Page 73 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 73
FEATURES Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 9 WMCR's Clam Chowder adds flavor to Monday nights By NICKI Kxssous stick to, but we never end up stick- ing and helps to make the show Sla!fWriter ing to those topics. It gets kind of more student based." It is 5:30 p.m. on a Monday whacked," said Rytter. The most memorable of Clam evening. You are walking from Guest participation is a large Chowder's shows was the first epi- dinner back to your dorm room. As part of Clam Chowder. Dr. Charles sode. A pack of people fit into the you exit the cafeteria, you stop to Neal, associate professor of politi- small radio studio and everyone listen to the Western Maryland cal science, has been a guest, as wanted to talk on the air. Accord- College Radio (WMCR). You do have members of AIDS Support ing to Dempsky, "A big raging de- not hear annoying chatter or even bate with two equal sides began. music. Instead you hear Clam Rytter is working to It was a lot of fun." Chowder. What is Clam Chowder? The importance of this type of Well, it is a creamy type of soup get politicians such political talk show comes from its with clams and potatoes and it is as Congressman ability to make people think about the title of WMC's political radio a certain issue. "The show is like talk show. Irlich, the mayor, an open forum every Monday. We Seniors Dave Oempsky and Randy Rytter arc both political sci- and other elected encourage people to think about an issue, rather than prejudge it:' said ence majors and the stars of Clam officials to visit Dempsky. Rytter hopes that the Chowder. The talk show is in its show can "broaden people's views first year of broadcast on WMCR. WMCR. and open them up 10 different The idea came from a "conglom- sides." Rytter and Dempsky are eration of all of OUf political views and Awareness (ASAP). Yet the often in a mediator-like position packed into a two hour time slot," award for the most guest appear- during the show. "We're there to according to Rytter. Dempsky had ances goes to Dr. Herb Smith, pro- move things along and to moder- hosted a radio show last year and fessor of political science. Having ate the show. We encourage oth- Rytter found himself stopping by participated in professionaltalk ra- ers to speak their minds," said on a regular basis, so this year they dio in the past, Smith thinks "it's Ryner. Standing in the middle of decided to host a show together. kind of fun to see the student ver- a heated debate forces these se- Clam Chowder airs from 5 to 7 sionofit." niors to learn how to compromise. . p.m. on Mondays. "Originally we Rytter and Dempsky enjoy the Rytter and Dempsky both feel that picked this time slot to coincide guests that they have scheduled this skill will be useful in their fu- with dinner and have people come every week, yet it is the spontane- ture careers as lawyers. "The in and talk with us," said Dempsky. ous people who stop by that keep show makes us see both sides of Each show begins with a basic out- the show interesting. "Most of the the issue," said Rytter. "It's big line of what will be discussed in time professors will tell their stu- lime prep for law school." Randy Rytter gets down /0 the niny gritty on his WMCR talk show, Clam the two hour time slot. Past show dents about the show and they will As for the future of Clam Chowder, with Dr. Smith, professor of Political Science. topics have included the election, stop by. Our friends also stop-by," Chowder, Dempsky and Rytter to visit WMCR. Dempsky is work- find two welcoming faces who in- "The Simpson's" Halloween epi- said Rytter. Visitors to the show ing to increase the number of spon- vite you to share your views with look forward to big name guests taneous guests who stop in on Clam them and the rest of the WMC sode. parental licensing, com- help to increase its spontaneous and a lot of experimentation. plaints about Glar, gun control, and nature. According to Dempsky, Ryner is working to get politicians Chowder. community. Clam Chowder is not MTV news. "We have basic top- "Four or five regulars will pop by such as Congressman lrlich, the Next time you find yourself just a soup at WMC, it is a talk around lower Decker ics that we know we're going to and hang out. It keeps things flow- mayor, and other elected officials walking 5 and 7 p.m. on a Monday be- show about politics that wants you 10 be a guest. tween Education department welcomes night, stop into WMCR. You will new professor, Dr. Judith Mounty "Going My Way?" Before leaving for Thanksgiv- that correspond to a particular re- ing Break, make sure you check gion. Bv SARAH SNEI,L tist at the Educational Testing Ser- more difficult. out the "Going My Way" board in On the card, the student must StaffWrirer vice in Princeton. N.J. After retiring from academia, front of the doors of Glar. fill out, name, date, going to, time Dr. Judith L. Mounty is a new What Mounty enjoys most Mounty said she would like to be The big green and yellow leaving, city, campus address, and face this year, and brings with her about teaching is "seeing students a psychotherapist. board offers travel solutions to campus phone. five years of teaching experience explore their own convictions and Mounty is originally from people nOI only far away, bUI Currently there are more rides from Boston University where she approaches in the context of chal- Philadelphia, Pa. and enjoys aero- nearby as well. needed than rides offered. Regions instructed graduate courses. She lenging new ideas. I like to see bics, reading, drawing and paint- People needing rides to differ- listed on the board are Maryland taught courses in instructional strat- people grow and become more ing, and spending time with her ent areas of the US and Bast Coast, (Central, Eastern Shore), Dela- egies and spoken English teaching aware of what they will still need daughters. Her daughters or people able to offer rides sim- ware, DC, Pennsylvania, New Jer- to graduate students in the deaf to learn via actual experience. And Ludmila Rose and Hannah Jo ply fill out cards telling where sey (North and South), New York, education program there. I like to see people become more Mounty- Weinstock are 10 and they are going to or need to go. Virginia, and an "other" category. "The two programs [WMC and tolerant of themselves and each A "ride needed" or "ride of- The program was started by the Mounty Boston University} are similar, but other." As a teacher, she believes one and a half. B. Weinstock. is mar- fered" card is filled out by the in- parents organization. ried to Robert at WMC there are many more deaf her most important role is to give dividual, and then placed on hooks education students who are them- students a sense of positive self-es- selves deaf, and this is a really ter- teem, self-awareness, and a love of rific experience for me," Mounty learning, said. Mounty received her bachelor's ,~ Great Clips ,",do" f/llldity at a This year Mounty is also on degree in elementary education do",,, ttl I'.',.. ·tl, '·,·iL"e loan to Gallaudet University as the from Boston University in 1974, ~ for hale- Powrie Vaux Doctor Chair of Deaf her master's degree in deaf educa- Studies. In this capacity, she is tion from Temple University in - conducting and collaborating re- 1976, and her doctorate in 1986 Walk in search related to American sign from Boston University in applied language and and English instruc- psycholinguistics. ""I,.",,, Anythne tion and assessment. study habits by the time she entered '7 a,,,1 mainstream Attending schools, Between teaching at Boston Mounty said, as a hard of hearing '"",nl,'." Monday-Friday 9-9 University and coming to WMC, student, she had to learn to teach ("p" .'" "'"",e,,' Mounry had administrative posi- herself. She had acquired good ",III, st",I,·"t '" S...tDrday 8-5 tions in school programs for the Snnday 11-4 deaf and hard of hearing in Massa- college and made it through. She chusetts, and was a research scten- G.-eat Cllps-lOCllted hetlvee •• Glallt; a••,l §tllples :~~~~S~!:\~f;:~I~~da~:~:e~a:~~ L_ ~ ~ __ ~
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