Page 84 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 84
Thursday, December 12, 1996 - Page 4 NEWS Freshman Rush most likely to continue rorities, four fraternities and an interest Male student apprehended Continuedfromfront sorority was the major possible stumbling group which is looking to become a frater- block to allowing freshmanrush to continue, nity, this structure is important. after pulling knife on female this information was very powerful and ef- Although there is no similar governing fective in persuading members of the Ad- body in charge of the fraternities as of yet, a By FRANCESCA SAYLOR from the suspect shortly thereafter. ministrativeCouncilto think favorablyabout Inter-Fraternal Council is in the works and Campus Safely Beat Reporter The suspect was then taken to the DMC freshman rush, this body would hopefully do the same. The residents of ANW were in for a sur- lot, from Gund Parker Plaza, where he was Dean Sayre commented that "it showed Although school wide support for fresh- prise on the night of November 2nd when patted down. Following this was pretty nicely....students can go through rush man rush is not entirely wholehearted, many someone let an unknown guest into the "Mirandized from the card issued [read his freshman year and not have a negative ef- of those who aren't "strong advocate[s] of building. ' rights]" at the DoCS as Officers Lee and fect on their grade." freshman rush" like Le~1ieHuffer, are not After the residents repeatedly asked him Medlin interviewed the victim, the report In fact, the Greek grades overall topped totally opposed to the_!pea. "," )';1' -n. to leave, he-pulled a knife on a female rest- says. those of the WMC undergraduates as a Many who feel that students should wait "dent. She ~as not wounded, but this action The victim declined to press charges and whole, a promising sign for the decision. until they are sophomores to rush do not is considered assault and battery with a the suspect was then dismissed but before the The outcome of the council's decision is wish to impose this position on others and weapon by Campus Safety. somewhat predictable because freshman wish to allow those who want to rush as Mike Webster, Campus Safety Director, suspect left he asked for his knife back, Webster wrote in his report. who rush are required to have a 2.5 GPA freshman to do so. was on-duty that night. He recounts that he Webster declined because the knife will rather than the normal 2.0 required for rush- The presentationof the IGC wasreceived and Officer Patrick Lake monitored a radio be held by the DoCS until the statute of limi- ing as a sophomore, andthe Greeksof course very weiland the All College Council voted call at 11:15 p.m. from an R.A. on-duty in tations expires on the crime. encourage their rushees to keep up good unanimously to recommend continuing ANW reporting the incident. "He said he'd only get another. I advised grades. freshman rush to the Administrative Coun- Webstersays he left the office while Lake him against that." Webster reported. The retention rate, another large positive cil who will make the final decision. tried to "obtain descriptive information." The suspect also refused to fill out any factor for the Greeks, was also brought to(_) Most Or those concerned feel as A?}Pl IAccording to Camp~s ~r(~~,y,reports, forms saying that his attorney had advised him against it. the~~~:~i~~:~~~ ~~~~~~!~~e;~~:!~;th~ " ~~~tc:~h~!~ ;~s~ i;:e~~~~~~:~~~~:~ ~:;7s~~~~~:r:nd~;::!e:or:'e~~~ The suspect, who is now suspended from IGC presenters showed thatthe retentionrate ence on those who undergo it. '. sitions behind the building. On his way to school pending a hearing, is no stranger to of Greeks who pledged ;s, freshman was ANw, Webster reports to have seen Lake DoCS. 91.1 %. ' . Lock and Key , crossing the faculty parking lot as the sus- Webster says they have received com- The group also contests that thoseGreeks Continued from page 2 pect approached Lake with his palms for- .plaints prior to this incident which were who pledge as freshman have the opportu- purchasers must have pepperaffiliation with ward. working their way through,the disciplinary nity [Q become more involved in and more the college. They must show identification 'The suspect, who was walking between process when this happened. In addition, at knowledgeable about Greek life and with that they are students orfaculty members of Forlines and McLea, was followed by a least three complaints were received after- activities on campus in general. the college. group of approximately 8 males. ward. ' The presenters of the plan say the fresh- One deal in particular is the Corel Word "Seeing this, I feared for Lakes's safety Although the victim did not press charges, man rush "gets freshman)9¥!H~r.Rdi~ cO!'j:J'#P~d~t J.O Suite Ior wmdows. It is for sale and returned to his area," recalls Webster. the law makes the DoCS responsible for tell- lege We,earli~r.:',. ·)t~'1f t, '("[' for $32.9.5at the bookstore at an educational While he was doing this, Websternoticed ing her the outcome of the closed Honor and Their information shows that almost all discount. This same program upgrade costs the R.A. who had placed the call directing Conduct Board Hearing. The victim will be of those who went through freshman rush $99.99 at Babbages Software store and his attention to the suspect and another R.A. allowed to attend as a witness but not for the are involved heavily in activities around $89.99 at Staples office supplies. was also present as he reached Lake. entire hearing. campus and that 8 out of the 15 members of Johnson explains, the items at Babbages "I had a quick conversation with the sus- The incident has led to several floor meet- OrdecoJOmega"the,nation;tUeadershipan,cl .. and-Staplesere.sold at-the best.price a con- pect