Page 34 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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S~t&day, October L9, 1996 - 'Page 2 COMMENTARY Staff " "- RUMINATIONS Editor-In-Chief Michelle A. Hamilton '98 Hamilton 11---------- ---------~IMichelle Managing Editor Sarah E. Sheckells '97 Homecoming once again is upon us and now. We, like many before us, have received us in the post-college world. It also can give Advertising Manager so is the 100 year celebration of Alumni Hall. motivation and inspiration from some aspect us more direction while we are here so we Sara Gruber '99 The cornerstones were laid in 1896 and the ofWMC. can make the most of all college has to offer building was first used in 1999, as pictured In a blink of an eye, our college experi- News Editors on page seven. Alumni Hall, with its ghosts, ence seems to be gone. This is our time to Hopefully the tradition of success will Grant A. Rice '99 past memories, community events, shows, learn, discover, and test the waters for the continue, and people in the year 2096, cel- Christian Wilwohl '98 graduations, and convocations, has been a future. Sometimes it's so easy to want to ebrating Alumni's bicentennial, will look at building linked with tradition for many wish it away. During Homecoming, meet- our yearbooks and be inspired by the hope Features Editors graduating classes at WMC. ing with alumni can give us insight to what and excitement on our faces just as we were. Jennifer Vick '98 Thumbing through the old Aloha's for this our future, as WMC students, will hold for issue, I could sense another type of tradition Sports Editors in the photos. There was excitement and Carolyn Barnes '99 energy from all of the students pictured. All Email us your thoughts! of them, probably rebelling from their par- Photography Editor ents in some way as youth always does, were The Phoenix now accepts letters to the editor through our own email Meghan Joyce '99 fresh and fnll of ideas. It's exciting to real- account. Just sent letters to "" ize that my classmates and I are those faces Computer Consultant Heather Brinkhous '97 THE RACE IS ON General Staff Aaron Ahlburn '97 Woods I Ruth Bradley '97 I Heather Dan Callahan '00 Aaron Corbett '99 All your life you've been toldthat once elect its next president. Because the presi- for crime. Mr. Dole also pledges to balance Adam Dean '98 you become eighteen, you are officially an dent is so powerful and has such an impact the budget by 2002 as well as cut taxes by Julie Edwards '99 adult. Yet, now that time has come and not on everyone's life, it is extremely important implementing a simpler tax: system. Repub- Tom Gill '97 much has changed-you still can't buy alco- that each voter know the candidates and their licans want the 1).S. to be tougher on crime Kate Hampson '00 hol, your parents control most of your life, platforms. and illegal immigrants as well as bolster the Amy Hanna '99 and if you don't smoke, buying cigarettes is The main candidates for the 1996 presi- standards of the nation's schools. Both par- Faye Ingram '99 not cause for celebration. Yet there is one dential election are current President Bill ties have expressed a desire to embrace all Nicki Kassolis '99 thing that you can do that makes you feel like Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for the citizens as the Democrats state theirs is "a Maggie Kimura '99 an adult with some sense of control-you can Democratic party while former Senate Ma- party of inclusion," while the Republicans Jeremy Lopus '00 vote. Of course, you want to become a re- jority Leader Bob Dole and his running mate, pledge to fight any discrimination based on Stacey McIntyre '99 sponsible adult, therefore you should vote Jack Kemp, represent the Republicans. "race, creed, or disability." Mike Puskar '99 responsibly as well. Voting responsibly en- President Clinton and his fellow democrats Although their platforms have many Kerri Reyelt '97 tails getting to know the candidates and is- have chosen a number of issues to highlight similarities, one should not be fooled into Pmnchesca Saylor '00 sues and basing your choices on facts rather in the '96 platform including a pledge to disregarding the fact that the parties have Jonathon Shacat '98 than whether or not the candidate knows how boost the economy, cut taxes, and balance very different views on many aspects of the Sarah Snell '97 to accessorize or whether the issue is one the nation's budget by the year 2002. They nation. Among those which are of particu- Cameron Speir '97 that particularly excites you. The right to vote also plan to improve the school systems lar interest to young people are the issue of Rich Suchoski '00 should be exercised each year, yet is espe- throughout