Page 19 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 19
Biology professor uses sabbatical to aid marine life CHRISTIAN WIUVOHL artificial reefs of these materials. Assistant News EdilOr Alspach commented that the Dr. G. Samuel Alspach Jr. dis- survival rate of the oysters placed appeared from campus last year to in the Bay during the summer of help restore the Cheasepeake's 1995 was highest in the reefs con- dwindling oyster population which sisting of coquina. has been slowly disappearing itself. However, the oysters found on Since 1990, Dr. Alspach, Pro- the concrete and shell reefs were fessorofBio!ogy, has been associ- the largest because there was less ated with this Cheasepeake resto- competition for food and space ration project. sponsored by the among the oysters on these reefs. Maryland Department of Natural Alspach commented that cli- Resources. mactic conditions last winter and The project involves testing and continuing into the summer pre- using different types of materials vented the oyster populations in as suitable habitat for marine life, the Bay from successfully breed- especially oysters. ing. Alspach emphasized the neces- The large amounts of snow sity of these materials, known as and rain kept the salinity level in Over the course of modern history, the availability of a hard substrate for habitat of organisms in the Bay has declined. Dr. Alspach artificial reefs, because rover the the Bay below the level needed course of modem history, the avail- by oyster larvae to survive. ability of a hard substrate for habi- Alspach explained that envi- tat of organisms in the Bay has de- ronmental fluctuations are a natu- clined." ral occurrence and that "one bad I He explained that the current year doesn't mean that we should lack of habitat is the result of stop doing this." changes in sedimentation, pollu- .Two students, Cameron Speir tion, and freshwater content in the and Wayne Parks, worked with Bay. Dr. Alspach on the artificial reef Since oysters are of economic project last summer. Their con- importance, Alspach spent his sab- tributions to the project consisted batical determining which type of of maintaining the oyster nursery artificial habitat is best suited for a tank, data entry and analysis. thriving oyster population. Speir commented that "the He performed a parallel study, status of the oyster has not been comparing the results of three dif- very good for several years. I ferent materials: coquina (ancient hope the artificial reef project Alpha Psi Omega presents fall fossil remains), concrete cubes, and will help correct it." along the way, comedy this weekend oyster shells. Despite the problems that First oyster larvae were placed have been incurred in a holding tank with these mate- Alspach stressed that "artificial rials. Once they matured. they substrates are effective for oys- The upcoming play at Western Perman, and their lives immedi- this play," Lyga said. were placed in the Bay in separate ter habitats." Maryland College will make you ately following the birth of their "The Hand That Cradles the laugh. Guaranteed, according to first child. Rock," is Lyga's second directing student director Eric Lyga. A nurse sent by the hospital. job at WMC in 1996. He directed A senior theatre major from played by Melissa Farrell, to check "subUrbia" during the student Hampstead, Lyga wanted to do a on mom and baby may be check- playfest last spring. pure comedy and it only took three ing out dad as well, Lyga said. While at WMC, he also has di- pages of the script to convince him The wife's mother, played by rected the one-act play, "Purga- to start casting "The Hand That Amy Dreibelbis, who would prob- tory," and acted in several produc- Cradles the Rock." ably feel at home in a leather jacket tions, including "Into the Woods," "We haven't really done a and smokin' down the street on a "Vinegar Tom," "Dark of the straight comedy here since 1994," Harley, and the mother's boyfriend. Moon," "Eastern Standard" and Lyga said. "So this stage was cry- played by Grant Rice, round out the Budget Zero's "Untitled #6." ing for a comedy and this one is five-member cast. He is currently a cast member funny, out and out funny." ''There's a lot of banter between of the sci-f musical comedy The Warren Graves comedy characters, a lot of sarcasm, which "Starmires," which opens at WMC about a role-reversed, "Mr. Mom"- helps to make it so life-like," Lyga in November. Lyga, who was like couple and the "dreaded other added. "But there's still a happy dramaturg for this year's "The woman" will run October 3-5 in ending. After all, it is a comedy." Cherry Orchard," also designed Dorothy Elderdice Studio Theatre. The play, although it sounds lights for WMC's "Pippin' " last lUiil'a.a~ ~~'ii SHO'!' t:~iint: The Thursday and Friday shows like it was just written, a story of fall and was master electrician for at 8 p.m. and the Saturday productions on the Hill's the '90s, is from 1972 and first per- begin Theatre performance begins at 8:30 p.m. fanned in Toronto. Graves' other in 1996. "The president Mumberley He is currently October 22 & 23 Seats' are $3 for all shows. around a work includes and "Would You Like WMC's chapter of Alpha Psi of Inheritance" revolves story The 11:00 AM-l:00 PM working wife, played by Rexana a Cup of Tea?" Omega, the national dramatic arts "I'm really into it and I hope the a home- and her husband, Ensor Lounge-$3.00 Ingram, writer, played by Colin audience_feels the same way about honor society. Information of Public Courtesy based
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