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FEATURES Thursday, December 12, 1996 - Page 9 Gospel Choir to Sing in Austria SGA News:Brie Western Maryland College Student Gover By JEN VICK ' ness because we started from noth- "I'm very excited," said Glasgow Features Edilor ing." Through a reliapce on "God about her first trip overseas. "Its Nestled among snow-covered and fundraisers" he said they made Campus Concert Committee time of the year to be alps, Vienna, Austria has histori- it financially possible. From one the perfect Having been confined to Thanks to all who participated in the concert survey conducted by the going." cally been known for its apprecia- recent performance alone, the choir Westminster for so long, she said campus Concert Committee. Due to availability, fluctuating price, and tion for music, and WMC's Gos- raised $1400. Byrd has also re- the journey to Vienna is the proper previous show information, the Campus Concert Committee chose They pel Choir will soon be taking part ceived considerable help in organiz- thing for a Gospel Choir to do; to Might Be Giants to place a bid on. These are the top five bands listed in this country's rich holiday mu- ing the trip from Larry Brumfield, act as missionaries and spread in alphabetical order based on the campus survey. Please keep posted sic tradition. President of the Union Street Choir. their beliefs. for more information. From December 18 to 23 the During their stay in Vienna, the Better Than Ezra three years ago, Formed the Gospel Choir, under the direction choir will perform in a variety of Gospel Choir began with only 17 Garbage of Eric Byrd, will travel to Vienna settings that will include a thousand- members. Today its members to- Jewel to participate in a program called seal cathedral in which the 19th cen- tal around 60 and are comprised LL Cool J "Advent Sing" sponsored by Mu- tury composer Johann Strauss con- solely of WMC students. The They Might Be Giants sic Content International. The ducted. A local high school and a group going to Vienna will in- company has been sponsoring town square are also on the itiner- clude some of these students, as Need Poster-Making Supplies? choirs to sing in Vienna for 13 ary. Byrd has selected several songs well as members of the Union The SGA has recently purchased a set of Texas Markers and paper for years and the Gospel Choir re- with a holiday theme for their over- Street Choir, and several who are poster-making. Any student organization is welcome to use the set for ceived an invitation to become in- seas "gig." involved with Common Ground. a fee of $5 to defray the cost of purchase. Forms will be available at volved last spring. The Gospel Choir is the first or- The choir's invitation to sing the Information Desk. Please contact Brandy at ext.. 826924 hours in Battling an abundance of nega- ganization at WMC and possibly out in Austria and its ability to make advance to reserve the set. tive criticism from those who of Carroll County to be participat- the trip possible is an accomplish- doubted that the choir could find ing in the "Advent Sing" program, ment Byrd said came from the de- Dorm Renovations Forum the funds for the trip, the approxi- according to Byrd. He is currently termined focus of a dedicated few. Thanks to all who participated in the Dorm Renovation Forum. Re- mately 20 members who are go- trying to find other organizations in The voices of the Gospel Choir sults will be tallied and more information will follow next semester. ing slashed the initial cost of $1200 Maryland who have participated in will be sure to resound through per person in half. the program but has been unsuccess- the snowy streets of Vienna be- SGA Meetings "It has been amazingly hard to ful. cause of what Byrd stressed as lis- every Wednesday organize," said Byrd, who is also Amy Glasgow is a senior theater tening to the "little voice inside SGA Meets is invited to attend. at 8pm in Hill Hall 104. The campus community the Minister of Music at Union major and member of the Gospel you that know one else will" that Street United Methodist Church. Choir who will be singing a solo in can make an opportunity become Have a concern you would like SGA to address? "Its been a little like starting a busi- the song "Now Behold the Lamb." a reality. Call SGA at ext. 631 or email WM C students hit Main Street CCC places bid for for holiday shopping Spring Concert By JEN VICK from the "Left Hander's" calender cards preserved. Throughout the The Campus Concert Commit- list of seven bands was made, us- Features Editor to "The Whole Internet Calender" book are holiday recipes as well tee made a bid for the Spring Con- During the last test-filled days that has 365 addresses of online "ad- as quotes from classic writers such cert on Monday, November 24. At ing survey results, including: Digable Planets, of the semester, holiday shopping ventures." as Dickens and Longfellow. the Committee's November 24 Cracker, Elastica, Jewel, The Diswalla, may be put on the back burner, but At Bobby's Hobby Lobby there If you know someone who has meeting, prices, dates, and results Mighty Mighty Bosstones