Page 111 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 111
COMMENTARY Thursday, February 19, 1998 - Page 7 Great Expectations? Outlook Turnover rate is a key statistic Jonathon Shacat get a free place to stay and a good Editor Kate Hampson on when it comes to analyzing the questions the reasons parking space? Are all RLCs sa- campus events. As a staff, it is our morale of the employees in a de- behind the RA resignations dists? Do they find pleasure in ru- the role of the student job to choose the stories we deem partment. And so-when six people ining the lives of students? newspaper at WMC most newsworthy for WMC stu- gel up and leave their jobs as Resi- dents. Of course, not everyone Do people sign up to be RAs will agree with our decisions all dent Assistants. it really gets me rize their residents' names and because they truly want to do the A student newspaper by defi- the time but if everyone thought thinking. Could there be a problem room numbers? Should an RA's job or is it solely for the money _ would be here? responsibilities include petty tasks an attractive $5.000 of compensa- nition is a paper produced by stu- the same, this campus AI- like making bulletin boards every tion? dents primarily for students. staff, even less diverse than it already it is read by faculty, is. though Workers want month and attending multiple hours Are the abilities of RAs spread administrators. alumni, and par- In the real world, Bill Gates of weekly meetings? the press cover- several things from If an RA writes up a lot of kids Is the reapplication ents, our most important priority does not oversee He has a publicity is reporting the news that students age of IBM. management, on his floor does that make him a process even want to hear. department to highlight the Does worker? finding better including trouble mean more than helping a necessary for the voiced Sometimes concerns are company's achievements, but it that the Phoe- by readers person in need? does not have control over what reasonable job Can a first-year student fulfill Residant Assistant nix does not cater specifically to stories are printed. The media Perhaps administra- their needs. expectations, the role of a Resident Assistant? Or job? And during a tors are not always pleased with makes the decision on how to re- port events in an appropriate and respect, and decent should that job be reserved for reinterview, is it the wayan issue is covered. It is timely fashion. on cam- who is more familiar with someone role to please the not the Phoenix's Groups or individuals and its policies, pay. I question the the school can act as a model some- or best to harp on his administration, that is what the pus should capture media atten- one who status of all three in counselor for residents? flaws or give an Public Information Department is tion in the same fashion. If an for. to be event enough is important the Department of Is the reapplication process The college is not a dictator- in the Phoenix, it is important to even necessary for the Resident overview of his ship. We are a capitalist society invite the press to attend the Residence Life. Assistant job? And during a overall and the students are the consum- event. In essence, media cover- reinterview, is it best to harp on his ers. We are paying large amounts age is free advertising. While it flaws or give an overview of his performance? of money to the college and so Workers want several things overall performance? Isn't it a good should expect to receive the best is our job to find news, we are from management> including rea- thing to rehire a worker of two too thin? Shouldn't they get paid service possible. One role of the much more likely to cover an event to which we have been in- sonable job expectations, respect, years experience rather than to hire partially with cash so they don't student newspaper is to evaluate vited. We have limited time and and decent pay. r question the sta- an acolyte? have to work other jobs on campus these services and make sure Stu- a small staff to produce the paper tus of all three in the Department Is it fair to indirectly put the to supplement their social lives? dents are getting the best value for and we must prioritize quickly of Residence Life. pressure of being responsible for an Even without the answers to any their money. and efficiently. Informing us of Doesn't it make you wonder entire building on one person? of these questions, we know one body of around With a student when an RAquits because "I didn't Wouldn't thai cause her to quit too? thing for sure. If a boat is sinking 1,400, but with a newspaper staff the importance of an event before have enough time to study?" Do the Resident Life Coordina- and half the crew bails out, the rest ranging from only 10 to 25 people, it occurs is much more produc- Is too much expected of an RA? tors really give a damn about their might do the same. tive than criticizing afterwards Is it necessary for RAs to memo- staff? Or do they just do the job to depending on the week, it is diffi- when it does not receive the ex- of all full coverage cult to provide pected amount of attention.
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