Page 114 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, February 19, 1998 -Page 10 FEATURES Unity in Diversity: Black History Month at WMC 00 the 10th, "Reflections: The Night Dr. wood and to "come together for a brief hour from the Baltimore-Washington area and also BY SARAH RADICE SlaffWriter King Died," took place in McDaniel Lounge. to talk about an issue that has an impact on some independent groups and choirs." The President Chambers, Artist in Residence for society," said Felton. WMC Gospel Choir will perform, as well as Romance. Excitement. Little cute ba- Common Ground on the Hill Walt Michael, "Soul food," declared Drakes, "is cook- choirs from the Union St. Church, Baltimore bies shooting arrows at unsuspecting Dr. Ira Zepp, Dr. Rosemary Maxey and Mr. ing from the heart." WMC students and fac- City College High School. Faith Tabernacle couples. Heart-shaped message candies that Glenn Caldwell shared their thoughts and ulty will have the opportunity to experience in DC, New Life Chapel and St. Paul Com- taste like chalk. For many people, the focus memories of the night Dr. Martin Luther a variety of mouth-watering soul food dishes munity Baptist Churches. of February is Valentine's Day. But Febru- King, Jr. was killed. "I hope to make it more for themselves on February 22 at the fourth- It will feature contemporary gospel mu- ary is important for more than just that one personal, to give some insight into the civil annual Soul Food Dinner. It will be held at 5 sic, spirituals and hymns in the African- day. February is Black History Month, a time rights era which we are so distant from," said pm in the Forum and tickets will be $5 for American tradition. But above all, it will be to celebrate the achievements of black Felton, who organized the event. students, $10 for nonstudents. The theme is a group of people "just singing from the Americans. On the 14th, the "Stepppin' Back to Af- "Black Elegance," and dress will be formal. soul," as Drakes put it. A reception will be WMC is celebrating Black History rica '98" Step Show Competition was held All of the food served will be made by Month with a full schedule of activities and in Alumni Hall. The event showcased black members of the BSU, and will include: fried held at 10 pm in Ensor Lounge and where re- be served freshments audience will events throughout the month. Events are Greek sororities and fraternities from area chicken, collard greens, cornbread, ham, can- members can mix with the singers. Deacon sponsored by the Black Student Union, CAP- colleges and universities, including four of died yams, potato salad, macaroni and Marcus Towson will host the event. Board, and the Office of Multicultural Ser- Black History Month originally began as vices. According to BSU President Diane "Negro History Week" in 1926, brought to Drakes, "We have a wide variety of events WMC students andfaculty will have the opportunity to life through the efforts of historian Carter G. to appeal 10 a wide variety of people ...Come experience a variety of mouth-watering soul food Woodson. His purpose was 10 explore the see all there is to see, experience all there is contributions of black Americans to society. 10 experience." dishes: fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread, ham, February was selected because il is the birth Black History Month kicked off Febru- month of both Abraham Lincoln and ary 2 with African-American Appreciation candied yams, ..and peach cobbler. Frederick Douglass, two men whom Day, a traditional event where 170 pins made Woodson fell had a large impact on the lives of kente cloth were passed out. "The kente the five national historically black fraterni- cheese, sweet potato pie, cake, apple pie, of black Americans. Negro History Week cloth symbolizes support towards the accom- ties and one of the four national historically rolls, and peach cobbler. Live entertainment was expanded into Black History Month in plishments and achievements of African- black sororities. The After-Party was hosted will be provided by the Gospel Choir and 1976. Americans," according to James Felton, di- by DJ Q, and featured a variety of music and poetry readings from members of the BSU. "There shouldn't have to be a separate rector of multicultural services and co-advi- "party walks" by the black Greeks. Students are advised by Drakes to just "come Black History Month. It should be included sorofBSU. On the 16th, the