Page 93 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 93
SPORTS Thursday, December 12, 1996 - Page 13 New women's basketball Snyder sisterscan't remember not playing basketball assistant returns By CAROLYN BARNF... s Heidi stands 6'4", while Kathi year's squad were the first high a lot of time together. after ltl-year Sports EdilOr stopped growing at a tall 5' 10." school District III Champions and We spend all like my family," com- They're have Snyder's always absence Starting at the ages of nine and played The basketball. In high school, played in their state's final four. ments Heidi. Fonner Brunswick High boys' seven, respectively, sisters Heidi At WMC, Kathi was named to Heidi's major is Art and Art was never sport, basketball head coach Teny Brant has and Kathi Snyder began playing there both sister any other several the All-Star last team in the York tour- History, with minors in Psychol- year, and she cur- earned nament and been named the assistant women's basketball with their father and honors for their dedication and rently holds the freshman records ogy and Secondary Education. basketball coach at WMC by head family in West Perry, PA. skill level. For her future career, she hopes coach Becky Martin and athletic di- As the two ladies remember, Heidi won the Sportsmanship for scoring and rebounding. to work in the Admissions Office rector Dr. Richard Carpenter. they describe how they used to Award and the Coach's Award her! As to the Snyder's opinions on or Development Office in a col- Brant replaces David Smith, who their team this year, Heidi com- lege or university. She will play in an old barn near their senior year, as well as being ments, "I'm disappointed with the graduate in the spring. resigned after three seasons with the house in the winter to keep warm. named an Honorable Mention Green'Ierror. way the season is going so far. Currently, Kathi is majoring in "We had to sweep the hay off of Mid-Penn All Star. She also The first game versus Rowan (#4 Business Administration and mi- Now a resident of Forest Hill, the floor when we were finished," played in the Kidney Foundation MD, Brant was the head boys' coach in country) was a great game. We noring in Accounting and Art His- commented both sisters simulta- All-Star Tournament and the all played really well, but we at Brunswick from 1979 through tory. She is yet undecided as to neously. "We didn't even own a Mid-State Round Ball Classic should have beat Ursinus. We're 1983. Healsoservedastheheadtrack what she would like to do in the basketball hoop until I was in the held in Hershey Park Arena. just not running our plays well." coach and as an assistant football sixth grade," continues Kathi. At WMC, Heidi holds the Kathi adds, "It's frustrating, but future, but commented that coachduringhis Iayeersamesctoot "maybe Ican coach a high school So, how did they learn to play record for most blocked shot in I think that we' U get to where we basketball team." which concluded in 1986. Brant had without a hoop? "Our father one's career. The record stood at want to be in the long run." been employed in the insurance in- As to future plans, each still taught us," explains Heidi. "He 201 at the start of the 1996-97 The Snyder's have no prob- dustry over the past 10 years, but has plans to continue playing basket- taught me how to shoot a hook season. lems getting along on or off the reentered the teaching field as a sub- ball, but neither has formal plans. shot," comments Kathi. Kath'i 'also was' awarded sev- court. "We don't treat each other stitute. Basketball seems to run in the eral great honors such as Most any differently than we would "I'll probably always shoot The new Green Terror assistant Snyder family, along with height. around with my sisters and my earned a bachelor of arts degree in Kathi's twin sister Krisi also Valuable school, Player and her junior year of any other teammate on the court," dad until I can't walk. I don't re- says. Heidi high All Mid-Penn health and physical education degree plays, (her specialty is three-point Star. Kathi al~o was named on Both players also feel that the member not playing basketball. I from Catawba College. Brant is CUf- shooting) and their father played' the Honorable Mention list for team really feels comfortable probably wouldn't be completely rentiyenrolledinWMC'smaster'sde- in the Marines. Looking at height, their conference. Also, her senior with each other. "We're close. happy without it," Kathi con- Iwee_____Q!Qg@!11 in~ial education. cludes. Women's basketball over .500 with 3-~,begin~!p:g()E~cord Experience leads squad and helps to improve on new talent as eight return from 1995-96 season By CAROLYN BARNES Since losing to Rowan, they Next for the Lady Terror, was Sports Editor Ietterwinner, scored consecutive Lastly, against York College on faced Villa Julie in the consolation the Centennial Conference opener baskets in the final two minutes to Saturday, December 7, the team game on Saturday, November 23 at versus Ursinus College on Tuesday, The Green Terror women's bas~ LOOPM. November 26. Unfortunately, the ~eo~~!