Page 42 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 42
HJrriecbiItng Saturday, October 19, 1996 - Page to '81 alumni make their Coming home to the return to WMC Hill, five years later By AOAM DEAN it as a "crumbly old place," and not nearly as By NICKI KASSOLIS giving him "lifelong friends and bonds that SraffWrirer nice as Pelc, which replaced it. Taylor re- Staff Writer will last a lifetime." It may seem impossible, but 1981 was marked that he thought the new gym was a Five years ago this world was an entirely When Danielle Zeyher returns to the 15 years ago. In their honor, members of the "big change" since he had attended WMC. different place. Adifferent president lived WMC campus, she is impressed with all of Class of 1981were asked to recall their years Hoover Library has also undergone some in the White House and the information su- the changes and renovations. "I think the on the "Hill," and how the school has changes since the early 1980's. According to per highway was only beginning to take renovations are great, I wish it was like that changed since they were students so long '81 graduate Keith Taylor, Hoover is "twice flight. Five years ago the campus ofWMC when I was there;" said this business/eco- ago. the size" it was before renovations. He also looked different. Hill Hall was known as nomics major with a minor in accounting. Though the changes have not been as remembered the pre-renovated art building Memorial Hall and Hoover Library wasjust Zeyher remembers Dr.Milstein as her favor- radical as one might suspect, things have and recalled the old Hill HalJ when it was beginning renovations. These changes in ite professor and the person with the "most changed at WMC Keith Taylor, a 1981 known as Memorial Hall. According to Tay- life both at WMC and off have affected influence on my future." Zeyher now works graduate, remembered the Quad as being lor, the only thing left of the Memorial Hall WMC's Class of 1991. As the class looks as a public accountant for the firm Deloitte- "brown grass and mostly dirt," and was of his day is "the shell." forward to their first reunion since gradua- Touche. pleased that the college "is in better repair Wahlbrink remembered that in 1981, tion, they look back on their memories of . Another member of the Class of 1991, now." Taylorreturns toWMC forhomecom- phones were not in every student's room. the hill. Dave Weaver, majored in studio art and art ing and was most recently on campus forthe There was only one phone in a suite, and From football games to floor parties, the history at WMC According to Weaver, Phonathon. He talked about the pub being a whether "you got your messages was a mat- Class of 1991 has fond memories of their "WMC allowed me to mature and to learn popular hangout for students of his era and terof luck.Yousometimesdid and you some- time at WMC. Danielle Zeyher graduated more about life, while helping me get out on a drinking age of eighteen. It was common times didn't," and added that this system had with the Classof 1991and saidthe best times my own." His fondest memories of WMC for students to gather there on weekends to the advantage that "you sometimes didn't she had on campus were spent with her so- are the football games, namely homecom- drink and socialize with their friends. One have to talk to your parents." She also said rarity,Alpha Nu Omega. Zeyher looksback ing. As a member of the young alumni com- of Taylor's classmates, Barbara Wahlbrink, that the stadium has undergone renovation on college as "a great experience," perhaps mittee, Weaver often returns to the WMC remembered the pub sponsoring parties and and repair since her days as a WMC student. partly because she met her husband on the campus. This year he will serve Bloody selling alcohol to students. Taylor remembered linear seating ar- WMC campus. Matthew Zeyher, also a '91 Mary's at a reception for alumni at Harrison ~ grad, remembers when he and his wife were House, before enjoying the day's festivities. Fifteen years ago the dorms were more segregated on the homecoming court together theirjun- Weaverfeels that the campus changes are according t~ sex. ior year of college. The couple had just great, especially those aimed at improving the art department. started dating and ended up tying the knot He has also observed in Big Baker Chapel. changes in homecoming, not necessarily in Wahlbrink also remembered parties be- rangements in Glar and that certain groups ing held at the grill in Winslow Student Cen- would have their "own" table. They would The Zeyhers have attended