Page 88 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, December 12, 1996 - Page 8 FEATURES December in the Stars By JF.5SIE W A.n'S AND HUTIIF.R WOOUS Begin your "to-do" list so that you'll start SwffWrilers clean for the new year. Caprtcorn virgo _ It's winter and you're ready for·a You'll have some luck this month. Take change. ·So, this holiday season treat advantage of it because it won't last long. yourself to something new. Maybe buy a Studying for finals is going to take away your crazy outfit, or cut your hair all off, or holiday spirit, but not to worry, on the way just try out a new television show. Go to a party it will all come back. Also, don't ahead and get funky, you deserve it. forget to make a New Year's resolution. Aquarius Libra Wow! There is just no slowing you This Christmas season is going to be down. As finals approach, the adrenaline great. Once you fly through finals, Christ- will kick in even more and your energy take heed. When you sit down to the turkey, see? If you're satisfied with the vision, mas spirit will be on the rampage. You'll level will reach an all time high. Be care- stuffing, cranberry sauce, cookies, eggnog, you're blessed more than most. If not, get cool gifts from your folks and a surprise ful though. While the extra gusto may pie, and more- remember, don't be the goose. perhaps some changes should be made. from a loved one. help you now, the crash and bum will Of course if you forget this wise advice, Keep in mind that the best gift is the one , Scorpio soon follow. Try to make it through New Bally's will be sure to have special holiday you give away. It's time to buckle down and study for Year's, or else 1997 will catch you fast prices. Cancel' those finals that are looming around. Al- asleep. Taurus This month you'll make a harsh deci- though usually alert, you keep forgetting Pisces Cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze... Finals sion. It's been boiling for awhile and the things this month. Wake up! The semester You may seem a little confused right are coming up and afterwards, Christmas, but top has blown. Stick with your decision is almost over. Be careful at parties during now with Christmas coming, yet you feel all you want to do is climb into bed with some and don't back down. Holiday shopping the holiday season. You might miscalculate more like celebrating Valentine's Day. hot chicken soup. Too bad you turned down will be lots of fun this year. Though you a step and spill something on someone Don't worry- you're not crazy, you're just that flu vaccine last month. Oh well, don't normally wait till the last minute, every- you've had your heart set on all year. in love. And what better way to show it panic, viruses like to spread their joy to oth- thing will fall in place. Segntarfus than running out to the mall and buying a ers, so soon you'll be back on your feet and Leo Winter blues are in effect the beginning lavish present, but keep the receipts. ready to party (don't forget to study, too). You're a party animal this month and of the month due to all the work you have to Aries Gemini everybody wants to be around you. But get done. But don't worry, your birthday will As you sing the famous carol "Christ- Okay Scrooge, its time to take a little trip beware, something you say at one of those be great. Try having a birthday/Christmas mas is coming, the goose is getting fat...," through the past and future. What do you parties you attend might be misinterpreted. bash- twice the presents and twice the fun! COLLEGE SPECIALS Need Some Extra Income For ... Rood 330-140Vdl,ge l1a.m.-1 a,m.t-Aon.-Thurs 1111 I Books, Tuition, • tt e.m.c s e.rn.rrt.c set. _.~ 11 a.m.-12a.m.Sun , Room & Board? (OftergooclontylltWe$ternMal'yI~ndColiege) -& SUBS! Immediate Openings Large Pizza Any Large Pizza Available with Your Choice of One Topping Additional Toppings $1.46 extra. Year-Round Hourly Work as Inventory Takers in Local Retail Establishments, Super Subs g. 6" Super Sub *No experience necessary* .·Bags of Must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid social security Potato Chips • -Cans of number, and have access to reliable transportation . Coca-Cola" Choo>
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