and he admitted to having a knife," ings in ANW which were, for the most part, honor society for Greeks, pledged as fresh- sumer can get. Those at the bookstore are stated Webster in the official DoCS report. "exceptionally attended." man. the best a student can get. He then asked for and received the knife Webster said that several ideas were dis- As an added precaution, the Pan-hellenic Maybe someday the prices of text books cussed at the meetings but he feels the hall Council, which governs the activities of the will also be discounted this much. Contract renewed government should "get involved in defin- sororities on campus guarantees that they One eye open ing a guest policy." will continue to implement a formal rush Every time you walk out of the Hoover Continued from front However, Webster believes the solution where the freshman will be under the charge Library, you are being watched by some- pus to raise funds for the campaign. should be fairly basic: "People shouldn't let of a rush counselor and be part of a rush thing. And no, it's not the circulation desk With the funds raised by the campaign, people they don't know into the residence group which will help them to get to see and worker. WMC expectsto continue the construction halls!" .Some suggested that the floors be understand as much about each of the so- Rather, it's a one-eyed electronic black of new campus buildings and the renovation locked individually like in Daniel McLea. rorities as they can; box. In regular terms, it's a people counter. of existing classroom buildings and resi- Ruth Barber, a DoCS supervisor who is ''They are not just going to be left with- Each time someone exits the library, it dence halls. in charge of a crime prevention program on out some form of guidance," said Missy counts. Last year, the gate count totaled WMC is set to break ground on the new campusattended the meetingsas well as Resi- Summers. 261,874, according to Dave Neikirk, library science laboratory building next spring, and dence Life Coordinator for that area, Greg This guidance is important to a student director. This amount does not particularly construction is scheduled to begin next sum- Zick. in search of the right Greek group for him show the number of people who use the li- mer. As usual, Webster would like to remind or her. Even though WMC has only four so- brary; it only gives a rough estimate, he said. The collegeplans to continue implement- students that "anyone that has any kind of ing the latest technology throughout cam- bizarre interactions should report their sus- Preserving the National Anthem pus and updating the resources in Hoover picions to us [DoCS]." Library. Names of those involved were not al- Continued from page 3 indeed. But I do not believe that it is an The Office of Institutional Advancement lowedto be released because of DoCSpolicy. States did not fail. Not in 1815, and not adequate tribute to what I consider to be the expects to increase revenue raised from the since. greatest nation in the history of mankind. Annual Fund to $7 million over the next five But it goes far beyond describing one And what of it being supposedly easier years. Attention man's love for his nation, or the fortitude to sing than "The Star Spangled Banner"? Approximately $5 million of the funds of said nation. The song itself is a chal- I answer this question with another ques- raised by the Defining Moment Campaign Organizations lenge to all Americans, now and forever. tion. Would "The Star-Spangled Banner" be Through its immortal words, Francis Scott as difficult to sing if people would actually will be allocated to scholarships and faculty development. Key reaches beyond the grave and asks us take the time to try to do it? Do people take In addition, the campaign will create a flat out if the Star Spangled Banner still does it upon themselves to sing it proudly and Presidential Discretionary Fund and a Ven- "wave o'er the land of the free, and,the often? For the most part, I would have to ture Fund, each allocated with a quarter of a RENT MARKERS home of the brave?" say no. Most don't even try. million dollars. These aren't empty words. These are To me, the very idea that patriotism can Chambers explained that these funds will AND POSTER PAPER words which challenge us, as citizens of be easier bestowed to the masses by having enable WMC "to take advantage of unex- FROMTHESGA the United States, to ensure that the flag a national anthem which is more "conven- pected opportunities." does continue to wave over such a land. tional" is ludicrous. Only when people em- In the past, the college used similar funds FOR ONLY $5.00111 And what of "America the Beautiful"? I brace the song for what it is, a tribute to the to establish the WMC Budapest Program. will say,confident in the fact that I will not United States of America, will its melody Chambers asserted that WMC is the only be labeled unpatriotic, that the song, com- become less important. Only then will its institution of higher learning in the country pared to "The Star Spangled Banner", is at message be the essential factor. When this to have such a unique program in Budapest. Request forms available at: best, a memorable ditty. Nothing more. It happens, people won', care what they sound According to the Office of Public Infor- Information Desk, College is a description of the geographical char- like when they sing it. The will "feel" the mation, the Board of Trustee's policy on Activities Office & the SGA acteristics of this continent. Yes, the land- song as they sing it. And when that is the personnel action does not permit the Office scape across the United States is beautiful, case, it can never sound bad. Never. to disclose the terms of Chambers' contract. Office.
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