Page 35 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 35
COMMENTARY Saturday, October 19, 1996 - Page 3 THE SOAPBOX -------------------------fIAAdd.a;m;LD~e;an~~I---------------------- ___ In my last Soapbox I mentioned it made stopping in on a friend for their some small criticism of the SGA. much simpler. If one was con- dent body. Here was an organiza- and SGA to the Vichy French them of be- memory of an SGA resolution tion that showed weakness and accused leadership It was nor the main focus of the cerned for the safety of ones prop- strength in a time of controversy. ing a puppet government. After passed to request that hall be made a 'wet' (alcohol allowed) dorm. But column, or even an important part. erty or oneself, all he had to do was Here is a democratic group that re- pondering it a little deeper I have it already was a wet dorm. I prob- The only reason I mentioned this lock his door. After an incident at ally cares. Boy was I wrong! In- come to the conclusion that the ably shouldn't be putting this here. organization at all was to explain Blanche one weekend night involv- stead of making a stand for the stu- analogy was not that great. The I may have imagined the whole my definition of campus politics. ing someone from off campus, the dent body it says it represents, the SGA is more like the Queen of thing like those people who think But I have got a nice response from decision was made to lock all the SGA rolled over like a dog at the England. She is nice for cererno- the srudent body and I feel this is campus residence halls 24 hours a first sign of trouble. Yeah, they did nies but has no real power. The they were abducted by aliens. But something that maybe I should ex- day, seven days a week. Never hold a rather pathetic forum, but SGA looks good on a resume, but I feel it does explain why I said SGA was a joke. plain myself on. I know I promised mind that the residence halls should that's about it. Ifthe SGAhad stuck as it exists at WMC is pretty much that I wouldn't make this an SGA have been locked at that time any- to their guns this was an issue Ifelt Just as pointless. I think it is lime to consider either report, but I feel it is important that way. Never mind that the only way that they could have won for the Some people will agree with tearing down SGA as it currently I make myself clear. the person from off campus could student body. But they didn't. And me, but want me to point out that stands and rebuilding from the I have been very disappointed have gained access to the hall was even if they couldn't have won, there are good people working on ground up or replacing it with a with the SGA since last year's for somebody to let him in. Never whydidn'tthey try? Why the heck SGA. So What? I'm sure there newer, more effective organization. "campus lockdown" debacle. For mind that locking the halls 24 hours did they hold that vote if they didn't ..,were good, honest and hard work- I hope this doesn't have to be done. those of you who were not here last a day would have done nothing to plan on doing something about the ing people who worked for the I hope that SGA can and will revi- year or who don't remember, I prevent this incident. A knee-jerk issue? I felt insulted. We all should Nazi party also. I know this anal- talize itself and become an effec- think a little history lesson is in reaction occurred and the halls have felt insulted. ogy strains the point a little bit, the tive, influential organization dedi- order. Before last year, residence were locked down. Idoagreewithsomeofmycrit- SGA is only weak, while history cated to the good and well being halls were left unlocked from sun The SGA held a vote on this is- ics that too much power has been has judged Nazism to be one of of all students on this campus. But up to sun down. The entrances to sue. I do not recall the exact num- delegated to undemocratic groups mankind's greatest evils, but I think I am infected with that familiar the halls were only locked from bers, but the majority of the stu- which fill functions that should you see what I am gelling at. American disease known as cyni- dusk to dawn. I personally liked dents who bothered to vote op- have been done by SGA. And I I also wonder how connected cism. And right now I feel that my this policy. One could stop in and posed this lockdown. I was im- wonder why this has been allowed the members of SGA are to the gen- cynicism may be justified. I chal- out of his respective hall during the pressed. I thought here was an or- to happen. Last time I compared the erat student body. I have a faint lenge the SGA by its actions to day with out fumbling for keys and ganization that cared about the stu- prove me wrong. TALES FROM REALITY ISergioAguileraI That's It, boys and girls of the Beverly Hills boys and the tor- new boyfriend (and she's ... well WMCLand. I can't lake it any- ture of their continuous reruns; nor you know what comes next). rhythm I'm not complaining about the against the song and it's gonna be either. I suppose there more. I'm sick of it. I know I said Dennis Rodman dressed like the The thing is that some of you, must be some good disco song in like this: The next time that you I could handle it, but this is too ugliest drag queen ever (no, like the boys and girls ofWMCLand, can- the 30 years of Pop history, al- are at a fraternity party or in a bar much. I can't help it. I have to ugliest person ever). It's something not understand it because it is in though I cannot think of anyone or a disco and they play the