Page 37 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 37
NEWS Saturday, October 19, 1996 - Page 5 Student open forumhrings Welcome to Hotel new issues out into the open Halloween Illusionist Scott Grocki takes formed at WMC's Day of By CHRISTIAN WU.WOHL fore it ever becomes policy. tables large enough to seat ten over Alumni Hall's Mainstage for Illumination's laser, light and sound News Editor According to Sayre, the exist- people. three days of magical tricks and The SGA held its first Open ing set of alcohol violation sanc- Junior Michelle Hamilton, as the treats, Oct. 25-27. extravaganza. Grocki, who quickly Forum to discuss campus issues tions are "less sophisticated" than head of a campus organization, ex- Hotel Halloween opens Friday tumed his hobby into a full-time career after graduating from WMC, and problems on October 7. Most the newly proposed provisions. pressed concern about the new at 8 p.m. with a frightening theat- has performed nationwide for col- of the discussion centered around He stated that the new sanctions policy for hanging up posters in the rical spectacular for adults only. lege and corporate audiences. The a new proposal for alcohol viola- define more clearly than before the residence halls. Admission is $7 in advance, $10 tion sanctions, seating arrange- violations of the alcohol policy and According to the new policy, at the door. magical team is currently working ments in GLAR, and the new their-corresponding sanctions. For organizations are to submit their The Saturday and Sunday mati- at a Florida club. duo will also be The magical policy for hanging up posters in the instance, the new sanctions stipu- posters to the Residence Life De- nees, both at 2 p.m., will feature a assisted by several students from residence halls. late that a student is not subject to partment, which will then hang program for the entire family. Ad- Many students raised questions a fine until their second violation them up. the WMC campus involved in the about the new proposal for alcohol of the alcohol policy. Beth Rosco, Assistant Coordina- mission is $5 for all seats. theatre department. '95 and his assistant Grocki violation sanctions, which is based Junior Andy Kalisperts, SGA tor of Residence Life, explained that Jennifer Brown '95 recently per- Courtesy of Public Inf?rmation upon the findings of the Task Force Treasurer, commented that these the new procedure allows the "RAs on Alcohol Use and Community new sanctions "center on educa- to promote campus events because Behavior last spring. non." they are responsible for periodically Tie One On! According to Dean Phil Sayre, Senior Class President Kevin updating their bulletin boards." this new proposal's purpose is "to Lundell addressed the seating ar- In addition, Scott Kane com- iI&t'\)., ~, treat serious behaviors more seri- rangements in GLAR. Lundell mented that the new policy will RealTerrors -~~ ously and less serious behaviors commented that he preferred the avoid excessive trash in the resi- less seriously with respect to alco- long tables situated in GLAR be- dence halls and reduce the problem e: hoL" fore last January's renovations. As of chipped paint since posters will Scott Kane, Assistant Dean of a member of the swim team, he be hung on bulletin boards. Student Affairs, asserted that some explained that the long tables are As a follow up to the Open Fo- of the newly proposed sanctions "part of team bonding." rum, the SGA will hold a Student ~ DoitSober address "behavior associated with Dr. Ethan, Vice President of Forum to draft student proposals alcohol problems." Administration and Finance, stated regarding campus issues on Mon- Oct. 23, 3-6 pm Some students wanted clarifica- that "in the spirit of compromise," day, September 21 at 8 p.m. in the tion of the terms included in the the college has already ordered Forum. Englar Plaza proposal. Junior Class Senator Becky Tothero expressed her concern Don't miss the next open forum ... Orioles owner makes way to the Hill about the definition of acceptable Continued from page I not. behavior explained in the new pro- posal. Chambers believes that itis im- Because of Angelos's busy Sayre emphasized that the pro- October 21 portant to have a "balance board, schedule with the Orioles and his posal is currently under discussion one that represents as many inter- law firm, his initial involvement in and not binding to students at this ests as