Page 17 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 17
Thursday, October 3, 1996 - Page 5 Racial equality and diversity growing at WMC Continued from front litical science department hire an grees in the discipline they are hir- '" ence at WMC as "bittersweet." He African-American professor, ac- ing in. SGA N~ws"Briefs said if he had to repeat this portion cording to Weber. "J would have When processing applications, of his life, he would come here [hired him anyway]," Weber said. they are placed in a three-tier sys- Western Maryland College Student Gmcrnment \~ again because of his great respect Dr. Christianna N. Leahy, tem of highly recommended, rec- for the professors, particularly in former director of affirmative ac- ommended, and not recommended. his majors. tion for the faculty, said that all of Formerly, in some instances, Open Forum There are presently 62 African- the three to five candidates who applicants in the second tier would American undergraduate students make it to the end of the applica- be moved up if they were a minor- Monday, October 7,1996, 8pm in the Forum at WMC, out of the 99 undergradu- tion process are qualified to be ity, Coley said. In these instances, All Students are invited to attend the voice concerns regarding any ate minority students, according to professors. the school discovered that those aspect of the college Registrar Barbara Shaffer. The department hiring chooses people were not qualified for the That is one of the reasons Long from the final candidates the one job, she said. Student Reps. to College Committees said she chose to come to WMC. who has been "most discriminated Coley thinks the area has some- Congratulations to the following students selected by the SGA: She figured with so few black stu- against" and will advance the "di- thing to do with the low number of versity" of the staff, she said. minority applicants. Mandy Hofsetter: Student Representative for the Class of 1999 "I wake up every Yet, she said, sometimes the "Carroll County is not particu- day thinking about minority pools just do not exist. larly welcoming [to minorities]," Mike Gaston: Budget and Finance Committee For example, in deaf education, she said. being black" there are only three minorities in Also, bigger-name schools are Becky Tothero: SGA Representative to All College Council the entire country with a doctoral able to draw minorities by offering Donielle Long degree larger salaries, she said. Openings are still available for the Curriculum Committee, the Food The communications, sociol- 'Neal believes the area has little Committee, Honor and Conduct Board, Academic Affairs, Buildings dents, she would not have much of ogy, and philosophy departments to do with the lack of minorities, and Grounds, Long Range Planning, and Student Affairs committees a social life to interfere w_!!h her completed faculty searches last se- noting that the school is only 30 of the Board of Trustees. Contact Brandy Mulhern at ext. 8269 if you studies .. mester. According to the chairs of miles from Baltimore and 50 miles are interested. She noted that there is "a seri- the departments, no minorities, from Washington, D.C. "We're not ous division ... a certain point other than women, made it to the as rural as we claim," he said. where [mixed socializing] just interview stage out of a combined As far as the recruiting of Afri- Homecoming stops," she said. For example, she total of approximately 750 appli- can-American students is con- Homecoming is October 19th, 1996. Anyone interest;d in helping said, white students do not gener- cants. cerned, the school targeted Prince on a committee, please contact Andy at ext. 8259. ally give a lot of support to Afri- "We've been real disappointed can-American parties and activi- in the number [of minorities] that Minority Class of 1997 ties. choose to apply," said Dr. Joan applications rose Long admitted that she was well Coley, provost and dean of aca- Congratulations to Betty Beaver for winning the Raffle for Steamed aware of the divisions coming in, demic affairs. 