Page 74 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 10 FEATURES Absent from class, but busy with homework Professors on sabbatical pursue their interests and gain experiences that can be helpful in classes By NICKI will be useful." While she has missed her thoroughly they cover political races," said things get dealt with on paper for, me," said SlaffWriler time interacting with WMC students, Dalton. Many professors at Western Maryland Henriette feels that her time away from cam- In analyzing these four newspaper, Mangan. Many of the poems in Mangan's College are not teaching classes or interact- pus has been well spent. "Once in a while Dalton has looked at the quality and quan- first collection dealt with her relationship col- with her father. her second In writing ing with students. Their office doors are shut you need to read again to find a new source tity of the political coverage while finding lection, Mangan has found the death of her because they are taking a sabbatical or leave of inspiration, it is kind of exciting." any trends that may emerge. He has also of absence this semester. Though their work Henriette is not the only professor spend- interviewed both reporters and editors of the mother and the spiritual aspects of life to be in West Virginia A cabin recurring themes. has taken them awajsfrom "the Hili," these ing her time reworking her dissertation. four newspapers. Since it is election time, has given her a place in which her creativity professors have not been taken away from Associate professor of art, Michael Losch, the fall semester provided Dalton with the peaks. "It totally isolates me and its just difficult work. has spent his sabbatical reading new mate- ideal time for his sabbatical. The informa- wonderful. I get a lot of stuff done there." Typically, professors are entitled to take rial about the French artist Paul Cervannee, a sabbatical after seven years of teaching at the subject of his dissertation. Losch wants tion that he has collected will be used in Isolation from WMC is one thing that courses. "I thought that journalism Dalton's WMC. Dr. Colette Henriette, associate pro- Mangan disliked about her leave of absence. fessor of French, found herselfin that posi- "I miss being in the classroom. but I don't tion this fall. She has used her time away "Once in a while you need to read again to find a new miss grading papers," she said. Mangan feels that it is important for her students to view from the campus to work on three major source of inspiration, it is kind of exciting. " her as a writer and a poet as well as a profes- projects. The first is to revise her disserta- sor. She likes that her students can see her tion. In her dissertation, Henriette re- Dr. Colette Henriette, associate professor of French searched the French writer Madame de published work in bookstores and hear her "I'm not just some- giving poetry readings. Charriere, namely the correspondence she one handing out assignments without know- shared with a Swiss officer. to resubmit his work for publication and this it was important to do something thai would ing what it's like to stare at a blank page," In addition to researching for her dis- requires him to update his research. Losch be useful in the classroom," he said. In ad- to her writing, In addition said Mangan. sertation, Henriette is busy researching for also occupies his time working on two ar- dition to his research, Dalton has been Mangan has spent her leave of absence keep- two new classes she will be teaching in the ticles for publication and developing new freelance writing and will have articles pub- ing up with her reading. She has read col- spring. One class is an upper-level study of courses to be offered in the future. lished in the American Journalist Review in lections of some of her favorite poets, namely female French writers from the middle ages "When you teach three classes a semes- 1997. until the 18th century. 'This course was di- ter, maybe four, and have-all of the other Writing is an essential part of life for Virginia Hamilton Adair and Nobel Prize Seamus poet, Heaney. rectly inspired by the students," said obligations as a professor, you don't have English professor, Kathy Mangan. Follow- winning the importance of reading Mangan the work stresses Henriette. Another new class is about con- the time to devote yourself to pursuing more ing the success of her first collection of po- of others because "you begin to hear your temporary French culture. This course will scholarly activities," said Losch. By taking ems entitled "Above the Tree Line," Mangan own voice developing" when you read. examine current events in France through a'sabbatical Losch has found that time, even found it necessary to concentrate her time They are not on the WMC campus this reading newspapers. Henriette encourages though he misses the WMC community. on producing her second collection. "When semester, but they have certainly found students to enroll in these courses. Journalism professor, Terry Dalton, has I leach full time, 1 can't get substantial writ- things with which to occupy their time. Henriette's final project during her sab- spent this fall doing a great deal of research ing time," said Mangan, who opted to take batical has left her surfing the Worldwide Whether they are researching, writing, read- and writing. Dalton has been studying how a leave of absence for.the fall semester. ing, or exploring the Worldwide Web, these Web. She has spent a great deal of time ex- four newspapers in Maryland have covered Mangan's time away from WMC has al- four professors are keeping themselves very ploring the Internet and various online ser- the 6th district congressional race. "As a lowed her to make progress in her .second busy. Their experiences while-away this fall vices to see how they can be utilized in the former political reporter, I have always been collection of poems. The inspiration for will translate into the classrooms they will classroom. Henriette is attempting to "make interested in smaller newspapers in rural many of her poems come from events in return to in the spring. sure that anything I present to the students congressional districts and how well, how Mangan's own life. "Poetry is often the way ".•• The RAV4, Which Corners Better, Rides More Smoothly And Feels "Toyota's New RAV4 Seems To Bridge The Cast Casm Between Car And Truck. 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