Page 41 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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H6m"ecbirting Saturday, October 19, 1996 - Page 9 Homecoming football on the Hill (1941-1996) Head coach Tim Keating shares his comments on today's game against Dickinson By JULIE EDWARDS Between 1956 and 1976, the kicker Dung Dinh booted a 26- SIa!fWriter Green Terror's went 12-8 in Home- yard field goal with six seconds coming play (excluding 1971 when left in the game to lead Western Homecoming has always been there is no identified Homecoming Maryland past the undefeated an important college event for game). WMC faced Moravian in Dickinson squad, 17-14. alumni to celebrate with the current 1976 and recorded its last shut-out The 1992 game is the last win students of their alma mater. At the on Homecoming. Two years later, Western Maryland has received on center of this tradition is football, the Terror football team returned Homecoming. However, in 1993 and Western Maryland College has the favor, beating Moravian 20-0, under the direction of the current a very rich history of Homecoming which is the last time we shut-out head coach, Tim Keating, the football events. In known another team on Homecoming. Green Terror's recorded the only Homecoming games, Western One decade later, the Green tie in WMC's Homecoming his- Maryland is 32-19-1. Terror's experienced some tough tory, as the final score against Records of Homecoming losses in especially exciting Home- Randolph-Macon was 27-27. games date back to 1941 when the coming games. In 1986, Western Western Maryland is currently Terror's shut-out Dickinson 20-0. Maryland fell to Dickinson 21-22 26-24-1 in games against In 1942, Western Maryland re- after losing a fourth quarter 21-20 Dickinson, who first challenged peated Homecoming success, de- lead when the Green Terror snap- the Terror squad in 1904. The nying ML Saint Mary's of a scor- WMC's Homecomingfootbali game against Drexel on November 3,1951 per sent the ball over the punter's 1996 Homecoming game against ing opportunity, and winning 3-0. proved to be a muddy sight because of the early snowfall that year. head and out of the end zone, giv- the Red Devils is sure to be an ex- Looking carefully, one can see the snow still on the banks behind the The Terror's won eleven consecu- ing Dickinson a safety, two points, citing game. Western Maryland is field tive Homecoming matches from and the win in front of 5,200 fans. coming off of its first win of the Freshman cornerback Marvin Deal 1941 to 1954 (excluding 1943- by. In 1987, Western Maryland re- season against Muhlenburg (27- tied a conference record in the 1945 when there were no football Coach Tim Keating is looking corded a 13-14 loss to Franklin and 14) on October 5. The Green teams due to World War U) until game against Muhlenburg with forward to the challenge. He be- Marshall, but Danny Blackburn Terror's junior wide receiver Drexel crushed the Terror streak, three receptions; one of his thefts lieves his squad has a 50-50 chance excited the crowd with the longest Donte Abron was honored as the beating Western Maryland 13-34. he returned 34 yards for a touch- of winning, he states, "They're interception return in school his- Centennial Conference offensive However, just a few years ear- tory, 97 yards for a touchdown. down. Freshman quarterback Ron good guys, and we're headed in the lier, WMC had managed to shut- On a brighter note, in 1990 and Player of the Week for the week Semarini also leads the conference right direction." Keating describes five 6, after he snared of October out Drexel in a Homecoming win- 1992, the Green Terror's delivered passes on the afternoon of the 5th in passing and total offense. his freshman quarterback Ron ter wonderland. The day was No- upset wins over Dickinson. In the for 154 yards and two touch- The Red Devil's, however, have Semarini as "a real competitor. He vember3, 1951; the field was a sea 1990 match, junior tail back Eric downs. Abron currently leads the a strong team. They are 1-0 in con- knows how to hustle." Keating of mud and snow and it was a cold Frees dove into the end zone from conference in receptions (24) and ference play, and 3-1 overall com- knows his team will have to hustle day. With our 6-0 win over Drexel, one yard out with just 52 seconds receiving yards (420). Western ing off of their first loss of the sea- on Saturday