25% this year Crabs. since she came from a nearly all- Leahy believes "the college is white neighborhood and high committed to affirmative action George's County high school SGA Meetings school in New Jersey. policies.. voluntaristically." graduates last summer, many of Neither Long nor Brennan were On the other hand, Neal repeat- whom are minorities. SGA meets every Wednesday at 8pm in Gold Room B. The campus members of the Black Student edly made remarks such as "The The 12 billboards, WPGC radio community is invited to attend. Union at the time of the interview. school hasn't made a concerted ef- advertisements, and posters of the Have a Concern You Would Like SGA to Address? Long said she did not want to fort to generate application pools" Black Student Union "worked like get into the details of why she was and "Do we have the will to do it?" a charm," Director of admissions Call the SGA office at ext. 631 or e-mail the SGA at not a member in the 1995-96 aca- Caldwell said that the school Marty O'Connell said. "sgaOO" demic year, but described it as has "placed advertisements in all Minority applications were up 25 problems within the management the right places," but needs to "be percent this year and 29 minority, of the organization. Depending on more creative." undergraduate students joined WMC the elections of the 1996-97 offic- Caldwell said that he recently this fall, 20 of whom are African- ~OO1i'OIll~IlJ~ U:1ID~~[IliOIlJ1i'[ ers, she may become a member received a leiter from a school, American, she said. OO~U:IIDIlIIll~ 1ll1!!!J1il1il~1:l[~~ I!!!J~[IX again, she added. which he declined to name, actu- BSU members are involved in Ill~Q@I!JIll~ ~1lJ - ~Ili. 0 !lJ!lJ1li Both Brennan and Long partici- ally asking him to teach at their calling accepted minority students to pated in other activities, such as school. He said he was "im- recruit them to WMC, O'Connell being residents assistants. said. SCHEDULED EPENTS Minority students are not the "We've been real The college also buys SAT scores only ones who feel separated from by segmented applications, which (LERO IN EYENT! Friday, October 18: I t :D8am - I :DDpm the rest of the campus; minority disappointed in the separates the exams by race. Kriel Lounge (across from the game room) professors do as well. There are number [of Prospective African-American SpBRIETY TEST FREE GlUE HWRYS only two African-American protes- students are encouraged to attendAf- sorsatWMC. minorities) that Am Weekend, a weekend where Af- Wednesday, October 23: 3pm-6pm Dr. Charles Neal, associate pro- choose to apply [to rican American prospects attend Englar Plaza (In front of the Dining Hall) fessor of political science who classes and stay the weekend to get a "liE ONE ON" TIe pile I Shirt euent came to WMC 18 years ago, said, WMC}." feel for the college. "I don't feel as if I'm in the main- The number attending last spring, ThurSday. October 24: 18pm-12am stream of the faculty. There is a Dr. Joan Coley, Provost which was the weekend of April 18, Ensor Lounge (Upper Level Decker) sense of first, second, and third- and Dean of Academic was six, double the previous years "MID- NIGHT MILK HNP [OOKIES" class citizens." Affairs tum out. Dr. Glenn Caldwell, assistant In the six years that O'Connell has Friday, October 25: II :88am - 1:BBpm professor of music, agreed that in pressed" by the personal attempts been here, she said Af-Am Weekend Kriel Lounge (across from the game room) his five years here, he has rarely, if oftbe school to recruit minorities never has been more than 10 students. "LUNCH WITH THE CRftSH PUMMIES" ever, gone out with other faculty and suggests that WMC start "I think it is worth it for six stu- members. He added that this may something similar. dents," O'Connell said. Many attend (/ be because he Jives in Frederick, Caldwell has been a member the regular admissions day and can which is a long drive for him to of the affirmative action commit- not take the extra time out of their Filling our your race on the WMC GRAPE HARVEST Westminster. tee for three years. schedules, O'Connell added. Neal, like Long, understood So what is being done to ere- what he was getting into. He lived -ate a more representative campus application is optional and all appli- Pickers Needed in Minneapolis and attended Luther as far as African-American stu- cations are judged on the same crite- College for his undergraduate de- dents and faculty? ria, she said. Tentative Dates gree, a small, liberal arts school. According to Coley, all profes- Rodney Joyner was formerly in October 19,20 Dr. Robert Weber, chair of the sor openings are placed in the charge of minority recruitment. political science department, was Chronicle of Higher Education. O'Connell said she eliminate the title Pickers Paid by Amount Picked Lunch Provided involved in hiring Neal. The presi- The school also tries to target when she came here. "Everyone bet- dent of the college at the time, schools graduating a high number ter be recruiting every kind of stu- COPRENICA VINEYARDS Ralph John, mandated that the po- of minorities with doctoral de- dent," she said. 848-7577
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