Page 33 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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cmBH TeffjJr s p" .. t s Football 16 Doug Renner 16 Score Board 15 Volume XV, Number 3 Oriole's owner finds his way to the Hill By CAMERON SPEIR AND STAFF Angelos, a successful lawyer as SraffWriler well as a baseball team owner, for Peter Angelos, owner of the Bal- over thirty years. Their relation- timore Orioles baseball team, was ship came about as result of some recently named to Western Mary- business dealings. The Singers first land College's Board of Trustees. approached President Chambers Angelos' nomination to a three year this summer after a lunch meeting term was approved on September with Angelos. 28 and he is set to attend the The college's Board of Trustees Board's next meeting in February. is a group of about forty people President Chambers enthusias- who oversee the operation of the tically supported the new Board school. After some informal inter- member saying, "he is a very nice views, a candidate is asked if she guy, admired by major league base- or he would accept an invitation to ball players and very involved in join. The Trustees then vote on the his community. He already sits on candidate. the Boards of Directors at Johns Dr. Chambers, three Trustees Board of Trustees Chair Jim Melhorn o[ficialfy launches The Defining Moment: The Campaign/or Western Hopkins and Loyola. He is an ac- and the Singers met with Angelos Maryland College as President Robert H. Chambers, back left, and trustees, alumni, faculty and students tally up tive citizen, and that's what we in Baltimore in early September. thefinalgoal and baseball. WMC defines its moment want." They talked about WMC, Angelos' Angelos' election came about other civic activities through an indirect, but personal The Orioles owner was definitely Western Maryland College has beginning of the next millennium. connection to the college. Richard interested in becoming a pan of the launched its first comprehensive "As midnight tolls on Dec. 31, The liberal arts college in West- Singer, husband of business profes- college community. fund-raising campaign that will 1999, we will welcome the begin- minster officially announced the Saturday, September sor Sue Singer, has known Continued on page 5 chan its course into the 21 st Cen- ning of the New Year, too, but we campaign a day-long celebration 28, of during Time to come home tury. The Defining Moment: The also will toast the success President education and technology, by Bob of our featur- campaign," said WMC address a keynote ing for Western "This H. Chambers. to Western Maryland Campaign is a $40 million Maryland Robert will enable the College cam- to Keeshan, TV's Captain demonstra- Kangaroo, College gifts and paign academic campus-wide pledges program which includes the design and construction of a meet the challenges of the next cen- tions, and an indoor laser, light and tury, so we thought it was only ap- extravaganza for the stu- sound Western Maryland College is New Windsor; Westminster Mayor modem center for the natural sci- propriate that we should somehow dents, faculty, staff, and commu, celebrating Homecoming this Ken Yowan; WMC President Rob- ences. The campaign will end with recognize the beginning of the Year nity. weekend, but the invitation isn't ert H. Chambers; cheerleaders; and a bang as America celebrates the 2000." Continued on page 4 just for its alumni, the Carroll a porn pon squad. County community can join the Before the parade, WMC will party, too. serve a picnic lunch on the Harrison • Of course, there will be a big House lawn from 11:30a.m.-1 p.m. game on the gridiron and this year featuring reasonably-priced turkey the Green Terror will take on and vegetarian sandwiches, jumbo Dickinson on Saturday, Oct. 19, at hot dogs, hamburgers, kielbasa, and Bv FRANCI>SCA SAYLOR 0#, wait 15 more seconds, and then support services and student orga- I:30 p.m., at Scott S. Bair Stadium. salads. SWjf Writer depress the 9 key for 15 more sec- here on campus" nizations Stadium parking only is $5 a ve- And football isn't the only im- "Working together for a safe onds. After this approximate vide for the TTYs on blue to pro- light hicle. Admission to the game is free. portant game of the day. campus" may be Campus Safety's minute-long delay, the officer on- phones. At present, if a deaf stu- However, homecoming is more The WMC volleyball team con- motto, but does this motto include duty will respond to the high- than football and the fun begins tinues the Green Terror Invitational working together with Western pitched noise on his or her cellular dent uses one of those phones to Campus contact Safety, there is no with the annual Main Street parade at Gill Center and the field hockey Maryland College's deaf students? phone from the redirected call. way for the officers to know at 12:30 p.m., led for the 12th year squad hosts Villa Julie at II a.m. Some deaf students would defi- If one is not familiar with the whether the person placing the call by the ROTC color guard and the Football halftime festivities in- nitely say no when it comes to the system, "the tendency would be to Westminster Municipal Band. clude the naming of the winner of availability ofTTYs (Teletypewrit- hang up," says Collins. Continued on page 4 Also cruising the route will be the James Brant Memorial Cup, ers for the deaf). phone a line of antique cars, floats, and presented annually to the WMC fra- As of now, there are twoTTYs was The use of the cellular of budget Inside adopted' because even a mule wagon carrying the ternity or sorority which has ex- on campus. One is located near cuts, leaving the budget at approxi- homecoming court, all provided by celled in academics, varsity sports, the post office and another is at the mately $300,000 a year. Accord- Lock & Key 2 local businesses and community leadership, and community service. information desk in Decker Col- ing to Michael Webster, Director of Soapbox 3 members. Also, Ms. Frantum, Ms. Benson lege Center. Also, there is a red Campus Safety, it is these cuts Gospel Choir 4 Also featured in the parade will and the homecoming court will be emergency phone located outside Open Forum 5 be WMC's alumna of the year honored during a short ceremony. the Department of Campus Safety which are keeping him from pro- Campus Safety Blotter 6 viding TTYs to all of the blue light Katherine Kaiser Pranrum, class of Alumni from the class of 1996 office which lists instructions for a phones on campus. "I can't be all Homecoming Special insert 8 1945, of Annapolis; young alumna will gather at halftime in front of deaf student to follow in order to things to all people: my budget will Greek Speak 9 service award winner Caroline R. the stadium's Western Maryland contact a campus safety officer if Reunions for '96 10 Benson, class of 1985, of Annapo- Railroad caboose for its 100 Days one is not in the office. only go so far," said Webster. at- Brant Cup II Paul Smith, a deaf student lis; Alumni Association president Reunion Photo. To do so, the student must first tending evening classes at WMC JFace to face 13 Fred Eckhardt class of 1948, of Courtesy of Public Information dial 202, then wait 45 seconds, diaJ says "money can be gathered by WMC Score Board 15
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