Page 91 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 91
FEATURES Thursday, October 19, 1996 - Page 11 Clocks, mugs, and e- The philosophyof Dr, Jakoby Elvis sharing a home finds its way to the Hill with Chambers Bv NICKI KASSOl.lS SlIlffWriler There is a new professor in the By NICKI KASSOLIS great place; everyone should go to philosophy department and she is SllIifWriler it." not from around here. She was not The ticking of the clock is ever Another favorite is a mug from born in Maryland. She was not present . tick-lock tick-lock. The the famous department store, raised in Carroll County and En- Elvis clock swings its pelvis with Harod's of London, described by glish is not even her primary lan- each passing second while the Vic- Chambers' as the "world's great- guage. This new professor is Vera torian clock needs to be winded on est store where everything is done Jakoby, a native of Germany who a daily basis. with class." A mug that pictures has made her way to WMC this In the office ofWMC President, Bugs Bunny playing baseball is semester. Robert Chambers, the ticking of another favorite which reads "The Jakoby, her formal title being clocks is especially apparent. The Boss: I can do whatever I want." assistant professor of philosophy Elvis and Victorian clocks are just Each of the 90 mugs has a story and religious studies, was born, two of the 18 different clocks that attached to it; a story of where it raised, and educated in Germany. have a special place in Chambers' came from or a story of who drank Shortly after she was married, office, and clocks don 't make up the from it. "If a guest comes in I'll Jakoby and her husband "decided only collection of things that the say 'Would you like coffee?' and to pack our bags and try it here." president owns then I will get them an interesting Palomar College in California and "I am a collector, but not a dis- mug," said Chambers. "Everyone the University of California, San ciplined one," said Chambers. notices the mugs. They have 'be- Diego were both schools at which Among his most famous collections come part of the decoration of the Jakoby taught for a total of six is a set of coffee mugs that sit on office." years. Though she describes the top of the bookshelf in his office. Mugs and clocks are not the West Coast as "very exciting," she He has about 90 different mugs, only interesting things that adorn wanted a change of scenery. "I most of which fit into five catego- Chambers' office. The president wanted to come to the East Coast ries. has a large collection of books, a because it is closer to the German The first classification of mugs small collection of baseballs, a col- style of living," Jakoby said. pertain to advertising for compa- lection of various hats, and a col- That desire, along with an nies with which the school does lection of Elvis paraphernalia. opening in the philosophy depart- business. Then there are the mugs "The Elvis thing has taken on a life ment, brought her to WMC. Her from different colleges around the of its own," the president said. He first semester has gone extremely nation and around the world. There has an Elvis mug, an Elvis Christ- well and she said "What surprised are also mugs that were given to the mas ornament, and a picture of me was that the students and fac- , president as favors or ones that Elvis shaking Richard Nixon's ulty and administration are very were given just "out of the blue." hand. friendly and very supportive and Jakoby's new home on the east coast brings her philosophy teaNlings right Finally, there are mugs Chambers "The office, as a whole, de- no one wrinkles their forehead loWMC: T describes as "an eclectic collection scribes my personality," said when they hear me speak with my that come from places I've been." Chambers. "I never throw things accent." dents that will hopefully be imple- America to life in other parts of A majority of the mugs in away." From the clocks to the Jakoby enjoys the sizeofWMC ment in the fall of 1997. The semi- the world, this well-traveled pro- Chambers' collection were gifts. mugs to the books to the Elvis and her ability to "have a lot of nar would examine how students fessor has found that "no matter "It's nice to collect something be- memorabilia, the collections of personal contact with students out- can use philosophy to deal with the where you go, you find people cause people have some reason to President Chambers define his per- side of class." While in the class- problems they encounter in their who are open and people who have give you something," he said. AI[ sonality as they decorate his office room, she encourages srudent par- first year of college. closed minds." Yet, Jakoby feels of his mugs have been used at one and his home. And as for the ticipation and involvement and at- Another favorite element in her that the most interesting place she time or another, but he has his fa- clocks, they keep on ticking and tempts to incorporate her students' new home at WMC are the squir- has ever been is where she is right vorites. One of these is a mug from rocking and ticking and tocking, interests in her daily lessons. rels that roam the campus. Jakoby now. "Wherever we are we have the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame until of course it is time for them Jakoby explained that "When the and her husband have six dogs, to be full present and not have an desire three fish, a that, according to Chambers, is "a to be winded. teacher and the student learn from three cats, two horses, "It is important eternal she said. to be someplace else," turtle, and a frog. each other it is very exciting." to take the animal world seriously Next semester, Jakoby looks Bringing the study of philoso- forward to teaching a course in phy close to the lives of her stu- as part of our world," said Jakoby, Modern Philosophy and a course diet. Happy Holidays from The Phoenix! dents is one of Jakoby's goals as a who also follows a vegetarian and has on Existentialismand becoming Jakoby likes to travel professor. She is working to de- been to Asia, Turkey, China, and more acquainted with her new velop a seminar for first-year SIU- community at WMC. Korea. 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