every home- the structureof the day but in the people who ter which was, at the time, a WMC rradi- have steak, Chinese, and seafood nights on coming game since graduating from WMC. attend it. "Homecoming changed a lot after tion. In the late 1970's and early 1980's the weekends. He speculated that these spe- Matthew Zeyher likes to return to his alma about the third year, because I didn't know mater since "it brings back all of the good Forlines House was residential and cial food nights were held on weekends be- memories, all of the beautiful surroundings, anyone goin~)o school there anymore," he Wahlbrinklived in a suite there. Fifteenyears cause "there were not a lot of people there all ofthe good old days." Zeyher was a his- said. Weaver has observed that e,veryyear ago the dorms were more segregated accord- and they wanted to save money." tory major with a minor in business and fewerpeople from hisclass attendhomecom-..... ing to sex. Men and women lived at oppo- WMC has changed quite a bit over the names Dr. Reed, Dr. Darcy, Dr. Olsh, and ing, but he hopes that the fifth reunion year sitesides of thecampus. Forlines was a popu- years. New faculty and new students have Ethan Seydel as his favorite professors. Af- will be different. lar midpointbetween the two areas and many come and gone. Fourteen other classes have Congratulations to the Class of 1991 as students would hangout in this building. left their mark on the schooLBut somethings ter attending graduate school, he began his they celebrate their first of many WMC re- unions. career in sales. Zeyher credits WMC with In 1981, the only gym on campus was never change. The Hill is still the Hill. Gill Gymnasium. Wahlbrink remembered To the class of '71, some things never change By JEN VICK WMC Hobart was able to experience dorm tional fraternity Phi DeltaTheta, Moore also Compared to the reunions that come be- Features Editor life once again this past summer while par- There was no Red Square, The gymna- ticipating in "Cycle Across Maryland." The attended his fraternity's 25 year reunion this fore it, Moore said the 25 year reunion gen- sium was a lot smaller,and the place to hang- cyclists slopped in Westminster and were past spring. erally has a larger turn out. He encourages out wasn't Champs but "the Pit." Twenty- housed in WMC dorms that Hobart noted as Enstice and Hobart said that they have alumni to return to the campus and see how five years ago WMC was very different, but not having changed much at all. He said the kept in contact with their WMC friends as well its doing, and added that those who traditions like homecoming refuse tochange. only difference was that in 1971 the sexes welL Enstice said that though he was only don't are "really missing out on an opportu- On Oct. 19 the Class of 1971 will come at WMC for four years, the friends that he nity to reacquaint themselves with class- together for their 25 year reunion. For sev- were separated by building, not by floor. made in that short time are the strongest he's mates," and WMC in general. Hobart will return to WMC this year for eral of these alumni, the WMC campus has homecoming but isn't sure whether he will had in his life. changed physically but students, faculty,and attend the football game. "There's usually staff have remained the same. only enough time to catch up with my When Phil Ensrice reflects on college he friends," said Hobart, who will attend his 99 Banana says there's a "warm spot" in his heart for reuruon party. $16.99 750ML WMC. Enstice remembers everyone park- Charles Moore's involvement withWMC ing their cars around the football field for has remained strongsince graduatingin 1971, the homecoming gamejust as they do today. and he is nowa trustee for the school. "There The biggest change he's noticed since gradu- has been a dramatic and continued improve- ating has been the physical growth of the ment in faculty and staff," said Moore about college, but that the "goodchemistry" among thechanges he's witnessedatWMC. He used the WMC community has continued to re- WMC's Defining Moment campaign as an main strong. "I like the people that go there, example of how the administration has be- work there, and associate with the college," come progressive, and that it is "the most far- - -- -...----. - said Enstice. reaching campaign" in the history of the t--~"O:~'V Oct Graduating with an economics degree, school. Moore, who was a sociology major, Enstice was a member of the Gamma Beta said that he is also impressed with the ,,~
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