movie Rosewood was and have a home-cooked meal." in the history we study. But it's not, so we On February 3, there was an Open Housel shown in the Pub. The movie, starring Ving On the 25th, the Drama Fest will be held must have it," says student Sarah Harper. Discussion in the BSU Clubroom where Rhames, Esther Rolle and Jon Voigt, was at 8 pm in the Forum. It is a cultural talent Diane Drakes agrees, commenting that about 35 students and faculty members dis- about the violent reactions of the white mem- show featuring a variety of activities such as "black history is more than a month-we cussed a review of the soon-to-be-released bers of the town of Rosewood when a white poetry, acting, dancing and singing. It is open should reflect on it 365 days a year. But for book "Coming Through the Fire: Surviving woman falsely accused a black man of rape. to all members of the campus community, those who don't choose to do so or wouldn't Race and Place in America" by C. Eric Lin- "It's a deep movie deals with issues and will feature a mix of student-produced otherwise, irs important to reflect for those coln. between whites and blacks. When Iwatched and professional material. 28 days." Two comedians added their talents to the it the first lime, I was just blown [away]," On the 28th the Gospel Jubilee will take Black History Month offers an opportu- celebration. On the sixth, Chocolate per- said Drakes. place at 7 pm in Big Baker Chapel. ''This is nity to reflect on the achievements of black formed in Alumni Hall, and on the eighteenth On the 17th, a Brown Bag Luncheon was the best part of Black History Month," says Americans, while raising awareness and pro- Jimique performed in the Forum. held in the BSU Clubroom to discuss Rose- Felton. "It's an extravaganza of gospel choirs moting harmony. New faces appear at WMC t;gt~:::: Hartin in Development and Pival in the Registrar's office Bradford W. Hartin has been named ness management from University of Pitts- She holds membership in state, regional Genuine Help and WMC's new assistant director of annual giv- burgh at Bradford and a master's degree from Understanding mg. SI. Bonaventure University. and national associations in the field and is in programs in strategic plan- a participant Hartin will manage the College's Senior ,. While at Hood, Pival directed the ning, enrollment management and interna- -Iv/Sleep Sedation Pride campaign, which allows graduating registrar's office-increase in the use of tech- tional students. -Ftrst &Mid - Trimester students to target their first gift to the col- nology, including instituting online access to Abortion Services lege toward a special project designated by student records for faculty advisers. Courtesy of Public Information -Free Pregnancy Testing the senior class. -Pregnancy & Birth Control He will also direct the Annual Fund Counseling Phone Center and the Class Agent Volunteer -Sonograms program. ·Community Education & Guest A 1996 graduate of Lycoming College, Do you haVE... Speaking Services he came to WMC after serving as campaign -24 Hour Emergency Call manager for The Leukemia Society of A nose for news? America, Central Pennsylvania Chapter. Opinions to make known? FOR APPOiNTMENT CALL, Working out of Harrisburg, Hartin was 410-788-4400 responsible for development and execution A flair for design? of fund raising events, recruitment and train- A head for business? Out Of Area: ing of volunteers, recruitment of corporate 1-800-427-2813 sponsors, and organization and expansion of Ask about our special student rates existing campaigns. THE PHOENIX NEEDS YOU He was also alumni director and philan- Suburbia Buitdlng thropy director for the Alpha Sigma Phi fra- Come to the Phoenix general staff 5602 Baltimore National Pike ternity while a student at Lycoming. < meetings ~, S~ile600 Elizabeth Pival is WMC's new registrar. Baltimore, Maryland 21228 'rival, who will start later this month, Every Monday at .6:30 pm' Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) comes to WMC after serving as the registrar in the basement of Daniel MacLea at Hood CoiJege in Frederick since 1992. 'x8600"' ,.; , http://gynpages.comlhillcreslbalt· She also has served as registrar at Uni- J;. ',~·'l·~·' ': .!t''''\ versity of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Most Credn Carels Accepted No experience necessary! She earned a bachelor's degree in busi-
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