Page 20 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, October 2, 1997 - Page 8 NEWS Science building construction yet to begin WMCTheatre BV CHRISTIAN WILWOHL presents: News Edilor The WMC community can now enjoy Construction for the new science build- a trip to the magical LandofNamia with- ing has not yet started although it was due to begin in August. out having to climb into an old piece of furniture to get there. Many students had hoped that the wheels would be set in motion by the time they re- All of the necessary travel plans have turned this fall. Sophomore biology major been booked by Theatre on the Hill and Mike Blundin said, "I. was hoping to come Frederick's The Fun Company which have to school this semester and see some teamed up again to bring C.S. Lewis' clas- progress. I'm disappointed to see no con- sic, ''The Lion, The Witch and The Ward- struction." robe" to the WMC stage October 10, 11 Vice-President of Administration and and 12. Finance, Dr. Ethan Seidel, said that construc- The production, featuring all of Narnia's favorite characters such as Asian tion on the building itself is about a month the great lion, Father Christmas, Mr. and behind schedule. However, he explained that Mrs. Beaver, the Centaur, and even the evil the first necessary step toward construction white witch, details the adventures of chil- has been taken. Work crews are currently dren who did make their trip to Narnia reconfiguring the steam lines near McDaniel through the wardrobe. Hall for the construction of the new build- "We are delighted to be able to team ing. again with The Fun Company so soon," Henry H. Lewis Contractors, Inc. will JOSE(JUBA)S!QUEIRA manage the project. This company recently More than a month after it was slated to begin. construction on Lewis Hall of Science has still said Ira Domser, associate professor of handled the reconstruction of Gill Gymna- not started. theatre arts and producer of Theatre on the sium. Seidel commented that the company's Dr. Richard Smith, professor of chemis- exactly where this tank. is and what it con- Hill, a professional company in residence involvement in this project had no effect on try, said that most professors in the depart- tains. Smith mentioned that the tank may at WMC which has mounted several shows the delay with the new science building's ment are now engaged in teaching their have been removed during the construction each year since 1982. "Our 1997 summer construction. classes. He said. "I realize that the adminis- of Lewis Hall of Science in 1965. co-production of 'Winnie the Pooh' was Dr. Brian Wladkowski, assistant profes- tration is moving as quickly as it can to put Smith further explained that considering our most successful family show to date sor of chemistry, explained that the chemis- the building up." the past practices of waste disposal before and this should prove every bit as enjoy- try department applied for a grant to obtain Dr. Louise Paquin, professor of biology, regulation he would expect to find waste able." computers and equipment for the new build- said she has been "realistic" about the recent chemicals in (he tank. For more information call the WMC ing. delays. In addition, she finds there is only a Wladkowski mentioned that these chemi- Box Office at 410-857-2448. As a result, the architects had to produce "mild frustration" among herself and her col- cals could pose a possible hazard. Courtesy of Public Information would have it properly Honor and some last minute modifications in case the leagues over this recent delay. Seidel said that if the work crews find department obtains these materials. Wladkowski mentioned he that was "en- any tank, the school Seidel said thai various permits had 10 couraged by the recent progress made." He removed. He stressed that this removal on the building's conduct board be obtained before construction could begin. explained that the administration has taken would not cause any major delay. He added that Lewis sent out bids for faculty input about the project into account Seidel said the trees subcontracting in August. The bids recently and the faculty and administration are work- construction site will be removed. He fur- The Honor and Conduct Board adjudi- returned. Seidel explained that Lewis is now ing well together. ther explained the school plans to replant cated a case on Thursday, Septemher4, 1997, analyzing the bids. Both Paquin and Wladkowski recalled more trees than were removed. A landscape involving four students charged with violat- Should the bids match the project's bud- that they remember discussion about this architect will determine the type and place- ing the college's policy on controlled sub- get, then construction will begin, according project back in the 1980's. ment of the trees. stances/drugs. All four students were found to Seidel. If the