against Dickinson, but the Terror football team advanced remaining in the game as Western Maryland also had a team mem- son to Carnegie Mellon on Octo- believes his squad will fair well, to an eleven game winning streak Maryland upset the Red Devil's 14- ber in the Centennial Football ber 5, 21-7. Dickinson also faced "I've got a good team, but the ball over two seasons. Franklin and Marshall on October just hasn't always bounced our 7. In the 1993 game, soph?mor~ Conference weekly Honor Roll. 12, when Western Maryland had a way." Young Alumna Greek Speak _ Benson honored Continued from page 8 By MISSY SUMMERS Pbi Sigma Sigma Phi Delta Theta Phi Mu Contributing writer President: Leslie Huffer x8167 President: Dave Maschke x8104 President: Heidi Snyder x8367 calls growing up hearing stories Alpha Nu Omega Pledge Educators: Erin Von Tobel Pledge Educator: Chip Dickey Pledge Educator: Rebecca Tothero about what it was like on the Hill President: Toni Randle 751-5334 and Stacy O'Brien Fall Pledges: John Haign, Jesse Fall Pledges: Ruth Bradley, Robin during the roaring '20s. This rela- Pledge Educators: Sarah Sheckells Fall Pledges: Natalie Hannibal, Lewis, Shane Toothaker Cousins, Heather Ewing, Michelle tionship spawned her involvement and Heather Lee Lisa Healy, Amy North, Stacey Kairis, Stephanie Kairis, Cate in the Undergraduate Relations Fall Pledges: Melissa Linton, Romesburg, Jennifer Roos Sigma Phi Epsilon Trego Committee which united senior Sophie Cbaralambous, Corie Phi Sigma Sigma would like to President: Roeby Birdsall x8073 Congratualations pledges! alumni with undergraduates to McFaul, Amy Baxter, Melinda Virts welcome our new members to the Pledge Educator: Graham Talbot Congratulations 1996 Spring share stories, memories and some- The sisters of Alpha Nu Omega Gamma Psi chapter. Congrats Fall Pledges: Brian Me Grath, pledge class for having the high- times advice at receptions and other wish to congratulate all sororities girls! Phi Sigs would also like to Jarrod "Jay" Gilliam, Jameson est G.P.A. overall. social gatherings. and fraternities on their Fall 1996 congratulate each Greek organiza- Pain, Sandor Zwak As a little girl, she heard her pledge class. We would also like tion on their Fall 1996 pledge Congratulation to pledge class Gamma Beta Chi grandmother and a close friend to extend a warm welcome to our classes. We will be doing the alpha alpha. President: Matt Humphrey Martha Manahan '23 talk about the pledge class, Alpha Kappa - Keep Walktober Fest on Oct. 6 to ben- Pledge Educators: Paul Scott, Class Notes. Years later, after her up the good work. efit the American Diabetes Asso- Alpha Gamma Tau Wade Hughes own graduation, these memories The Omegas have already ciation. Phi Sigs wi!! be selling President: Todd Retchless x813\ Fall Pledges: Jason Morse, Jason also inspired her to volunteer as her started an exciting year filled with tickets for a 50/50 raffle at Home- Pledge Educator: Martin Wack, John Stambaugh, Kevin class reporter, a position she still fundraising, community service ac- coming and selling long sleeve Oswiecimka Cooke holds 10 years later. tivities, and numerous cocktails in- shirts for the campus soon. Fall Pledges: ChuckAnerino, Craig Benson's philosophy is "the cluding a 70's theme get-together Canceo, Mike Marino more you put in to life, the more with the Betes. We look forward to you get out of life." She has cer- seeing our alumni at Homecoming tainly lived up to it. While on the and at our annual wine and cheese. Hill, she served as a member of the Happy Birthday to Lori Mowen Student Foundation, college choir, on Oct. 5 and to Janet Hosford on Omicron Delta Kappa, Delta Oct.l3! Sigma Kapp, and Phi Gamma Mu. Since graduation she has remained Phi Alpha Mu actively involved at WMC as a par- President: Faith Walker x8033 ticipant of the Alumni Affairs Com- Pledge Educator: Deana Fennel mittee, Homecoming Committee, Fall Pledges: Elizabeth Johnson, Annual Fund Young Alumni Com- Tara Kelly, Stephanie Cox, Amy mittee and as an admissions vol- Fox, Michelle Garvey unteer. Happy 21st birthday to Deana At home in Annapolis-though on Oct. 26. Watch for the annual it's hard to believe she can find the Phi Alph Dating Game coming in time-Benson enjoys family and November, and congratulations to friends, gardening, photography everyone on their pledge class! and reading.
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