Page 38 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 38
Saturuday, October 19, 1996 - Page 6 NEWS On 9/2/96 at about 12:54 a.m. in On 9128196 at 10:04 p.m. in Gar- McDaniel Campus Safety and Resi- forts of CARE. the affinity group Lewis Lot drive Campus Safety in- dens Campus Safety observes stu- dence Life investigate a report of devoted to enhancing safety on the vestigates a motor vehicle accident dents in violation ofalcobol po- fireworks and loud noise. Hilltbrough increasing awareness where an auto driven by a student lices and escort provision. As an aside. who may have been drinking struck On 1012196 at 10: 05 p.m. Campus students are reminded that propping anotherstudent·s parked car. On 9129196 at 1:15a.ffi. in Rouzer Sufery encounters an individual doors jeopardizes not only your Westminster police investigate be- Campus Safety responds to report previously warned agaiMt tre~pass- own safety but that of your neigh- cause the driver had fled the scene. of vandalism ing. When DoCS infonns him to bors. Don't prop doors cc anow leave be threatens the officer and others to do it either. If you see a On912J96ataboutI2:S4a.m.Cam- On 9/29/96 at 3:10 a.m. between after some resistance. is taken into neighbor propping a door ask them pus Safety EMT treated a passen- Blanche and Peterson students re- custody with Westminster Police to stop, if you don't gel any coop- gerin the moving auto for trauma eration, give DoCS a call. Tbere POrt seeing others removing a deco- injuriesandalcoholincapitation rativebanner.Investigationpend_ On 1012196atll:34inA.N.Ward are severe sanctions for this offense. who is transported by ambulance to mg students report vandalism and theft the hospital We would also like 10 remind stu- On9/29J96at6:lla.m.Housekeep- On 10/3f96 at 12:25 a.m. in dents and employees alike that al- On 912196 at 1:50p.m.inElderdice ing reports vandalism to toilet McDaniel Campus Safety responds cohoI and autos are a dangerous a student reports theft Iromthe stur- which bad been lorn from waH to a noise complaint . combination.Walk,takeacab.des- age room over the summer. ignateadriver.ordon'tdrinkataII Campus Safety On 9/30/96 at 11:57a.m. in Rouzer The Department of Campus Safety No matter what you do, play it On 912196 at 5:15 p.m in Parker Campus Safety investigates vandal- wouJdliketothankthosestudents smart and safe Plaza Campus Safety EMT evalu- Blotter ism who assisted us by identifying the ated a student fora medical emer- intruder in the posters. and contact- Finally.pleasetakeadvantageofthe gency On 9/30196 at 10:30p.m. in Cam- ing us. As noted above. be was campus safety programming in the pus Safety Campus Safety EMT taken into custody by the residence halls during the fall term. On 913/96 at 12:33 p.m. in evaluates student with past medi- Westminster Police. It is through Programs such as Operation Iden- Whiteford a student reports a theft McDaniel Campus Safety observes Ave houses Campus Safety re- cal condition and refers to Smith just this type ofteamwork that com- tification can help you protect your ofa VCR from storage. astud'entinviolationofalcoholpo- sponds ro several students involved House munity members can take action to property ifit i.~Molen lices in a disturbance improve the safety of the campus On 914196 at 8:02 a.m. in Rouzer On 1011196 at 1:28 a.m. in In this vein. please support the ef- Campus Safety EMT evaluates an On 9/8196 at 2:00 a.m. outside of On 9/19196 at 1:13 p.m. on the Golf employee fora medical emergency, Baker Chapel Campus Safety ob- CourseCampusSafetyinvestgates serves a student in violation of al- a report oftbeft of services (unau- On 9/4196 at !0:15a.m. in Rouzer coholpolices. thorized use of tbe course) and is- housekeeping staff reported a bath- sues a trespass warning. YOUR FIRST UNOFFICIAL room mirror shattered by vandals. On 9/9195 at 7:10a.m. in Decker anemployeereportsdiscoveringan On9/19196atll:39p.m.inRouzer On 9/4/96 at aboUl3:30p.m. in unknown individual apparently Campus Safety responds toa noise Elderdice an employee reported sleeping in a meeting room. The violation COLLEGEEXAM. phone harassment from Rouzer. employee later discovered she'd been the victim of a theft. On9121196all:22a.m.inRouzer On 9/4196 at 9:00 p.m. in Blanche Campus Safety responds to a noise Campus Safety observes two stu- On 919196 at 11:30a.m.inl.ewisa violation and discovers an alcohol RELAX, IT'S TRUE OR FALSE. dents violating alcohol policies. statTmember reports the attempted violation burglary of three rooms. Nothing On 9/4196 at 11:40p.m.inMcLea is reported mis~ing On9121196at9:26a.m. in Blanche a student reports phone harassment lot Campus Safety responds to a On 9f9196 at 3:52 p.m. in Whitford ~t:~gevehiclethatstruckaparked D T D F "ArmyROTC" looksgreat on a student's resume. On 9n196 at 5:21 p.m. in Parker Campus Safety investigates drug Plaza Campus Safety EMT treats a abuse by two students who are ar- (True ... Employers seek out graduating seniors who have leader- student fora medical emergency rested by Westminster Police for On 9/22/96 at 10:05 p.m. in ship qualities. Army ROTC students gain leadership experiences who istransponed by ambulance to drug vtotauons Whiteford Campus Safety responds