Page 94 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 94
Thursday, December 12, 1996 - Page 14 ,S PORTS Men's basketball shoots for winning season Two new assistant Freshmen dominate men s squad with seven players; only two seniors return coaches join men S student at Western Maryland and Chris St. Rose averaged 17.5 points and 5 rebounds basketball staff By JULIE EDWARDS Lambertson, a 1987 graduate of Western in the 1·1 weekend. Staff Writer Maryland who was then a captain of the The team is struggling so far this season, Fonner WMC men's basketball playe Green Terror squad. Brian Hollingsworth tallying losses to St. Mary's and Mary Wash- Chris Lambertson of Baltimore and Kevin The Green Terror men's basketball team is returning for his third year assisting ington early on. Non-conference contender Selby of Westminster have been named as aims to improve on their record from last Zoulias. Tri-caprains Marshall, Tombs, and St. Mary's dominated the Green terrors in assistant men's basketball coaches by Green year. Coming off of a 4·20 overall season, senior forward Brian Wyant opened the sea- the November 26th match-up. Marshall was Terror head coach Nick Zoulias and athletic its first 20·loss season in the 74-year history son by organizing a four week conditioning the lone WMC player in double figures with director Dr. Richard Carpenter. of the program, head coach Nick Zoullas has period, the most difficult pre-season the team 17 points. The Green Terror managed just Selby fills the paid staff position vacated worked to improve the conditioning, team has ever completed. 15 field goals in the game, and shot 25.4 by Doug Kelly, who moved out of the area defense, and transition game this year. He At the Wakefield Valley Golf and Con- percent from the floor (15 of 59). St. Mary's after two years assisting Zoulias and work- believes last year's record did not give jus- ference Center/Western Maryland Tip-Off led 27-22 at the half, and Western Maryland ing in the Admissions Office. Lambertson tice to the talent on the team. Many of the Tournament, the Green Terrors came out lost three players with foul trouble in the is joining the staff as a volunteer. games were very close, as was illustrated in strong, beating Neumann 68-57 in the first second half. The foul trouble produced 56 Selby comes to WMC after serving for a game against Franklin and Marshall, the round. The Green Terror forced Neumann whistles in the game, including 30 against four years as the head junior varsity and as- 1994 and 1996 Centennial Conference cham- into 26 turnovers and just 16 first half points the Green Terror. sistant varsity boys' basketball coach at pion, in which the Green Terrors were only in the win. Marshall had 19 points and nine Mary Washington beat the Green Terrors Northern High School, his alma mater. The down three points at halftime: Western 75-67, as Western Maryland fell to 1-3 so native of Deep Creek Lake, MD earned a Maryland competes in one of the most diffi- My players have "shown farthisseason. MarshallledWMCwith 15 bachelor of science degree from Frostburg cult Division III conferences for mens bas- points before fouling out, and St. Rose con- State University in 1995, but did not play ketball in the nation. a great attitude this year. " tributed with 13 points and a game-high 10 basketball for the Bobcats after tearing liga- Zoulias, in his eighth year directing the rebounds. Billman came off the bench to ments in both of his knees while as a stu- team, will be counting on his forward tan- Head Coach Nick Zoulias score 10 points and pull down six boards. dent-athlete at Garrett Community College. dem of Will Marshall and senior Daeviid The Terror team came back on Decem- . The new Green Terror assistant is cur- St. Rose to equal or improve upon their 1995· ber 7 10 break a three-game losing streak as rently enrolled in WMC's master's degree 96 production. Marshall, a e-foot-e junior rebounds to lead Western Maryland, II Of they defeated Ursinus 89·66 in their Cen- program in counseling, and works in the was Western Maryland's Most Valuable those points and eight rebounds came in the tennial Conference opener. Fifty-nine ofthe College's Academic Skills Center and Ca- Player and an All-Centennial second-team game's second half. Tombs added a career- men's points came in the second half. reer Services Office. pick after leading the Green Terror in scor- high 16 points and St. Rose had 15, which Marshall again led the team as he scored Lambertson returns to his alma maier af- ing and rebounding with·'17.8 points and 7.5 held Neumann scoreless for a six minute, 26· a career-high 36 points. This is the best per- rer playing in 88 games in his Terror career boards per game. He also'dished our a team- second stretch of the first half on its way to formance by any Western Maryland player and scoring 546 points. He was captain 0 high 2.7 assists per contest and was first in a 27-16 lead at the intermission. Freshman in Gill Center. Marshall scored 12 of 19 the 86·87 WMC squad as a senior, and was field-goal percentage with a 54.8 mark. center/forward Brian Billman added nine points from the field, and 12 of 13 from the named the team's Most Valuable Player that Metro Media, a national sports publication points and a team-high 10 rebounds for west- foulline. Twenty-three of his 36 points came year after averaging 11.6 points per game named Marshall a first-team All Mid-Atlan- em Maryland. in the second half. and shooting 52.2 percent from the field. tie. player as well. Sh~1 f;;eraged 14.9 Freshman Brian Billman ~ade his first This is Lambertson's first coaching ex- points per game last year, and was named to Mo~~:~~~C~fur!