Page 112 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, February 19, 1998 - Page 8 NEWS BSU Open House Continued from page J The belief that "the United Slates is tee- campus. Several students described inci- Black History Month Events tering on the 'brink of a precipice' and dents of racism where they were called heightened racial strife is inevitable if citi- "nigger" or discriminated against. The following events are sponsored by the Black Student Union, College Activities zens don't move beyond the past (slavery, Angela Harris, the other BSU sponsor, Programming Board, and the Office of Multicultural Student Services. racism etc.) and adapt to ...a multicultural said she found these incidents disturbing. "In society" is the premise for Lincoln's book. this society, everyone is going to be forced Sunday, February 22 Saturday, February 28 Many of the students reacted with dis- to deal with multiculturalism. Either you Soul food dinner Gospel Jubilee with choirs from Westmin- gust to the review, although most agreed that exist or you fail," she added 5 pm Forum, Decker Center ster, Baltimore and Washington DC includ- African-Americans "should not look back at Students also commented on Amistad, the Tickets: $10, $5 w/student ID ing The Union Street Gospel Jubileers; their pasts out of anger." new movie about slavery produced by Steven Sisters in Harmony; WMC Gospel Choir; Many agreed with BSU member Prakash Spielberg and DebbieAllen. Most agreed that Wednesday, February 25 Baltimore City College Choir; Sisters of Wright, who said that Lincoln was wrong to it was a positive step. However, one BSU Dramafest Faith Tabernacle; and New Life Chapel call the past "dead weight." member felt that after the movie "briefly" A talent show featuring WMC students Choir. 7 pm Baker Memorial Chapel. (A "African Americans have a rich heritage. introduced the issue of slavery, it turned into 8 pm Forum, Decker Center reception to follow in Ensor Lounge, Attempts to leave out the racial injustices "two white lawyers' court battle." Decker Center.) they faced are done to unify history so that The overall reaction to the event was future generations will forget," Wright com, positive. mented. Pershan said she felt "empowered" after Saturday shuttle service "The past is a part of OUf identity," and the discussion. this takes students off campus although it is impossible to forget about it, Although most people at the Open House negative experiences should be used for per- acknowledged the accomplishments sonal growth, said Lisa Pershan, a WMC country has made regarding race relations, graduate student. they felt that Americans as a people still have erybody wants to do the same thing on any A few black students also talked about a long way to go. JlV JONATHON SHACAT given Saturday," he said. their experiences as minorities on the WMC SeniorWriler Even though Sayre originally envisioned The shuttle bus service to the Owings that students would use the service as a Mills metro station and mall during the fall means to get to Baltimore via the metro sys- Campus Safety Blotter seems to have been a success. on most Satur- tem, he noted that many students just go to service Mills maiL the Owings use ofthe Student days of last semester was at or near the bus The weekend before final exams had the capacity, according to Philip Sayre, dean of most use, probably due to Christmas shop- • On 01108 at 5:03 p.m. DoCS documented - On 02/01 at 1:40 a.m. DoCS investigated Student Affairs. ping, said Sayre. That particular weekend, a student for telephone misuse in Rouzer the use of controlled substances in PA 195. "I think that it was quite a success and the driver had to leave some people behind Hall. • On 02/01 at 22:04 p.m. DoCS investigated clearly there is a need for that kind of trans- due to lack of space on the bus. • On 01115 at 12:26 p.m. DoCS re- the use of controlled substances in Rouzer portation," said Sayre. In the long term Sayre said he wants to Hall. The van, rented from Enterprise, departs look into the possibility of the college own- WMC on every even hour between noon and ing a van, rather than having to rent one. DoCS reported a burglary 10 pm every Saturday of the semester. Stu- in Levine Hall. dents can choose to be dropped off at the Use of Shuttle Bus Service • On 02/02 at 4:00 p.m. metro station, Owings Mills mall, Cranberry during the fall semester ~ DoCS responded to Mall, Walmart, or on Main Street in West- Memorial Plaza for a minster. Date # of students theft. Although the records don't show student class standing, Sayre attributes much of the November 1 16 use to first-year students who "want to get November 8 18 off campus." November 15 20 Asked if he thinks the use rate is high November 22 24 • On 0 I 122 at I: 17 p.m. DoCS responded sponded to a theft in Whiteford Parking Lot. because on campus activities are limited on December 6 36 to the accidental destruction of property in -81 lockouts done weekends, Sayre said that it was quite the January 10 Rouzer Hall. -22 escorts given opposite since there was a fair amount of - On 01123 at 9:58 p.m. DoCS documented ·14 medical assistance given activity on some Saturdays. * Up to six students (not including the a student for telephone misuse in Rouzer -3 alcohol violation charges "When you have I,450 individual people driver) can fit in the bus. There are six Hall. ·13 proscription of conduct charges living on campus and they have 1,450 dif- trips each day. ferent tastes of what they want to do, not ev- Volunteer opportunity Attention students, faculty, & staff HERO is in need of caring volunteers to become Buddies to people living with HIV disease in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area. Buddies truly make a difference! If you have compassion, sensitivity, and a sense of humor you have the makings of a great Buddy. Buddies offer friendship and support to people facing an uncertain future. You might find yourself taking a special meal to someone in the hospital, providing practical assistance, or spending a quiet evening lis- tening to someone who needs to talk. HERO's Buddy Training has been ap- proved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Whether or not you choose to become a Buddy after the training, you can earn valuable Continuing Education Units for your participation.
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