Page 22 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 22
Dining Out A theater near you movie previews with The The Ghost in the Darkness will soon haunt spectators in theater-s near you Phoenix Bv MIKE PUSKAR competing with Douglas and Kilmer are by a reform school guard is a true one. Also, SloffWriler Geena Davis (Cutthroat Island) and Samuel Patrie's performance in this movie may get To quote Sting, "October geese on a cold L. Jackson (A Time to Kill) in The Long him the lead in Speed 2. At Baugher's Country winter's night"- this is an apt description Kiss Goodnight. This thriller is about an The end of October opens with the bio- of Hollywood this season. Theaters will be amnesiac teacher (Davis) who learns that graphical Michael Collins, starring Liam Restaurant, the price flocking with all-star pictures as usual this she's a spy. Also opening on the eleventh is Neeson (Rob Roy) as the founder of the Irish month. With the science fiction fever that's Grass Harp, a Southern love story starring Republican Army (IRA). Also opening on andfood are just right been going around this past summer, it seems Walter Matthau (Grumpier Old Men) and Oct. 25 are Nightwatch, a remake of a hor- almost sci-fi that more attention is being Sissy Spacek (If These Walls Could Talk), ror starring Nick Nolte, the spoof High JEN VICK shined on more realistic films, some of and Big Night, a '50'Hetro movie about two School High starring Jon Levitz, Stephen SlOffWriter which are based on true stories. Italian brothers trying to advertise their res- King's Thinner and, The Associate. The lat- Forget Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and even Though it has been conveyed as super- taurant. Competition downsizes on the six- ter, starring Whoopi Goldberg, is about a McDonald's. When your itching for a break natural horror via its previews, The Ghost teenth allowing for a more lenient opening woman who dresses as a man in order to get from Glar, Baugher's Country Restaurant and the Darkness is based on actual events for Spike Lee's Get on the Bus, a film about respect in a male-dominated Wall Street. will serve up a meal that may even beat that took place in late 19th century Africa. going to a Million Man March. Ron Howard's Ransom, a film about an Mom's. Michael Douglas and Val Kilmer (The Is- Two films worth discussing open on Oct. executive's son being held hostage and star- "Meals cooked in the country tradition" land of Dr. Moreau) play two British hunt- 18- Barry Levinson's Sleepers and To ring Mel Gibson, Gary Sinise (Apollo 13), is what the cover of Baugher's menu says ers who must kill lions (not animal spirits) Gillian on Her 37th Birthday. The latter is and Rene Russo (Tin Cup), leads into next when The Phoenix recently stopped in for that have been hindering railroad construc- a tear-jerker about a man who mourns his month with an opening of Nov. 8. Also, dinner. Though most nights there is a line tion in Africa. wife's death and begins seeing her ghost, upcoming near Thanksgiving are The Crn- that extends out the front door, we hit the Despite its publicity and big-name leads, played by Michelle pfeiffer. The fonner has cible, starring Daniel Day-Lewis (Last of the dinner hour right and seated ourselves. The this film is hit hard with competition on its an exciting all-star cast, of both veteran and Mohicans) and Winona Ryder, and a live front dining room gives the aura of a big opening day, Oct. II. At the top of the list young actors, featuring Brad Pitt, Robert rendition of Disney's /OJ Dalmatians, star- country kitchen with tiled floors, wallpaper is The Chamber. Based on the John Grisham DeNiro, Kevin Bacon, Jason Patrie ring Jeff Daniels (71"s Redwood Curtain). with little red apples, green curtains, and a novel, this film takes an attorney, played by (Geronimo), Dustin Hoffman, and Minnie Next, more November films, news on freshly picked pumpkin sitting by the regis- Chris 0' Donnell (Mad Love), to defending Driver (Circle of Friends). According to Playing God, and updates on Bau;wn and ter. a white supremacist, played by Gene Hack- Lorenzo Carcaterra, the author of the book Robin. Leaving little time for us to think about man, who is secretly ... whoops, can't ruin on which the movie is based, the story of (Sun- our famished appetites, our casually dressed it for those who haven't read the book. Also four men who avenge the assault on them Infonnation gathered from The Sun 1996). day, Sept 22) and Cinescape (Sept. waitress promptly brought out the meal. The hot turkey sandwich with gravy was ordered and came with fries smothered in gravy as well. This was thoroughly enjoyed, as was Horoscopes the club house special, which consisted of turkey, bacon, tomato, and mayonnaise, served with fries. Sandwiches are priced very reasonably from $1.05 to $4, and in- clude hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, Taurus (April 21-May 21) hear some gossip that will open the door to WOODS and crab cake. There are an abundance of By HEATHER WATTS AND JESSIE This month you finally realize that pres- a new romance. side orders to choose from such as potato Stoff Writers sure from others is getting to much for you. saJad, jello, apple