and They why not take a break and explore are model cars and train set items an interest in or is a native of the of the campus survey were consid- Might Be Giants. These bands downtown Westminster. well under $20 that could be a great British Isles, why not stop into ered before making the final deci- were both within the price range Whether shopping for mom, gift for a dad or brother that is Ceilidh. Here one can pick up a sion. The campus top five choices and available to play when the gym dad, brother, sister, grandparents, young-at-heart. Forget Me Not is a mix to make authentic English of bands were (in alphabetical or- could be reserved. friends, or a significant other, gifts perfect store to find something for scones that only requires adding der): Better than Ezra, Garbage. The committee listened to at can be found for anyone at stores mom. Its heavenly atmosphere is water and baking. Ensure a friend Jewel, u. Cool J, and They Might least one song from all of the just down the road from WMC. enhanced by Christmas trees peace and tranquility with an Irish Be Giants. The committee's top bands, and after discussing the pros Though Main Street may appear to worry stone for $5.25 or a hand five choices were: Better Than and cons of each, the committee be a throng of expensive antique carved Welsh love spoon for Ezra, Garbage, Jewel, Spin Doc- voted. A bid was made for They shops, it isn't hard to find gifts for At Bobby's Hobby $13.25. tors, and They Might be Giants. Might Be Giants, the band that rc- under $20 that are easy on a col- Lobby there are If all you have. this year to The committee was authorized ceived the most survey votes. If lege student's thin wallet. spend on Christmas gifts is pocket to bid up to $13,500 on a band for they do not accept a bid, a bid will For example, if your roommate model cars and train change, don't despair, there's al- February 27,28, March I, 27, April is a music or book lover, checkout set items well under ways The Mission. Here, Christ- 3,4, or 5. Conflicts arose with Bet- be placed for The Mighty Mighty Bosstones and then Elastica. Record and Book Heaven. They mas cards, mugs, candy jars, and ter Than Ezra, Garbage, LL Cool For more information, have a wide selection of used $20 that could be a tins can be bought for 50 cents. J, and Spin Doctors. Sherrie Bermel at X8272. contact CD's, including Bushe's Sixteen Stuffed animals are $1 to $2, and Taking this into account, a new Courtesy of CCC Stone, the Cure's Swish, and great gift for a dad paperback books that are 10 to 25 Cracker's Kerosene Hat which are or brother that is cents are buy one get one free. priced at $9.50. Hootie and the One possibly useful book was Blowfish can be purchased for $9 young-at-heart. spotted, entitled "Conquering Col- College Choir opens the Holidays and the Steve Miller box set sam- lege Life" by Lawrence Graham, pler or U2's Joshua Tree for $8. A but it may be a little outdated, its Continued from page 7 few of the movies they carry are adorned with intricately made orna- Jurassic Park for $9, Singles and ments and the smeU of potpourri. copyright being 1983. doesn't sung in Hebrew and then in English. Jimmy Redden, a music ed. "Its music from nice 10 sing Street Main Though Stand by Me for $8, and Wayne's Crabtree & Evelyn or Claire Burke come equipped with a food court other religions, not just Christian," major who is a member of the chou World for $7.50. There is also a lotions, bath gels, powders, room like the mall, the Down Town Deli, explained Danielle Tuminello, a commented, "[It's] a nice way to wide selection of Anne Rice and sprays, and candles can be pur- open the holidays." Store, and Sam's Stephen King books in paperback. chased here. Flavored teas, station- Roop's General sustenance for the sophomore member of the chou. Refreshments were provided. Bagels a musi- Elton Keith, Freshman offer Main Street offers another ex- ary, cards, and gift bags are among hungry shopper. cal theatre major, agreed saying, Audience members sipped on hot cellent book store, Locust Books, other items. chocolate and nibbled on an assort- So if the idea of a crowded "I'm glad to see that they had some- ment of cookies. which sells only new books, as One particularly good find at Wal-Mart or mall makes you thing from each holiday being cel- well as cards. Here there are ex- Forget Me Not was a hardback cringe and you need a stroll and ebrated this season." Upper Decker was decorated ceptionally good prices on large scrapbook entitled "Treasured some fresh air, check out Main Other songs performed that and still is with a glowing menorah, posters priced at $9. Another gift Christmas Memories" priced at Street. You could find the perfect night were Still, still, still, Silent to symbolize the festival of lights, idea, desk calenders, can be pur- $19.95. Inside, Christmas memo- gift for someone special. Night, and an excellent perfor- Hanukkah, and a decorated Christ- chased for $8 and range in theme ries can be recorded and photos and mas tree with a toy train running mance of Hallelujah Chorus. underneath.
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