Page 92 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 92
Thursday, December 12, 1996 - Page 12 SPORTS Terror wrestlers seek Conference Championship Experience returns to team along with new talent shown in eleven new wrestlers By JVLlE EDWARDS The Green Terrors have been rejuve- a three-time Division III East Regional the team definitely made its presence SlaffWriler nated injust three years by the current head champion. Lowe describes Totten as "the known in the season opening tri-meet on coach, John Lowe. Lowe won the 1993 most intense individual" he has ever met, the hill. 142- pounder Smiddy and fresh- The Western Maryland wrestling team AAU Grand National Championship in and is confident Totten will be an asset to man 177-pounder Charlie Conaway both has good reason to look forward to chal- Green-Roman wrestling at 163 pounds, the team's success. registered two pins, with 134-pounder lenging the conference title. Last season and has not been scored upon ip a Mary- Tri-captains Rick Estes (senior), Phil Wert adding a pin and a technical fall. they beheld the most conference place land Greco tournament since 1991. He is. Simmerer (senior), and Steve Smiddy Conaway, a Maryland State Champion in winners (8), most conference finalists (4), also the head coach of the Maryland Ca- high school hails from South Carroll to most points scored in the conference tour- det National Team. Lowe recently named strengthen the Terror squad. nament, and most place winners in the Brandon Totten, a 1996 graduate of Dela- "lfwe achieve the goals Freshman Jon Pitonzo at 118, sophomore NCAA East Regional Tournament. WMC ware Valley College, assistant coach. Tot- we have set for this Josh Ellin at 150, and junior Paul Scott at finished third in the Centennial Confer- ten is currently enrolled in the Western 158 also went 2-0. ence, its highest finish ever, and gained its Maryland master's degree program in ath- season, I will be sitting on The wrestlers made a good impression first CC MVP, heavyweight Ted Speers letic administration. He is a two-time at the 27th annual Lebanon Valley Invita- who graduated last spring. NCAA Division III wrestling champ, and the top of the world. " tional on December 6-7.• The tournament Head Coach John Lowe consisted of twenty-two teams, many of CLASSIFIEDS tors, as well as Mt. Union and Messiah which are Centennial Conference competi- (junior) add leadership to the team as well. Colleges which are nationally ranked. WMC finished seventh in the tournament, HELP WANTED Smiddy is currently undefeated; he won with Wert placing third in his weight class. ATTN: GRADUATE STUDENTS. his weight division at the Kings College Smiddy and Conaway both placed fourth MenIWomen earn $480 weekly Villa Julie College has an immediate Invitational Tournament on November 16, in their class, while freshman 126-pounder assembling circuit boards/electronic need for a Resident Director for its off- beating two national qualifiers in the pro- Julian Tai and Simmerer earned seventh components at home. Experience campus housing complex. The RD will cess, and was the 1995 WMC Wrestler of place ranks. Also placing was Pltonzo, unnecessary, will train. Immediate be responsible for assisting reside~ts in the Year. Estes placed second at the tour- stealing eighth for the 118 pound weight openings your local area. developing their personal, academic, nament, and Simmerer has yet to compete class. Both Estes and Scott were injured and social skills and for developing a due to a dislocated elbow. Sophomore and did not complete the tournament. community conductive to comfortable John Wert also placed 4th at the Kings In- The WMC squad has not had a national 'EARN EXTRA INCOME' Earn living. The RD will also be responsible vitational. . qualifier in ten years, but hopes to change This year's team is relatively young. $200-$500 weekly mailing phone for administering rules and regulations as four to five often starting positions will that this year. The team has an abundance of talent throughout the middle weights, cards. For information, send a self- that promote safety and harmony, over- be filled by freshmen, yet they expect to and Lowe regrets that several very talented addressed stamped envelope to : seeing the ResidentAssistant and attend- go undefeated throughout the 1996-97 athletes will have to sit the bench on oc- ing monthly meetings with the Director season, and are off to a very good start. casion. Lowe projects, "If we achieve the of Campus Life. The RD will report to The Green Terror clobbered Albright goals we have set for this season, I will be BROKERAGE INTERNSHIP 152_6ana defeated Waynesburg 33-16, as sitting on the top of the world." ..., Prepare yourself for a Wall Street Ca- the Director of Cami:ms and will be ex- pected to provide weekend coverage bi- reer. Earn your Broker's License (se- weekly. The RD shall receive a fur- NCAA Champion is new ries 7) in a semester. Provide yourself with an inside track to the best jobs in nished apartment, free utilities and 10- assistant wrestling coach the investment indusfi.y:lPart-time/flex- .cal phone service. Residential Life ex- ible hours. Call Adam Michaels in Bal- ' perience preferred. Interested individu- als should submit a resume and cover Head coach Lowe describes Totten as "the most letter to: Villa Julie College intense individual" that he has ever met A1TN; Human Resources Brandon Totten, a two-time NCAA GOOD 1525 Greenspring Valley Road Division III wrestling champion for University, finished with a collegiate record of 129-24. WEEKLY Stevenson, MD 21153 Delaware Valley College, has been an outstanding career at Blair Academy The Allentown, N.J., native also had named the assistant wrestling coach at INCOME WMC by head coach John Lowe and ath- in Blairstown, N.J., where he posted an processing mail for letic director Dr. Richard Carpenter. 88-35-1 career mark and once was run- national company! Free SPRING BREAK '97·SELL . , Totten captured the Division III 158- ner-up at the National Prep School Cham- supplies, postage I No TRiPS, E~RN CASH, & GO . pound weight class in both 1995 and pionships. sellingl Banusilsl Start FREE!!! STS is hiring CAMPUS 1996 for Delaware . He was also a three- Totten, who earned a bachelor of sci- immediatal~ Genuine REPS/GROUP ORGANIZERS to time Division III East Regional cham- ence degree from Delaware as a criminal apponuni1y1 shSAS.E.: pion, and a two-rime Middle Atlantic justice major with a business administra- V M C, SUITE 174 promote trips to Cancun,Jamaica, and Conference champion tion minor, is currently enrolled in West- Totten is the Aggies' career leader in 1861 N.PBDERAL BlfT Florida. Call 800-648-4849 for wins with 122 and, combined with a 7-4 ern Maryland's master's degree program ROLLY1fOOD.PL 33020 information on joining America's #1- in athletic administration. Student Tour Operator. record as a freshman at Rutgers (N.J.) Courtesy of Sports Infonnation INSTANT CREDIT r.------------------------------i IORM ORDER STUDEIIT CREDIT SERVICES Guaranteed Credit Cards With Credit Limits YES! cards ~te11" P.O. 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