fritters, and tossed salad, It's time you start living for yourself and not Leo (July 24-Aug.23) for 90 cents exira. (For entertainment purposes only, unless for your parents, teachers, and friends. Don't Luck is on its way. October is your Prices for platter meals, $4 to $10, are we're right in which case we know what be afraid of offending others or letting some- month of love and finances. At the begin- also easy on the eye, and these come with a we're doing) one else down - be who you want to be. ning of the month you might be tempted to choice of two vegetables and homemade Masks are great for Halloween but aren't to throw in the towel, but remember - Patience rolls. Besides the usual soda, coffee, and Capricorn (Dec.22 -Jan. 20) be worn year round. is a virtue. milk to go along with the meal, Baugher's Although usually organized, the first of offers homemade sweet cider for apple lov- the semester just rattles you a little. Hitting Gemini (May 22-June 21) Virgo (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) ers, either served hal or cold. the books will help you gel over the bumps Tragedy can strike at any moment. By You may find yourself somewhat over Baugher's has some of the best ice cream of midterms. After thai, it's time to dress the middle of the month, you may feel that committed this month. "But don't worry, around and the dessert menu serves up a long up and relax. And hey, why not go trick or your world is closing in on you and that Be Happy." The month of October shows list of flavors. Home style pies come in as- treating! you another side of a good friend that has sorted flavors from apple and red raspberry, you thinking about romance. Just remem- to coconut custard and butterscotch me- Aquarius (Jan.21-Feb.19) ber - lis the witching month, and it may ringue. The traditional hot fudge sundae and "Good things come to those who wait" not be what you really want. a slice of pecan pie were ordered and proved is your motto for the month. The first few to be a sweet ending to the meal. weeks may seem as uneventful as a Mon- Libra (Sept.24-0ct. 23) Baugher's can be found just down the day morning flex, but don't despair, a big Despite a great birthday, this month you road from WMC on the other side of Route surprise is in store for you this HaJloween. may be a little on the unhappy side and de- 31. In addition to the restaurant, there is a The big question, though, is whether it'll cide a change is needed. But you'll soon fruit market outside that sells produce grown be a trick or a treat. realize that you're fine the way you are. at Baugher's farm, two miles away. In 1948, Try going out a little this month with good Ed Baugher and a few farm hands built what Pisces (Feb. 20~March 20) friends-you'll need them. is now the restaurant. When it first opened If you want money - lots and lots of though. it was nothing more than a "little Scorpio (Oct.24-Nov.22) restaurant and lunch room" to cater to the ~~sn:;o~:,e~t ::y ~~e~~~:~:~:;:~ there's nothing !eft to do. Don't let the b~d You may get into trouble this month by customers of the fruit market, said Marjorie ning, but in the end luck will be on your \. take control. Fnends are there to help, that.s having too much fun and not hitting the Baugher, who married the eldest son of Ed side. Take heed, though, and don't spend it what they do b_est. Let 0'!ters help you ~s books enough. Midterms loom ahead and Baugher. She said many college students all in one place. Good fortune won't last month so that in the commg months you U you start to worry. Buckle down for a little dined at the restaurant when it first opened long. still be around to help them. In the end, all while and then you can enjoy Halloween. and that when the Colts spent their: summers things even out. at WMC years ago, they would come in be- Aries (March 21-April 20) Sagittarius (NI''''' 23·Dec.21) cause "it was the only restaurant in town." It's only a few weeks into the semester, Cancer (June 22-July 23) Love is in the air for you this month- Baugher said that competition has increased but you're already wishing you were back It's time to examine your relationships though friends are a little jealous of your due to the many restaurants built over the in kindergarten playing in the sand and again. You've been having a little too much abilities to communicate well with the op- years, but that she continues to see WMC watching Saturday morning cartoons. Grow fun lately and spending a lot of time with a posite sex. Let them tum green while you students come in, as well as the usual local Up! You're a big kid now, and you have to new crowd. Don't forget your old friends finally meet that special someone. Don't crowd. start acting like one. Of course, an excep- who have proven themselves to be true. Give listen to them and take a risk, as long as its Baugher's is open Monday thru Saturday, tion can be made during the end of the someone a call to whom you haven't spo- not a deadly one. After all - no pain, no 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM and Sunday, 9:00 AM month parties. ken to in a while. Who knows, maybe you'll gain. to 9:00 PM.
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