Page 24 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursdav-OetoberZ 1997' - Page 12 FEATURES Tony Kirschner brings new twist to Communication Few students study abroad 10 Continuedfrompage which often attracts students to experience life in another BY NICKI Kcssous with a strong language back- culture. Assistant Features Editor ground coming out of high Many students on campus Right now the office located in school, according to Deveny. have had life-altering experi- the basement of Wins low 103 looks Ironically, WMC recently ences due to living in another pretty bleak. But soon, the office lowered the language require- country. will be equipped with a huge TV ment to one semester. Since Vicky Carro mba had a posi- and VCR. These are essential for language is an integral part of tive experience when she trav- Western Maryland College's new studying abroad, is WMC deny- eled abroad to Seville, Spain Assistant Professor of Communi- ing students this opportunity by last year. Carro mba, a 1997 cation, Tony Kirschner. not requiring them to learn a graduate, spent time working as Specializing in courses about language? a study abroad assistant at popular culture, including rock and Adrian Thomas, a senior, WMC. roll, television, and film, Kirschner psychology major has never She thinks that, "People promises to bring a new perspec- traveled abroad. She chose not don't want to leave their friends tive to the WMC communication to study abroad partially du.e to and parents. They are scared of department. expenses but mainly because leaving what's comfortable," "Both my parents are profes- she wanted to stay close to her She agrees that there is a sors, and I liked the combination family and maintain her con- need for more information of security, freedom, and the abil- nections to the area. nights where all students are ity to make a difference," said Administrati ve support, or invited to attend a question- Kirschner about his reasons for Tony Kirschner settles into his new office and new position as Assistant becoming a professor. Professor of Communication. Kirschner was born in Chicago, "People don't want to leave their friends IlL, but spent most of his childhood ity of the classrooms," he said. course in Popular Culture, which in Vancouver, British Columbia. Kirschner also jumped at the op- will examine mass media, industry, and parents. They are scared of leaving He returned to Chicago, specifi- portunity to live on the East Coast. and society. what's comfortable." cally DePaul University, for his "I've never been here before and I Kirschner is an avid music fan. undergraduate studies. Kirschner enjoy it," he said. Kirschner is He will divide his time at WMC Vicky Carromba, 1997 graduate got a degree in political science and also enjoying his first semester at between teaching and helping to then entered the working world as WMC. "Every person r run into advise WMCR, the campus radio a "head hunter," recruiting prospec- has been extremely competent and station. Kirschner feels the station the lack thereof, is also a con- and-answer period and where tive employees for corporations. helpful; it makes a new person feel "seems to be running pretty well cern. Provost Joan Coley re- those who have traveled abroad From the University of Illinois a little less in the dark," he said. already." In the future, he hopes to marked on how the study their Champaign-Urbana, Kirschner got His courses this semester include use his connections to create intern- abroad program rates in terms relate The forum experiences. abroad fair study a master's degree in cultural stud- two sections of an entry level com- ships for WMCR staff members at of importance. is another way to try and get ies in communication. He was then munication course about mass record labels. Kirschner also wants "Things we require have pri- students interested. Motard- "plucked fresh out of school" to communication, media, and soci- to "bring more bands into the ority but this doesn't diminish Noar says there is always enor- become WMC's new professor of ety. He is also teaching a 300 level school through the radio station." the importance by saying it's mous attendance but once stu- communication. communication course entitled As for his own taste in music, low priority. The study abroad dents learn they can't take their Many factors influenced Media Power, Discourse, and Cul- Kirschner names Beck, The Meat Kirschner's decision to teach at rural Analysis. Puppets, and Luscious Jackson as program is important but not aid or scholarship, "It's like tak- critical," she said. _ WMC. "The first and main thing Next semester, Kirschner will his favorite groups. ing a kid in the candy store and them even ~ was the small school size and qual- teach a 300 level communication more It still remains aren't puzzling choosing why telling a penny {hey don't candy," students have to buy said Motard-Noar. Carrornba also discussed why she thinks more females study abroad, She claims that females in general are more open to this type of thing. In her group of 70 students who traveled to Seville only 10 were males. This semester seems to be different in that the males are well-represented. Mackenzie You can Qualify To Receive Cummings and Meaghan Gross studying Two Of the Most Widely Used are currently Reddan is in in Jimmy France; Credit cards In World Today! Australia; Henry Streaker is in Austria; Josh Ellin is embark- ing on a European historical tour, and an anonymous student ORDER FORM and Stan Mansky are in London. bottom-line is t h at , The "sleeping, eating and absorbing YES! I want Credit cards immediately. ""taut·Vu'i.laniAn Ifldl a foreign than language is so much ex- greater eRA, PO BOX 16662, ATLANTA, GA 30321 the classroom perience. Studying abroad pro- vides tremendous personal growth," said Deveny.
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