~t~~i.p ~:~~~a~~~I\;~ start of his college career substituting for perience at-any level. Lambertson, who the second- team all-conference two years 42-24 at halftime, and held off the Green injured St. Rose. Billman scored 19 points earned a master's degree in business admin- ago. Zoulias has less experience at the guard Terrors by hitting 21 of23 free throws in the and a game and career high 15 rebounds. istration from James Madison University in spots, with 6·foot·2 sophomore Brian Tombs second half. St. Rose topped Western Mary- Tombs also added 14 points, and Kevin 1990, had been employed in the food-ser- the lone returning starter at the position. land with 20 points and six caroms, with Buckley came off of the bench to add 11, six vice industry since graduating from WMC Tombs, the 1995·96 Rookie of the Year, av- sophomore guards Paddy Taylor and Tombs points coming from two three-point shots. in 1987. eraged 4.2 points, 2.1 rebounds and 1.9 as- contributing 14 each. St. Rose and Tombs Zoulias is still optimistic; he says his Selby and Lambertson join third-year sists, in his first season. were also named to the All-Tournament players have "shown a great attitude this coach Brian Hollingsworth as assistants to Zoulias has three assistant coaches and a team. year." He concentrates on preparing his team Zoulias, who enters his eight year as the tri-captain force 10 help mold his team. New St. Rose was also named to the Centen- to meet each opponent and believes that with Green Terror head coach. this year is Kelvin Selby, a graduate of nial Conference's Weekly Honor Roll after the enthusiasm they possess, the season Frostburg State who is currently a graduate his performance in the Tip-Off Tournament. should be successful. Courtesy 0/ Sports Information Swimmers dive into new season; hoping for improvement Women return and add three new swimmers; men pick up only one By TOM GILL and sophomores Michelle Garvey, and 'the men: The girls had only one swimmer Staff Writer Meghan Joyce each with one. Barkley finish first in all II races. Freshman Dameron, Leslee Gordon, and Lynnae Stoehr Dameron impressed Albright with her time are the only three new additions this year. of 58.20, a good second and a half ahead of The 1996-97 Western Maryland swim On November 23rd, the Terror traveled second place. team has entered their new season, and seem to Albright College for their second match Joyce placed forth with a time of 1:00.75. to be having a rocky start. Kim Easterday is of the year. Albright finished first in both WMC hosted Franklin and Marshall on back for her 21st year as head coach and mens and women's with a score of 49 to 37 November 22 in their first match of the year. Steve Easterday, assistant coach, is in his and 102 to 84 respectfully. Corbett placed The men fell to Franklin and Marshall by a 14th year. The Green Terror hope to have a first in the 2oo-meter with a time of2: 15.51. score of 56-34, and the ladies lost also, 52- good building year with their small squad. Following closely behind was teammate 30, Consisting of three seniors, three juniors, Hoover in second place with a time of Both squads traveled to Swanhmore on six sophomores, and three freshman, the men 2:17.01. Saturday, December 7, where they were are lead by senior captain Kevin Lundell. Welter came in first in the 200 free event again-defeated, but had several first place Lundell, Mike Welter, and Peter Fuller are with a time of 1:59.25, but had to settle for finishers. The men lost by a score of 127- the three senior leiter winners returning. the 9-9 tie since Albright had three racers. 54, but placed first in three individual events. Junior Chris Drawbaugh is back with his two The men placed first in the 400-meter free Senior Kevin Lundell placed first in the letters, and sophomores Aaron Corbett, Scot style relay with a time of3:39.57. The team 1,000·yard free-style, sophomore Corbett Hoover, Jameson Pain, and Jason West are consisted of Corbett, Pain, Fuller, and won the I DO-yard free-style, and senior all returning with one letter each for the mens Lundell. Welter edged Scott Long and Brian Fuller placed first in the 50· yard free-style. rosier. Freshman Martin Wisor is the new Smith of Albright in the 200-meter back The ladies lost 124-53, but freshman addition to the Terror, and he will compete stroke, to win with a time of 2: 14.08. Fi- Barkley Dameron won the 100-yard free- in the breast stroke and butterfly. nally Corbett with a time of 5:32.17 finished style. The ladies are even smaller with six first in the 500-meter free style. The teams are improving with each members and only three members returning The ladies with such a small staff didn't match, and are getting some excellent runs Leslee Gordon swims the backstroke portion with letters. Captain Tasha Berry with two, enjoy their stay at Albright quite as much as during the events. oj the 200 individual medley
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