figures are not within a rea- Paquin commented that she expects to Seidel said that construction will not responsible of violating the policy to vary- sonable distance from the budget, Seidel said start teaching in the new science building in block access to the college's entrance at ing degrees. Two students were fined $150 that modifications will be necessary. He will Fall 1999. She said, "I feel good to say to Alumni Hall. He explained that drivers will and $300 respectively and required to com- not know how the bids and the budget bal- the first-year students for the first time that be able to drive up to the front of McDaniel plete three hours of community service. A ance for a few more weeks. they will use the new building before gradu- Hall and tum around. third student was suspended from campus Construction is scheduled to take 18 ation." Regarding the loss of parking behind housing and restricted from entering any resi- months. Had it started on time, Seidel said Seidel said that he now expects construc- Lewis Recitation Hall, Seidel said the col- dence halls through graduation, fined $150 that work would have been completed in tion to be finished in Spring 1999. lege plans to enlarge the lot behind Harrison and placed on disciplinary probation with the February 1999. Seidel, Wladkowski, and Smith men- House and later the lot behind Albert Norman possibility of expulsion for any future viola- Wladkowski said he expected delays and tioned there is speculation about a septic tank Ward HaiL tion of college policy. The forth student was for the building to be completed beyond the possibly on or near the new science This new building, which will contain suspended from the College for the Fall 1997 target date. building's location. All three stressed that biology and chemistry labs, reflects a trend semester, fined $150, required to have an this is only speculation. around COllege campuses, according to evaluation for drug use and placed on disci- He said that many schools built fa- of ex- CLASSIFIEDS According to Smith, no one really knows Seidel. 30 to 40 years ago and now need to plinary probation with the possibility of college violation cilities for any future pulsion these buildings renovate policy. or build new ones. Cash & Go Free!l! Stu- SGA allocates money to campus groups SPRING BREAK '98 Sell Trips, Earth dent Travel Services is now hiring cam- Liz Valuet, president of the Maryland Stu- efit the entire campus. RY JONATHON SHACAT pus reps/group organizers. Lowest rates SeniorWriler dent Legislature, said "To have the support "We evaluated each organization on how to Jamaica, Mexico & Florida. [the SGAJ gave us was very helpful." they presented themselves as an organiza- Call 1-800-648-4849 The Student Government Assembly al1o- That organization plans to use the money tion for the campus and then we discussed SEIZED CARS from $175_ cated $11,500 to 40 different campus clubs to host a state-wide conference this year, the strength of programming," said Gribbin. and organizations at the Open Forum meet- "We tried to keep it fair between all organi- Porches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, "We gave every Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your ing on September 23. zations." "I think we did it fairly for each organi- Area ToUFree 1-800-218-9000 A-3327for zation," said Matt Gribbin, SGA treasurer. organization what we Last year 28 groups were allocated current listings. "We gave every organization what we be- believe they absolutely $ 10,000. The allocation process was tougher, more said Gribbin, as there were a dozen lieve, through our meetings with them, they groups requesting funds but only a minimal *.. EARN FREE TRIPS & absolutely need, and then some." need, and then some. " CASH!""ยท Because more than $37,000 was re- increase in the amount available. CLASS TRAVEL needs students to quested, the SGA's decisions left many stu- Matt Gribbin, SGA Treasurer The College Budget Committee, the promote Spring Break 1998! Highly dents with less than they asked for. group that gives the SGA its funding, plans next year, said Dean to give more money motivated students can earn a free "I wish we had gotten more money, but I Valuet said. However, the SGA funding will Philip Sayre, a committee member. trip & over $10,000! Choose Caneun, realize they had a lot of organizations and a only cover about one-third of the cost. "We can't give people everything they Bahamas, Mazatlan, Jamaica or Florida! limited amount of money," said Amanda The SGA allocated money depending want but we should try to support organiza- North America's largest student tour Hofstetter, president of Phi Mu sorority. upon how much the group's events will ben- tions as much as possible," he explained. operator! Call Now! 1-800-838-6411
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