the U.S. and have stated that they abortion which Dole vigorously opposes and Shannon Tinney '99 cially important when the U.S. prepares to have no tolerance for illegal immigration nor which Clinton believes should be a matter Jessica Watts '98 between a woman and her doctor only and Heather Woods '99 the issue of Affirmative Action which Dole Advisers LOCK AND KEY believes is no longer necessary while Clinton Herb Smith sees a continued need for policies that seek Maryann Suehle Shacat I to decrease discrimination. A hot topic to- I Jonathon day is the future of the National Endowment The Phoenix is published biweekly. for the Arts which Dole wishes to eliminate The opinions expressed do not necessar- 367 days about this policy. and is an organization supported by Clinton. ily represent those of The Phoenix staff, Hill Hall was reno- "Nobody said As for the environment, Clinton supports the faculty, or the administrators of vated and rededicated on anything to us both the Endangered Species Act and the_ WMC. October 13, 1995. Al- r about the use of preservation of the Arctic refuge in Alaska The paper welcomes free-lance sub- most one year later, the ~ the spiffy moms," while Dole would like to see a restriction on missions on Macintosh disks in most administration is finally satd r». Dan wm- the number of habitats listed as endangered word processor formats. The editor re- realizing it forgot to do • lams, a Spanish and would like to open the Arctic refuge for serves the right to edit for clarity, length, something. professor. "No oil exploration. Although both candidates and libel and to publish as space permits. It never formally an- one has been dis- agree on fighting crime and decreasing taxes, All submissions (excluding self-ad- nounced to the college community that any couraged" from using them either. their philosophies on how to do so are quite dressed diskettes) become the property professor or student organization can use the Dr. Christi anna Leahy, a political science different. Clinton proposes stiffening gun of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. audio/visual equipment in the two circular professor, didn't know of this policy and control and implementing a college tuition Please include a name and phone classrooms (rooms 104 and 110)in Hill Hall. hence had difficulties when she tried to ac- reduction in the federal tax system, while number for verification. Names will be The key to the podium that houses the cess the equipment. Dole opposes most forms of gun control and withheld only by the discretion of the VCR and other NY equipment is available Heshmat Badiee, coordinator of the au- pledges no increase in income taxes once he Editor-in-Chief. at the registrar office. The room must be re- dio/visual department, said, "I was never told takes office. The Phoenix does not discriminate served with Diane Morris, associate registrar. about the policy. I found out by acquiring it Clearly the presidential candidates have based on age, race, religion, gender, A memo stating this information is to be from Ed Sell and Ethan Seidel." different views on what is important to the sexual orientation, national origin, con- written by the registrar and sent to all faculty Anyway, what took the administration so United States government. Because of the dition of handicap, or marital status. on Monday, October 14, according to Joan long to announce this policy? Are they afraid power that comes with the position, it is im- Coley, provost and dean of academic affairs. advertising the availability of this equipment portant that the American people select a Mail to: A similar announcement will be mailed to all might cause more people use it and thereby leader who shares their views. After all, the The Phoenix student groups soon after. increase its susceptibility of being broken? policies made in the next four years will not WMC, 2 College Hill A meeting was scheduled to discuss this If so, that is pathetic. This equipment was only affect ns today, but will continue to Westminster, MD 21157 matter after a faculty member told Coley the installed so it could be used. Not so it could shape the future of this country. Thus, on policy was vague and not understood, accord- sit in a room like an exhibit in a museum. November 5, we, as responsible adults, (410) 751-8600 ing to Coley. The identity of this person is It is about time something was done to should take part in this monumental deci- (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 unknown. However, two professors and an remedy this situation. sion by voting for the next President of the FAX, (410) 857-2729 administrator shared their opinions with me United States of America.
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