~~;::~ ~~~,!.p,WIe in thJ tf ~~fe~t~~e~::ko;~~W8~7A~s {~~~. WMC crushed Villa Julie in a ladies were defeated by a score of ketball team reached a record bet- Murphey put the Terror in the WMC starters scored in double fig- ter than .500 for the first time this landslide 95-27 victory. Haley 62-56. The Terror did come close, lead for good at 65-64 with a free ures. came one shot short of presenting though, when they closed to within season in their recent game at York a 25-point performance. throw with 3:11 remaining. Jarman Haley again led the ladies with for a current record of 3-2. three points, 59-56, on a Heidi made a steal with 2:07 left, and then 16 points and 10 rebounds. Fol- Haley was lO-of-ll from the Snyder basket with 1:05 left in the With eight returning upped Western Maryland's advan- lowing Haley was Kathi Snyder field, the only miss coming on her game, but failed to score on its fi- letterrwinners, the women's team tage to five, 69-64, with baskets at with 15 points and a game high 12 only three-point attempt. She also nal three possessions. has high hops for the season. Also, the 1:48 and 1:18 marks. rebounds. Rounding out the five made all five of her free throws, and the addition of four new freshmen Haley topped WMC with 17 Four different WMC players were Murphey also with 15 points, topped the Green Terror in re- and a junior, new talent will also bounds with eight. points, and added 10 rebounds. then made one foul shot each down and nine assists and six rebounds, work to the team's advantage. Heidi Snyder contributed 14 points, the stretch,while Notre Dame only Heidi Snyder with 12 points and Guard Murphey, hailing from Co-captains and seniors Heidi while her younger sister, Kathi had managed one three-pointer with 14 Miller, a Dunkirk, MD native, with Linwood, MD, added 16 points on Snyder, center, and guard Erin 12 points and a game high 12 re- seconds remaining in the competi- 10. 8-of-IO shooting, along with pull- bounds. Murphey return along with juniors tion. The Lady Terror's next game ing down five rebounds, handing Katie Haley, forward, Karen The ladies would then come Haley topped the Green Terror will be played on Thursday, De- out five assists and grabbing seven Millar, guard, sophomores Kristin steals. back to even their record at 2-2, as with 20 points, eight rebounds, six cember 12 in Gill Gymnasium Miller, guard, and forwards they defeated Notre Dame on for- assists, and four steals for the con- against Messiah College at 7:00 Michele Jarman, Kathi Snyder, and All thirteen WMC players eign turf by a score of 73-67. test. Miller added 18 points, while PM. This is a non-conference Melinda Virts. scored and saw at least nine min- Sophomore Michele Jarman, a Jarman came off of the bench to game, and a chance for the Terror Joining the team for their utes of action in the contest.. Potsmouth, Va returning score seven points for WMC. to up their record to 4-2. rookie year are junior forward Julie Backof and freshmen guards Sh- FREE TAX HELP e House annon Benson, Sommer Chonnan, ~ o./'0. Megan Linch, and Dena Morgan. FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low Moder- t'.& Head coach Becky Martin re- ate Income Tax Payers o~ I t'q turns for her 16th yea at WMC, but WHERE: Western Maryland College-Gold Room B ,,~ Carriage House Liquors ;P, WHEN, along with her this season comes first-year Assistant Coach Terry Tuesday Thursday Saturday Brant. 7-9 pm 7ยท9 pm 12am - 3pm 1}.3 iW, Main St. This 1996-97 season did not February 11 February 13 February 15 start off on a winning note, though, February 18 February 20 February 22 'Westminster, M'lJ 21157 as the Terror fell to Rowan 67-55 February 25 February 27 MarchI in the York College Lady Spartan March 4 March 6 March 8 Tournament on November 22. March 11 March 13 March 29 Sophomore Snyder, from New- March 25 March 27 AprilS 10% off port, PA, led WMC, which led 33- April I April 3 April 12 31 at halftime, with 19 points and April 8 April 10 10 or more 12 rebounds. Junior Haley, a Walk-ins welcome from February 11 - February 22 cases of beer Rockville, MD native, contributed By appointment only after February 22 excluding sale 16 points and seven assists for the For more information and/or an appointment, items Lady Green Terror, which commit- call Ryan John at 751-8291 if you are off campus ted 30 turnovers in the aftenoon's or 8291 if you are on campus. contest. Spring Break begin March 14 Classes resume March 24 848-3466 Party Supplies
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