and officer credentials which give them a competitive edge for hospital. to e vandalism complaint career auccess.) / .: On 9112J96 at 7:56p.m. outside of On 9n196 at 11:04 p.m. in Englar WhitefprdanonSludentisinvesti- On 9/23/96 at 2:15 p.m. in Rouzer lot Campus Safety observes a stu- gated and trespass warned. Campus Safety cites several student o T 0 F :;;~~~~ArmYROTCClasS'YOU'llbeConunittedtomW- dentin violation of alcohol policies for alcohol violations On 9113196 at 10:00 p.m. in the (False ... You can take freshman and sophomore military science On917196atll:17p.m.inbetween Gazebo Campus Safety documents On 9/23/96 at 2:51 p.m. in courses without obligation.) Blanche and Whiteford Campus a nonstudent vandalizing the bench Whiteford Campus Safety responds Safety observes a student in viola- seating to a report of an unlawful room en- tion of alcoholpolicies try. o T 0 F ArmyROTC doesn't fitillto your colleg-eschedule. On 9/13196 at 10:00 p.m. in the (False. .. Anny ROTC courses are electives which fit into most On 917196 at 11:50 p.m. around Gazebo Campus Safety documents On 9124/95 at 11:45 a.m. in degree programs. Most students take just one course each term, Gardens lot Campus Safety ob- a nonstudent violating alcohol Whiteford lot student reports van- requirinq only a few hours each week.) serves a student in violation of al- policy dalism to auto. coholpolices. On9/13196atll:11 p.m. in Rouzer On 9125196 at 2:30 p.m. in D T 0 F =~:~;:.~e:::ea:~~:ao:;program.ervetheir On 918196 at 1:04 a.m. in Campus Lot a nonstudent reports a Conduct McDallielastudentreportsapos- Safety EMT treats a student for Code violation by a student sible unauthorized room entry minor injuries. Student transported (True .. _About hall enter full-time active duty for 2 to 4 years. right after college their civilian by ambulance to hospital On9/14196at2:01 a.m. in Campus On 9/25196 at 3:45 p.m. in Others pursue as Army Reserve careers or National Guard officers while serv- ing part-time in their Safety Campus Safety EMT treats Whiteford lot a student reports van- On 9/8196 at 1:30 a.m. in Blanche employee for minor injuries who dalism to auto communities.) Campus Safety observes a student self refers to hospital io violation of alcohol polices. On9126196at8:40a.m.inBlancbe Now here's the "fill-in" portion of the exam. Fill in anArmy ROTC freshman On9/14f96at8:03p.m. in Gardens lot two students become disorderly elective on your course schedule. You'll begin to acquire the confidence, On 9/8/96 at about 3:34 a.m. in Campus Safety responds to a fire and abusive with a Campus Safety seU~cipllne, and leadership skills essential for your future success. And Whiteford Campus Safety responds alarm due to burned food officerwhodocumentsthcConduct you'llieam about opportunities for scholarships and other financial aid. to a report of possible drug use Code violation On9114196atll:30p.m.outsideof On 9f8/96 at about 1:22 a.m. in Blanche Campus Safety discovers On 9126196 at 10:40p.m.inDecker Whiteford a student reports damage a student in violation of alcohol Campus Safety documents a Con- >£ 1101 01 'Ihl Amy te ffi Irstitutim M 11:4OEm-12:4t\rn to her door decorations policies. Also in thisgruup are sev- duct Code violation by several stu- M3 1101 02 '1lE Anry cs kl Imtitutim M 6:1<4m-7:1~ eral nonstudents. one ofwbom is dents. >£ 1101 03 'Ihl AIrr>; as ffi Irstitutim T I 8:5fun-9:5ibn On 916196al about 11:46 p.m. in arrested for drug abuse by Blanche Campus Safety responds to Westminster Police. On 9126196 at 11:48 a.m. in >£ 1101 04 'Ihl Amy as ffi Irstitutim T 1:3C{m-2:3tpn a fire alarm Winslow lot a parked nonstudent·s >£ 2201 01 Military HislDry ml S:ia= M'I 12:5I):m-l:5Qm On9/15196atI2:llp.m.inMcl.ea auto is struck by college owned >£ 2201 02 Military HislDry ml S:ia= Tn< 1:3C{m-2:3tpn On 917196 at 3:54 p.m. in thearca Campus Safety EMT treats a stu- vehicle U\8 TIl 11:4OEm-l:cxyn of the golf course a motorist reports dent for minor injuries wbo refuses t:tE 2rrl F.lo::r, Gill~, or aill. 857-272). herautostruckanddamagedbya additional services. On 9127196 at 12:07 II.m. in Ftr m:a:e IDfi:::nrat:irn, visit golf ball. McDaniel Campus Safety docu- On 9115196 at 4:32 p.m. in Rouzer mentsanoiseviolation On 9n196 at 11:51 p.m. in the area Campus Safety documents a stu- of Gardens lot Campus Safety ob- dent in violation of the Conduct On 9/27/96 at 3:40 a.m. in serves a student in violation of al- Code. Whiteford a student reports phone coholpohces. On 9116196 at 1'1: 55 a.m. in Cam- On 9/8/96 at 7:10 p.m. in the area pus Safety a student request inves- On 9/27/96 at 12:18 p.m. in ARMYROTt of Decker a restaurant delivery man tigativeassistanceonapastmaner. Elderdice a student reports theft is warned to use only approved de- from storage over summer break THE SMARTEST COLLEGE livery sites on campus. Herefuses On 9117196 at 9:24 p.m. in to provide identification and isis- Whitefordastudentreportsbeiog On 9127/96 at I: 53 p.m. in l.ewis COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. sued a trespass warning. harassed by a nonstudent an employee report tbeftofequip- On 918196 at 12:43 3.m. outside of On 9fl8196at 12:51 a.m. in Penna
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