Page 85 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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NEWS Thursday, December 12, 1996 ~ Page 5 Student Play Festival Several WMC students walk out opens this week of MD Student Legislature the characters, Phil, Arleen, the ent subcommittees. from the Resolution Committee. pro-abortion actress played by Emergency legislation is not Upon their return, they were cen- This December eleventh and Katie Brown, Torre, the marijuana- Once again, Western Maryland given a recommendation by the sured, allowed only to vote. They twelfth those who have been crav- legalization supporter played College students have been ac- subcommittees. used this power to vote to immedi- ing to see another WMC produc- Russell Cromwell, Marshall, the cused of thinking dangerously. When the "late" legislation was ately uncensure themselves. tion are in for a special treat: a two ultra-conservative played by Matt On November 16 and 17WMC to be heard on the second day of MSL members Aaron Corbett, day festival of student-directed Lennon, Mandy, the IRA supporter sent 12 delegates to the Maryland the conference, the problems be- Scott Hoover, Cody Northcutt, and plays. played by Sue Gaegler, and the old Student Legislature Interim Coun- gan. Jeff Seltz did not walk out with the As this is Ron Miller's first year woman played by Amy Eagan, are cil where they certainly made an UMCP Delegate Nathan Jones, other members of the WMC del- teaching the directing class. he de- enacting a play which is, in Rosas' impression. "The Rules and egation. According to Corbett, one cided to experiment and determine words, "an analogy for society Several of the WMC delegates factor in his decision to stay was how well having his students be- about how different people can as well as many of the delegates Calendars that he was on the Council of State come the directors of actual pro- form a homogeneous group despite from University of Maryland, Col- and Rules committee which made ductions will work. their different beliefs." lege Park walked out of the con- Committee should decision about hearing legislation. At first the students ran into Although their play is more ference in protest of actions taken have admitted they "I also disagree with standing up some difficulty in that when audi- lighthearted because its a satire of by the Attorney General Jamie for a principle that blocks the pro- tions were held in early November the King Arthur legend, the cast of Kendrick of Goucher College. made a mistake and cess of having a good conference," the tum out was not enough 10 fill "Idlings of the King," Ed Milliner, The controversial action con- Corbett added. all of the casts. who plays King Arthur, Francesca cerned the handling of "late" leg- allowed things to Advisor to the WMC delegation Fortunately though, other stu- Saylor, who plays Guinivere, TJ islation. stand as they were. " Dr. Herb Smith said of the incident, dents were recruited to supplement Grable, who plays Lancelot, Harry WMC had a rocky start even "The MSL is like a house of cards. the actors, mostly freshmen and Singer, who plays Merlin and before the actual conference. The Christian Wilwohl You effectively dropped a sophomores beginning theirtheater Mordred, Susan Hottle, who plays proposed legislation was sent in to nuclear bomb." careers, who were cast from the the page, Kim Bloch, the stage the Attorney General on a citing rule 21(d)oftheMSL Stand- Ten of the 28 pieces of legisla- auditions. manager, and their director Michael Macintosh disk by the due date, but ing Rules of Order, was the first to tion were debated that weekend in- Another problem the student Gibbons, felt they also had to bond because the disk could nor be read disagree with the handling of the eluding late term abortion and ref- directors faced was finding all the in order to bring across the comic by Kendrick, the legislation had to legislation in question. ormation of the electoral college. props and costumes they needed. element involved. be resubmitted. "The Rules and Calendars All of them passed through the Most felt that it was difficult work- Gibbons explained that they Thus, the legislation was late Committee should have admitted Resolutions Committee, with only ing with no budget, but managed have been "trying a very loose ap- and, according to the MSL Stand- they made a mistake and allowed two vetoed by the Governor Alex quite well by utilizing the props and proach because it's a comedy and ing Rules of Order, should have things to stand as they were. I Jennings of UMCP. costumes available. [they're] trying to experiment with been considered emergency legis- think their actions merely fueled WMC students attending the Chris Fernandez, director of it." lation. the fire among delegates," said MSL Interim Council included "The Maker of Dreams," which The cast seems to enjoy doing In the interest of fairness, the WMC Delegate Christian WiJ- sophomores Carolyn Bames, Aaron will be presented on the Mainstage so as they unfold the tale of a golf Council of Slate decided to create wohl. Corbett, Amy Hanna, Scot Hoover, on the twelfth along with "Idlings and trombone playing Arthur a new category called "late" legis- After Kendrick declared Jones Kristin Miller, Jaime Moser, juniors of the King" and "Hello and whose kingdom has lost its edge so lation for all of the legislation out of order, the'protest began. l Cody'Northtutt;Sara Beth Reyburn: Goodbye," commented that "it's to speak, because all the knights, handed in late. Thereby the tegis- After walking out, the del- JeffSohz, Rebecca Tothero, seniors fun, despite the stress, and it's in- except for Lancelot, have softened lallon could be heard in the differ- egates were physically banned Sarah Snell and Jason Chessman. teresting in terms of experience due to country club membership. because I've never done it before." Another cast which gets to play Jim Gross, who portrays the around with the comic element, Manufacturer who makes it pos- though in a droll manner, is the cast sible for Pierrette, played by Megan of "Date with a Stranger," which Townshend, and Pierrot, played by is directed by John Ou. Ryan Keough, to fall in love, slated Jonathan Rattner, playing that "we all have a lot of fun be- Clark, and Jen Cuch, playing Paula cause we have such great chemis- engage in flirtatious conversation try when we're up there; Megan in a diner until she is "stolen away" and Ryan are great to work with, from Clark by the businessman and Chris came a long way in di- with the newspaper played by recting-he's really turning the Colin Forman. show around." All of those involved in the fes- Tony Rosas, who plays Phil, a tival are excited having the experi- cop in "Port Authority," which is ence, and seem to share in John directed by Joe Schutt and will be Ou's sentiment that it is "a worth- presented on the Understage on the while experience." eleventh along with "The Valentine Sue Oxley, director of "The Fairy" and "Date with a Stranger," Valentine Fairy," starring Chester also staled that the "cast has bonded Stacy as Rudyard and Faith Walker and the play is getting better and as Ingrid, and Carolyn Roush, di- better; the characters are getting rector of "Hello and Goodbye," stronger and more defined." starring R. Reid Wraase as Danny This is especially essential for and Sara Gruber as Sandra, were this play which has a slightly larger not available for comment. Gn'MONEY FROMYOUB 1JNCJ.E INSTEAD. cast than most of the rest, because Your Uncle Sam. Every year Army tees. They even JXIY a flat rate for text- ROTC awards scholarships to hundreds books and supplies. You can also receive of talented students, If you qualify,I an allowance of up to $1500 each is in can school year the scholarship these merit-based scholarships Don't miss it! help you pay tuition an::I educational effect. FInd out today Uyou quaUty. December 11 & 12's ARMY ROTC two day festival of student-directed plays. 111 SIUI1'IST COUJ:GE COUISE YOUCD TID. For _. WIt the 2nd floor. GIll Gym or CXIll 157-2720
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