possible. It's also impor- the board of trustee's activities is time. In addition, Sayre explained tant to have trustees that care about expected to be fairly light. He has that the proposal will undergo re- Inthe Forum the college. Mr. Angelos is an ex- not been assigned to a committee, vision and further clarification be- cellentchoice." Many trustees are but he expects to join one in the graduates of the college, but the future. board likes to have several that are Ridington Lecturer really digs Greece in McDaniel James C. Wright, a distin- currently unearthing evidence of Learned Socities, and The Institute logical Institute of America, the dowed in memory of William and guished professor and administra- human activity in the area, begin- for Aegean Prehistory. Society for AmericanArchaeology Edith Ridington, both former WMC tor at Bryn Mawr College, will ning more than 8,000 years ago At Bryn Mawr, Dr. Wright is and the Society for the Preserva- instructors. He joined the full-time present Western Maryland through the modern age up to Dean of the Graduate School of Arts tion of Greek Heritage, and is a faculty in 1938 and retired in 1973, College's 1996 Ridington Lecture 1990. and Sciences and also is a profes- representative to the managing while she began a 20-yearcareer as on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m., in He also has participated in sor in the Department of Classical committee of theAmerican School an adjunct lecturer in 1957. The se- McDaniel Lounge. many other excavations in Greece and Near Eastern Archaeology. He of Classical Studies at Athens, ries began in 1992 and other lec- Also a well-known and re- where his professional interests joined the faculty there in 1978. Greece. turers have included: Theo spected archaeologist and re- range from the long-term history Dr. Wright served as a Fulbright A prolific writer on Greek ar- Lippman Jr., editor, columnist and searcher, specializing in the civili- of societal development in the Research Fellow in Greece in 1985 chitecture and civilization with a political biographer; Taylor Branch, zations of Ancient Greece, Dr Aegean area to ethical issues con- and also received a 1982 fellowship long list of books, articles, chap- social historian and editor; Madi- Wright will discuss "Ritual Drink- cerning cultural property. from the Alexander von Humboldt ters and book reviews, Dr. Wright son Smartt Bell, novelist; and Reg ing and Feasting in Prehistoric and He has even done some Foundation, serving as faculty in earned a bachelor's degree from Murphy, journalist. Historic Greece." archaelogical Sleuthing. In 1993, residence at Philipps University in Haverford, and master's and doc- His passion for digging through he alerted Greek authorities of the Marburg, Germany. toral degrees from Bryn Mawr. Courtesy of Public Information the past was literally forced upon sale of golden Mycenaean jewelry He is a member of the Archaeo- The Ridington Lecture is en him as he visited a friend on a dig in New York. Dr. Wright suspected in England in 1967. In order to visit the treasure was from an excava- ,~ Great Clips .fOId, ... "mdity at II with his buddy, Dr. Wright had to tion at Aidonia and lobbied the pitch in with the excavation work. public and state officials to put ~ for halr- ,1""'1, t" E;".a, P";L'e He was hooked and immediately pressure on the dealer to return the signed up the following summer for items to Greece. more dig work, this time at an It worked and the jewelry, Walk. in Etruscan site in Italy. which did turn out to be from A few years and a couple of digs Aidonia, was returned to Greece ",,1...·,,' Anytbne later, Dr. Wright began working in earlier this year after an out-of- nil" Greece. He has been involved with court settlement. Dr. Wright's in- '7 "''''''''''.~' 9-9 excavations there ever since, in- volvement in the case was summa- ,JU,·".(-- "'"",,.,,, MOllday-Fl'iday cluding work on the Sanctuary of rized in an issue of Archaeology. "'lth st",',."t "' Satlll'day B-ti Zeus at Nemea and also the port Dr. Wright has secured grants town of Kommos. for his work in Greece from the Sllnday 11-4 Since 1984, Dr. Wright has di- National Endowment for the Hu- rected the Nemea Valley Archaeo- manities, the National Geographic logical Project in Greece, which is Society, the American Council of 6.'eat Clips-/flCl.ted betlveell 6ilJl.t a.,,1 Stl.ples
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