Page 13 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Gill Gymnasium p Inside this issue: reconstructed after ~fire. . ~ Volume XVI, Number 2 Abducted WMC student found unharmed after 19 hour ordeal department store where they both Musick was being stalked and only BY KAn: HAMPSON News EdilOr worked until Righter left at the be- learned of it after the abduction. ginning of August. Sayre said that he was "shocked A commuter student was found Musick told The Washingtoll and stunned" when he found out in Ohio after being abducted from Post thai she spoke with him a few about the kidnapping. He explained her Columbia home on Friday, Sep- times and he decided that she was that he tried to get through to tember 19. a friend. Musick's mother but wasn't able 10 Stephanie Musick, a senior so- On September 5, she filed a and was left feeling "helpless." cial work major, was forced at gun- stalking complaint against him af- When asked whether any spe- point into a red Dodge Raider. She ter he had allegedly been follow- cial action will be taken to help was found just before daybreak in ing her and sending her unwanted Musick when she returns to school, a department store parking lot, e-mail. Sayre explained that if the school MICHELLE handcuffed to the seat belt. Police said thai she thought the is informed of threatening situa- Using alcohol responsibly is a major issue for first-year students Her alleged abductor, John sightings coincidental until she saw tions that involve students, the Col- Righter, 22, was asleep when po- him here on campus. Musick did lege will do as much as the stu- First year students lice discovered them. Righter was not inform college safety officials dent wishes. "It's their preroga- pulled from the car and was arrested of her concern over Righter, ac- tive,"he said. by police. A 9mm handgun and a cording to Director of Campus Webster advised any student voice concern over knife were recovered from the ve- Safety Mike Webster. Neither who is being stalked to inform Order (TRO). OCTAA program hicle. Webster nor Dean of Student Af- Campus Safety and to seek a Tem- Musick mel Righter at the Sears fairs Philip Sayre were aware that porary Restraining College admits largest freshman BY MICHELLE HAMILTON involved with on Alcohol Presidential the SeniorWriler and Corn- Commission class in 130 year history year students experienced a pro- munity Behavior, a decision to In the midst of orientation, first the program was made. implement gram new to WMC, OCTAA (On "We wanted to be number one Campus Talking About Alcohol) , in the state of Maryland to offer this is also a variable. There is enough take to the concept of what WMC BY EMILY $TAMATHIS which aims to educate students on approach," Horneff explained. AssislDlI/ News Editor classroom space to accommodate is all about. choices related to drinking. The With this goal, WMC applied for 1600 students, but residence halls "I don't feel we have to sell this program contained important infor- and was awarded a grant valued at The Class of 2001, whi~h begin to fill at numbers closer to class our product," Horneff said. mation about alcohol use, but semi- $18,000 which covered the costs of brought in 504 new students, has 1400, according to Provost Joan 'They've already bought it." nar presenters and students alike registration, training, and materials. left some upperclassmen feeling as Coley. The admissions process wasn't voiced concern with OCTAA's Now, there is a contract and a if WMC is bursting at the seams. "All I can tell you is that we're drastically altered when preparing length of four hours and style of "commitment to present OCTAA The campus is not over- not there yet," Coley said. "I don't for this year, but more "targeted presentation. for four years" to new students, crowded, but could be closer to think we've reached capacity" recruitment" was employed. Closer According to Bonnie Bosley, Bosley. said reaching its target number of stu- The increase in enrollment is attention was paid to following up Health Education Coordinator, The presentation of OCTAA dents than ever before, according due in part to WMC having more with students who tour the campus OCTAA "is more than your high consists of a set program which is to Dean of Admissions Martha to offer prospective students as the while making their college deci- school program." Aimed at pre- dictated by PRI (Prevention Re- O'Connell. college modernizes every year. The sion. O'Connell coordinates her venting high risk drinking and "one search Institute), the international For the first time in its 130 year renovations of Hill Hall, the Art work with academic departments in night problems" it teaches modera- it. developed history, the college has opened its Department, and WMC's "crown- order to match students' admissions tion, not just abstinence. Students organization that and workbooks are Slides, lectures, doors to over 500 new students, ing jewel," Hoover Library are letters to their interests. also learn to determine high and utilized to educate students about according to a Public Information largely responsible for making the This system is also being used low risks and their own biological release. campus more appealing to incom- by coaches to register numerous predisposition to alcoholism. Continued on page 5 O'Connell said she sees the ing students, O'Connell said. new athletes. "They've recruited OCTAA was presented to growing numbers as a positive "Things are finally coming to- the best and brightest on the play- Bosley over a year ago, and she was Inside move. gether, so we're first in students' ing fields," Hcmeff said. trained in the summer of '96 as an 2 With approximately 1400 stu- minds," O'Connell said. The ad- In the past, it has been the ad- educator and presenter. "Last Feb- oapbox. .. dents enrolled for the Fall 97 se- missions process is "a whole con- mission office's goal to recruit ruary Bonnie Bosley came to me taff Editorial 4 5 mester, there is debate as to certed effort that's always been in enough new students to replace [and was] very excited," explained Gill reconstruction 6 whether WMC has reached it's ca- place. but gets fine-tuned each graduating seniors, therefore keep- Barb Homeff, Dean of First Year ampus sexual assault 7 pacity. year." ing enrollment somewhat consis- Students. "She asked me if there ampus Safety Blotter 8 Exactly what the capacity is can Associate Dean of First Year tent. was a place for [OCTAA] in our ctence building update 9 ~udapest be determined from two different Students Barb Horneff said that al- In 1993, a "scholarship pull- first year program." After seeing ~~C VOice waJI students 11 standpoints: classroom space and though the college is more aggres- back" was applied to see if a de- the program and seeking the pro- dormitory space. The number of sively seeking out prospective stu- fessional opinions of Phil Sayre, Men's and women's soccer 13 14 ., elecky earns honor graduate students and commuters dents, they almost immediately Continued on page 7 Dean of Student Affairs, and those all Scoreboard 15
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