Page 27 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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r t FEATURES Thursday, October 3, 1996 - Page 15 Face to Face Campus safety and students meet face to face By RUTH BRADLEY staff in the office at all times. SraffWriter ''They are supposed to be open 24 If you were face to face with a hours, but when I go to the office Campus Safety representative what they are never there," complains a would you say? What do you think junior. "When I went to the office a Campus Safety representative to gel my parking permit on the would say to you? Here are some morning of Sept. 9, the officers responses of how students feel were all out giving parking tickets, about Campus Safety and how so I was unable to get a permit" Campus Safety feels about them. says a frustrated student. Other Students Face Campus Safety complaints include slowness of the Students seem to have an over- staff to respond to problems, lock all negative feeling toward Cam- out fees, and loud music coming pus Safety, but do, however, feel from a Campus Safety vehicle in good about the safety of the cam- the middle of the night. pus. Generally, students think the On the other hand. a lot of stu- Campus Safety staff are too "para- dents feel the Campus Safety staff noid," too "police-like," and ex- is good at keeping the campus safe. hibit a "lack of coordination." One Several who were interviewed Campus Safety is quick to incriminate and assume the worst from us instead of giving us the benefit of doubt MEGAN JOYCE At WMC, Campus Safety officials and students, like David Seydel, often interact with each other on a one 10 one basis. specific complaint on which stu- agree that Campus Safety success- does many good things to keep are you?' but otherwise [they usu- Safety, they can usually get an- dents seem to agree is the lack of fully keeps strangers off of the WMCsafe. ally demonstrate negative behav- swers to questions they have about good public relations with the stu- campus. Among other favorable Campus Safety Faces Stu- ior]" while under the influence and troublemakers, and they have a dents. Most students think its staff aspects, one student who was dents in the presence of an officer. network of students who will give needs to be friendlier and to real- helped by Campus Safety provid- Some Campus Safety providers Some Campus Safety officials them correct information, which is ize that sometimes students make ers says they were "pretty nice." say student behavior is fairly de- are annoyed by the students lack of helpful in dealing with numerous mistakes. Campus Safety was also noted for cent and usually fine, yet others say respect for property. One official is problems. Campus Safety is quick to "in- being helpful and understanding students exhibit a lack of maturity irritated by the dishonesty of some One safety provider has no- criminate and assume the worst when problems arise. According and typical college behavior- students. "I really hate when stu- ticed the improved social relations from us instead of giving us the to some students, campus safety is mostly irresponsibility. dents lie to me. If you work with between the officers and the stu- benefit of doubt," one sophomore good at keeping policies straight A majority of Campus Safety me then I'm willing to work with dents over a period of six years. claims. Another student suggests and enforcing the rules. An upper- officials agree that a small number you; and if I' m able to write a good In 1990, Campus Safety had the - that the staff should not set them- classmen says that "if you obey the of students can ruin the image of report, then it's beneficial for me r"feputatioll of being "untouch- selves apart, but instead "act like rules they [campus safety] are cool. all students. One official says that and for [the student]." ebles," but in 1996, dealing with they are normal people like us." It doesn't matter who you are, they the students' behavior is sometimes Campus Safety seems to be students and Issues is different and Improved relations between cam- enforce the rules." based on whether they are under the happy about the willingness of the much easier. This safety officer pus safety and Greek.organizations Although many students have a influence of drugs or alcohol. Ac- students to cooperate with them. wants 10 stress that they are people is another suggestion. negative attitude toward Campus cording to a safety representative, Officers say students are willing to who deal with real issues and that Students are also concerned Safety, there is also agreement "When they aren't influenced by cooperate in filtering out the "bad they can be approached, face to about the lack of Campus Safety among them that Campus Safety alcohol or drugs they'll say 'how seeds." According to Campus face. Military science salutes new professor at WMC lot of confidence," Helmeyer ap- "It was in more of a leadership po- plied for and was granted a two year sition than a military intelligence scholarship. position," says Heimeyer. An- With a degree in International other one of her assignments was Studies, she went on to Fort to serve as one of several intelli- Huachuca, Ariz. While situated gence briefer for General John M. there, she learned her duties as a ~:i~~i~~Si~;:~f ~~;.rman of the~ Military Intelligence Officer in a six It was in more of a leadership position than a military intelligence position. Karen Helmeyer month Officer Basic Course. Four While preparing qualified of- years later, she returned to Fort ficers to serve in the Army, she Huachuca to gain further under- would also like to improve and en- standing of her branch. Last year large the Rarc program, and in- she attended the military's Com- crease awareness of its advan- mand and General Staff College at tages. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., received Furthermore, Helmeyer would her master's degree in Strategic In- like to "think dangerously" and telligence, and trained for high level take advantage of the college at- command. mosphere and pursue a master's MAGGI!<: KIMURA Helmeyer, who comes to West- efits in having the opportunity to Of her many commands, degree in Physical Education and SraffWriter minster from New York, never re- serve her country. She attended Helmeyer remembers her time at It is time to say goodbye to Lt. ally thought about the military as a Dickinson College and enrolled in Fort Lewis as one of her best expe- Exercise Science. happen to see If you Maj. Col. Keller and welcome the new career until she visited her older the Rarc program there. After riences. She was in charge of 161 Helmeyer walking around campus professor of Military Science at sister in the Air Force. While vis- two years of having different ex- soldiers and responsible for the op- with her dog, Lucy, make sure you WMC, Maj. Karen Helmeyer. iting her sister, she realized the ben- periences that she said gave her "a eration of the battalion she was in. give her a Green Terror welcome.
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