Page 32 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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creeR TeflOr S1',"'ts Field Hockey 20 Men's Soccer 20 Football 19 Off the Beaten Track . 18 Terror scoreboard 16 Volume XV, Number 2 Western Maryland College Thursday, October 3, 1996 Terror field hockey sticks it to their opponents Thirteen returnees lead women to winning record as season ld.cks off; eleven new players bring variety to squad erage. was named the Centennial Confer- score of 3-2, coming from behind New to this year's team are ence Player of the Week for the at halftime. Aside from freshman eleven players, who aim CO week of September 22, as she Julie Hyder, senior Mary Beth The Green Terror field hockey strengthen the terror squad, as well notched the first goal in a 5~ I non- Francis and junior Katie Haley team is terrifying its opponents thus as a new assistant coach, Laura conference win at York, then scored each scored a goal in the contest. far this season. This is no surprise, Heinle. Heinle went to North what turned out to be the game- The goal scored by Haley goes however, the team finished tied for Carroll High School, graduated winner at Muhlenburg to finish down as her fifteenth career goal. third in the conference last season from Towson Slate with a degree with three goals on [he week. The Sophomore Amy North also had with an overall record of 10-4, 6-3 in Physical Education and Psy- - team beat Franklin and Marshall her first assist of the season against in the Centennial Conference. The team welcomes back thir- _ teen returning player; from the 1995 squad. Among those are a centennial conference first-team middle and back, a second-team Head Coach Tracey Folio forward and an honorable mention goalie. Senior mid-fielder Jodi chology, and is now attending recently, with a goal by Katie Haley Wagner (Abington, PA) is joined Western Maryland in order to ob- in overtime, and suffered its only by sophomore forward Katie Haley tain her Masters degree in Special loss to Swarthmore, last year's con- (Rockville, MD) who scored 5-3- Education. Newcomers to the ter- ference champion. - 13 last year in league play, to lead ror team have stepped up to the WMC's first game against seven. the offense. Kellie Mitros challenge, and helped the team to Elizabethtown on September 7 was In their next game, the Green (Westmont, New Jersey) returns to its current 4-1 record, as the first postponed due to inclement Terror was defeated by Swarthmore the backfield to help sophomore goal of the season was scored by weather, which gave the squad 2-1, while sophomore Robin Jaime Moyer (Sykesville, MD) freshman forward Julie. Hyder in more time to prepare for their even- Zirrunerly scored her first goal of def~nd the goal. Moyer was fourth the season opener against the Col- tual first-game victory at the Col- the season. in the conference during the 1995 lege of Notre Dame. lege of Notre Dame on the 10th. The team went on to win their season with a 1.20 goals against av- Sophomore forward Amy North The team beat Notre Dame by a next three games, beating York, Men's soccer off to slow start in early -season play By TOM GILL AND CAROLYN This season's start seems to be will look for more victories and John D' Andrea and junior forward against Marymount at Lynchburg BARNES the exact opposite of last season consistency behind Estes, who Jeffrey Patten. Defensively, the College's Blue Ridge Tournament Staf!Writer and Sports EditQr where the Green Terror men started scored eight goals at forward last men are led by honorable mention on Aug. 31. The second was Although the men's team's fast at 5-0-1, and then sputtered fall, but has seen some play in the All-Centennial Conference back played at home against Beaver early season play has been slightly down the stretch. cage early this season due to inju- Mac Wilson. College. The game lasted thirty disappointing, it is still early in the The men do have some key ries. Also,junior Christiaan Abildso minutes into the overtime period. season, and confidence is growing players returning this season, espe- The Terror's two lead returning is back and hopes to break his Also in the Blue Ridge Tourna- ... throughout the team. cially senior Rick Estes. WMC offensive threats are junior middle team-leading 17 points last season. ment, the Terror men lost 0-3 Christiaan also had a team leading against Shawon College. Shawon 15 points back in '94. went on to win the tournament. The Terror men's mid-field also The men also lost to Haverford by looks strong because of the return a score of 5-2. Seniors Estes and of senior Brett Edwards and sopho- Laurence both scored one goal in more Martin Oswiecimka. Brett the contest, and Crouse and Ryan was third in scoring last season. each had one assist. The men also have several new The Green Terror's most recent stand-out players. Junior Art loss was against Swarthmore on Crouse and freshmen David September 28 as they were shut- Sampson and Justin Wiener have out for the fifth time in eight games. made strong debuts early in the sea- Freshman Justin Wiener protected son. Wiener is the men's new goal- the goal making 11 saves. keeper and has shown that he can WMC's beat Villa Julie at home stop the ball as he has registered in non-conference play on Sept. 24. 17 saves so far this season. Wiener Laurence, Bolz, and Campbell each was recently named to the Centen- scored a goal as the Terror men nial Conference's Soccer Honor shutout Villa Julie 3-0. Estes de- Roll because of his 0.43 goals fended the goal and recorded five against mark and an 87.5 save per- saves for his second shutout. centage in just two games. The men are looking to better One of the men's main prob- there '95 season which they went lems early in the season has been 6- (0-2 overall and 1-8 in the Cen- scoring. In just four matches this tennial Conference. Their next Mac Wilson demonstrates his strong defensive skills. Wilson leads the men defensively as he returns as an fall, WMC has been involved in a match will be played at home on honorable mention All- Centennial Conference honoree. pair of 0-0 draws. The first was Oct. 5 against F & M.
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