unable and unwilling could launch a spin off. "Enemies." They all Adam Dean is a senior Political Science to live with the modem world, sort of a hippie- try to ruin each other's lives by spreading major. E-mail at amish? The hamish, perhaps? What can be done rumors and hiring hitmen. Now that would Pride diminished by poor anthem recording I Carolyn Bamesl I have been in attendance at both of [he But, especially during the first home games? home football games this season, and first game of the season, my feeling of pride Doing this would provide many ben- and foremost, I would like to congratulate was diminished, if not replaced by em- efits to both the performer and the the Terrors for their outstanding playing barrassment, from the extremely poor school, and also be the least costly so- performance and sportsmanship in the first quality of either the tape recording of lution. four games of the season. the Anthem, or the sound system on First, the music program at WMC is It always produces a deeper feeling of which it was played. The song was wonderful and includes many extremely pride in your school when the football team, barely audible and mostly filled with talented performers. For one or several or any other sports team for that matter, static. of them to volunteer would give them "".f have great pride in my school in general, but my pride increase every time the National Anthem is played at the start of any game. The whole crowd becomes silent as they salute the flag and the game about to be played. But, especially during the first home game of the season, my feeling of pride was diminished, if not replaced by embarrassment from the extremely poor quality of either the tape recording of the anthem or the sound system on which it was played. " wins a game, But, our football team did Now, there are several suggestions an opportunity to showcase their talents not just win one game, they've won four, that I would like to make to resolve this as well as the school's music program. and haven't lost any. Talk about feeling problem. The college choir(s) performance would proud, First, and I believe, most reasonably, also serve this purpose. Both home games this season have if the tape recording of the song is poor, Also, this may draw more fans to the brought with them a nostalgic atmosphere make another tape. This seems obvious game. A live performance may bring in- as well' as gorgeous weather, but there is though, so I believe that the tape may dividuals who would not come just for one specific suggestion that I would like to not be the problem. the sport's enjoyment, but for the enter- make to improve this. This leaves the stadium's sound sys- tainment. Like I stated, I have great pride in my tem. I am not in any way suggesting that Lastly, to hear a fellow student per- school in general, but my pride increases we invest money into a new or improved form my country's national anthem on every time the National Anthem is played sound system. behalf of my school would give me an at the start of any game, The whole crowd What I would like to ask, though, is additional reason to be proud. becomes silent as they salute the flag as why can't the college find some volun- well as to support the game about to be teer singers and/or musicians who could Carolyn Barnes is a second semester played. perform the anthem at the start of our junior Sociology/Philosophy major.
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