Page 45 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 45
FEATURES Saturday, October 19, 1996 - Page 13 Face to Face Producers and consumers of Glar speak their mind By RUTH BRAOLEY a large group, and complain that of the dining hall but I also think SrajJWr;/fr when they try to put tables together they would like to have larger In the last issue of The Phoe- they get in trouble. Another prob- tables for large groups." Two thing nix, students faced Campus Safety lem students seem to have is run- that annoy Peregoy are food fights, officials with their opinions, and ning into each other. Gina Hughes, and students who don't pick up af- Campus Safety in return voiced a junior, said "I find myself run- ter themselves. A reoccurring prob- their daily concerns in dealing with ning in circles to get the things J lem is that "The people in the stage students. Now, members of the want because it's scattered every- area frequently leave their trays Englar dining hall staff receive where." Becky Tothero, a junior, behind and have no respect for the their tum to speak about and hear referred to days when WMC offers cafeteria as a whole," said Peregoy. comments from the student body. programs for area school children, ''The students in general though are Students Face Glar and said that "WMC students friendly. I have become friends Generally, students seem to should take precedence over 300 with the students and know quite a think Glar is "okay." Several stu- high school students visiting the few by name, especially the sports dents have positive feelings about college. Most people dido', attend teams." She went on to add that the atmosphere, service people, lunch that day because they didn't "The students are the biggest as- breakfast, and salad bar. Several have time." Many students don't pect of my job and r look forward students are also pleased with the have enough time for lunch on to providing service to students." selections offered. Sophomore Tuesdays and Thursdays because Diane Thornton works on the Cate Trego, a member of the food the lines are so long. Students are beverage and food line. Thornton committee said, ''The options are disgruntled by the fact that you said the students "are pretty nice twice as good as other institutions." can't get two servings at once and and generally good kids. I'm get- FAYEINCRAM Amanda Rose, ajunior, said ''They that you have to get back in line. ting to know the faces and some- Student Mark Resch and Glar employee Cecilia Bowers seem /0 see eye /0 have a lot of choices and if you Students stressed the desire for times students will call me by eye on some Issues. have a creative mind you can even healthier food because the major- name. If a student says 'how are wasted. "What is wasted is a sin. pick up their trays, when the stu- make your own unique food." ity of the food is fried. Food com- you,' that helps brighten my day, There is a bite out of an apple or a dents greet the line servers, and the "I like the fact that they have mittee chair, junior Mark Resch, as well as theirs." Like Peregoy, bite out of an Italian sub. The cereal available for every meal, and said that Glar is taking steps to Thornton IS disgruntled by the stu- amount of food wasted just hurts cooperation of Greek organization during meal exchange. Roloff said I want to thank Glar for lowering improve their service to students. dents who leave trays and throw everyone." she lives for the comments. "I've the cereal so I can reach it," com- "They are holding seminars to help food. "The carpet is ruined al- David GroUman works with the learned a lot about vegetarians - mented Stephanie Kairis, a sopho- employees be more friendly and ready," she said. vegetarian line and salad bar. "I that's why we have the vegetarian more. For senior Amy Glasgow, cooperative with students." Resch Monique Lessard works in the love it here. I like the young vibes bar. I've also learned about va- "breakfast is always good." She also said that Glar wants student deli. "I think the students are a and like to see the students having grants." One thing that concerns also said she hopes Glar will keep feedback. "Two weeks ago I sug- great bunch of people." Com- a good time," said Grollman. "I Roloff is pilferage. "If a student growing and improving. gested they have paper cups so stu- mented Lessard, "The young ladies don't have any problems with stu- comes to me and wants to borrow The most-frequent complaint is dents can take a drink with them, are very caring and concerned and dents at all. They are all neat, take something until the end of the year the inconvenience of the tray re- and they now have those cups," ask me how my day is. The guys what they want, and are respect- that's okay, as long as 1get it back. turn. "They should have a con- said Resch. "If students who are are the same way. The ROTC stu- ful." Roloff also discourages silent com- veyor belt maintenance person just quick to complain would just come dents are very polite. They are Gandalf Clarke is a dishwasher. plainers. "1 like the students who to take care of that problem because to the meetings, then a 10\ more outstanding people." The only Clarke likes working at Glar and want to do something about a prob- it occurs daily," said Charlotte could be done to satisfy their needs. thing that bothers Lessard is the said, "It seems rather pleasant and lem." Saylor, a junior. Saylor also ob- I think a lot of progress has been rare student who snaps at her, but the people are fine people." But The food committee was served that "Th;re is something made and the food committee has is appreciative of about 90% of the he becomes irritated when students formed as a service for WMC stu- wrong with the dish washing pro- a lot 10 do with that." students that say "thank you." put their trays in the tray return dents to voice their complaints and gram all together because I get dirty Glar Faces Students Don Jorio, commonly referred sideways. suggestions about the dining hall. dishes everyday-especially glasses Representatives from several to as "the Breakfast King," is a Mary Roloff is the accounting The food committee meet_ings with lipstick on them." areas of Glar expressed positive cook. "I like the students. They operations manager for the dining shouldn't be taken for granted be- Some students, Greeks and in- feelings about students. Jeannine are very courteous and polite." The hall. There are several things dependents alike, are upset because Peregoy is a checker. "I think most major problem he has with students Roloff likes about the students, cause they are convenient ways for to students and Glar representatives there are no long tables to sit with of the students like {he renovations is the fact that so much food is namely their feedback, when they meet - face to face. ASAP members learn the ropes the WMC student body on the dan- invaluably learned the art of com- gersof AIDS, to support people liv- munication and team work, not to Communication, dedication, ing with AIDS and its ongoing re- mention the importance of listen- cooperation, determination. These search, and to promote safe and ing, cooperatively, and trust-just are several of the necessary- at- responsible behavior to prevent the to name a few. tributes for a successfully led or- spread of HIV." The group took a Later that afternoon WMC Af- ganization. The members of ASAP moment to reflect on each section finity Housing Coordinator and (AIDS: Support, Awareness, and of the mission statement, then dis- Residence Life Coordinator, Tom Prevention) affinity group learned cussed how effectively those goals Zmuckey, and Jennifer Blumberg, these very qualities Sept. 20 and 21 were carried out thusfar by the or- an AIDS educator from the Howard as they embarked on an impres- ganization. By performing this County Health Department, spoke sionable experience known as exercise, all members could ex- at Camp ASAP. During each of Camp ASAP. press their opinions about the their presentations these speakers During these two days in organization's successes and areas stressed the importance of peer - Jefferson, Md. at Camp Marlu for improvement. education and educated the group Ridge, members of ASAP endured Bright and early Saturday about ways to facilitate discussion. an intense schedule of activities morning Camp ASAPers set out on Moreover, Zmuckey provided the that reinforced their knowledge on a ropes course. Through the use of group with promising skits to be HIV and AIDS, and taught them hypothetical situations with corre- added to ASAP's collection that is invaluable lessons about the fun- sponding activities, the members of used for peer education at WMC damentals of leadership and cohe- ASAP had a variety of tasks to and me outlying communities. siveness as an organization. complete. For instance, one activ- Camp ASAP came to an end on On Friday evening members of ity consisted of a box where every- Saturday evening as advisor the ASAP affinity suite and advi- one had to have at least one foot Bonnie Bosley presented each sor Bonnie Bosley reviewed the on it, since the box symbolized the member with a certificate recogniz- organization'S mission statement highest point of land that would ing their participation in the peer which proclaims: "Our mission is save the townspeople from a de- education training. to create awareness and to educate structive flood. Overall, the group
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