explode, I have to say something. even worse. Here I'm talking about another language and the transla- now. You know that originally the "Macarena" and those fellows with This is like bad gas you cannot this phenomena called tion is even worse than the origi- "Macarena" was a Flamenco song the brain of a toad start dancing it, throw out; this is like a friend you "Macarena." It sounds like a new nal. But don't get me wrong, I am - a "rumba," actually. It was a you are going to dance it too but don't want to see and he calls you product for McDonald's, but it is not saying I don't like the song. bad Flamenco song, but a popular the other way around. I mean, you one hundred times; like a red light something different, also made of I'm just saying I'd rather marry tacky Flamenco song anyway. start with the jump and end doing when you are in a hurry; like an plastic. Tommy Lee and have a breast im- So if it's not the lyrics and not these silly things with your hands ugly face on a nice body; like a big The whole world seems to be plant done than join the the rhythm, probably its the song (it's not that I have ever danced it). pimple on the middle of your nose; crazy about this girl who is too "Macarena" fan club. We are probably not going to stop feel better would like graffiti in a gothic cathedral good-looking to be faithful; the girl I'm not complaining about the itself. I just out there would tell me if them from playing it every five someone (just for art majors); like a who spends the day hooking up lyrics here. There have been good that slbe doesn't like the song ei- minutes, but at least we might make Sylvester Stallone movie or a with all her boyfriend's friends (nol songs with bad lyrics before, like ther. If anybody agrees with me, the people a little bit crazier that Melrose Place episode (I don't I or 2, ALL of them. I'm not his 90% of the Beatles' songs ("She please say something ... what they already are. know what's -worser.; In a nut- friend but just in case I might be loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" ...Hello! Is anybody out there? .. If it doesn't work we can always shell, this is a nightmare! lucky, I'm still waiting for my - one hundred times _ What am Hello!? .. Anybody say something!! marry the tattooed drummer of a Here I'm not talking about turn); the girl who likes new I supposed to say?, Congrarula- Hard Rock band ... and then have a I'm going to tell Well, anyway, the done .. or join Dole, Clinton, Perot or whoever dresses (and she's proud of it) and tions?, Join the club? I hope she's you what we can do. l just thought breast implant fan club .. or move to "Macarena" there might be. I'm not talking wants to live in New York (and not ugly? ..) of something; we are going to strike another planet. about Roseanne, John Goodman or she's proud of it) in order to find a To BE OR NOT To BE ITyUnglebower I "To be or not to be, that is the cide whether to stand up to his ad- discuss voter turnout in the United question: Whether 'tis nobler in the verse conditions, or to take the States, or lack thereof. "midterm elections," the answer of is cally, can be quite a staggering It lies in the attitude the same. mind to suffer the slings and arrows more simple approach, to lay down, In the 1992 Presidential elec- the people who do, or do not, do number, when it comes to the poll- of outrageous fortune, or to take give up, and take his own life. tion, it was estimated that 43% of the voting. ing place. A good example of this is the 1960 election. John Kennedy arms against a sea of troubles and Upon examination, I believe we, as eligible voters actually cast a bal- The general argument is two- defeats Richard Nixon by about by opposing them, end them." members of a free democratic so- lot on Election day. This is not a fold. The first part, and the excuse I would dare say that most ciety, can ask ourselves the same staggering number. The irony of it most often used, is the old stand by 100,000 votes. It was determined people who are familiar with En- question that Hamlet grappled is, it was an example of some of that "my vote will not make a dif- that if one more voter in every dis- glish literature recognize the above with, only on a much more allegori- the best voter turnout in a U.S. ference." People are convinced that trict in the country had voted for line. Just for the sake of those who cal level. Presidential election in decades, history will not change if they Nixon, Kennedy would have been may not be familiar, however, it is We are indeed privileged to live according to some experts. To me, themselves choose not to vote. And defeated. Only a single vote. One from William Shakespeare's Ham- in a nation with many precious this is not quite something to boast if the above attitude only applied has to ask, "If every person who let ACI III Scene I. In this opening rights and privileges. One of the about. to one person, that would be true. decided not to vote that year had to one of Shakespeare's most fa- most important is the right to vote So the question is why? Why But instead, it involves, according voted, what would have hap- mous speeches, Prince Hamlet ex- for public office. Therefore, being are so few people turning our at the to some polling data, 30- 40 % of pened?" This is an example often to, but no less effective. presses his dilemma. He must de- so close to November, allow me polls? In both Presidential and eligible voters. This, mathemati- referred Continued on page 4 If
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