Page 25 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 25
FEATURES Thursday, October 3, 1996 - Page 13 Internationals settle in at WMC Pesky flies can do Bv HEATHER WOODS AND Westminster only weeks ago, dents were receiving special treat- police work, too JESSIE WATTS have been preparing for their ment from the faculty which for- Staff Writers journey for two years. merly had little involvement with Each fall brings new faces to They began as freshmen ma- the International Club and its mem- Flies are always first to smell couldn't match up with his story, the Western Maryland College, so joring in business and economics bers. death, so just their presence can yield he said. many wonderfulpeopleto meet. in Budapest. Hungary, where Many" of the Budapest students investigators a swarm of clues, ac- Forensic entomology, he noted, Thisyear,morethanever,these they completed their first two themselves see this, but believe it cording to one of America's fore- is gaining recognition and experts faces include young adults that are years of course work in rented is a result of their familiarity with most housefly experts. are being called in on certain cases not only new to WMC, but are also classrooms in one building with Dr. Chambers and Dean Coley Bernard Greenberg, sometimes by law enforcement officers world- new to the United States. These teachers visiting from other col- whom they had a chance to get to called America's Father of Forensic wide. international students come from leges and universities. Most of know while still in Hungary. Entomology because of his exten- "The flies are always present," countries that span the globe in- the students are citizens of Hun- Despite this small conflict, sive, groundbreaking research in the he said. "So we might as well use eluding such places as England, gary, although a few are from which did not result in any harsh field, presented "Maggots and Mur- what they can tell us." Japan, Germany, Sri Lanka, Bra- other countries. feelings toward any member of ei- der: Flies as Forensic Indicators" on Dr. Greenburg, a professor zil, and many more. One such student, Jorge del ther group, the majority of the In- Wednesday, September 25, at 7:30 emeritus of biological sciences at Some students come to WMC Villar, a native of Mexico, found ternational Students-from Hungary p.m., in McDaniel Lounge. the Universtiy of lllinois at Chi- as freshmen and stay for four years, WMC-Budapest "academically and beyond-have become a close- "You can actually tell when the cago, is president of such as Kate Hampson who came exciting" and full of "great teach- knit group meeting formally at the death occurred based on the type of BIOCONCERN and scientific to the U.S. from England as a se- ers" and is thrilled to be continu- International Club meetings and insect on the body," Dr. Greenberg governor of the Chicago Academy nior in high school and chose to ing his education at the WMC informally on campus and at said. "Flies are sometimes there of Sciences. As a consultant and .. stay for college. main campus here in wesrmln- Champs. within minutes and are definitely expert witness, he has worked on Others are here for only a year ster. Many feel that these students are presently within hours." homicide cases nationwide. Dr. and serve as tutors for the French, Although they no longer have bonded together by their similar The insets then lay eggs which, Greenberg, who earned a German, and Spanish classes. all of their classes together, the situation as newcomers in a foreign under normal conditions, hatch in bachelor's degree from Brooklyn Kerstin Boewe, a visiting student students from the Budapest pro- country thousands of miles from 18-24 hours, faster in hot summer College and a master's degree and from Germany, had applied to gram still see each other daily their friends and families. Because weather or slower in cool fall tem- a Ph.D from University of Kansas, study in the U.S. through Chicago's both inside and outof class. This of this, they see and experience peratures. Scientists can determine also is a reviewer for the National Institute of European and Asian makes the transition to their new America differently than the major- time of death based on the develop- Science Foundation's USDA re- Studies, was selected for WMC home easier, yet at the same time ity of the student population who menr of the' larvae, either inside or search proposals, as well as many and is currently taking classes for some have expressed that already know no other way of life. outside the egg, Dr. Greenberg said. entomology journals. her English major while tutoring having a set of friends makes it For the international students, its For example, in one of his recent An international lecturer on fo- students in the German suite. more difficult to meet other stu- comforting to know that there are cases, there were eggs, but no mag- rensic entomology, Dr. Greenberg Like many of the International dents as they are not forced to others who share their views and gots present on a body found in is a member of the American As- students, Kate and Kerstin have socialize with strangers. feelings. North Dakota. 1\vo witnesses had sociation for the Advancement of enjoyed the first few weeks here The students from the Despite this strong community, given sworn statements that they had Science and Sigma Xi, the scien- and have met many friendly stu- Budapest program and the other the students are quick to mention seen the deceased alive at very dif- tific research society. dents and faculty. International students have the wonderful American students ferent times of the day, many hours The lecture was sponsored by In addition to the individual in- formed a small community within they have met and the strong friend- apart. Through examination of the the WMC chapter of Sigma Xi, and temational students, this year has the WMC population, although ships that have already been eggs, Dr. Greenberg was able to de- the departments of biology, chem- ,. brought to the campus the first there was some initial friction as formed. termine that one of the witnesses was istry, psychology, and sociology, some interna- of the individual class of students from WMC- .,...-~.. differences, not credible at aJl. The eggs were and the WMC honors program. Despite the cultural Budapest. tional students, particularly those foreign and domestic students alike too developed and the time frame Courtesy of Public Information The approximately two dozen who have been at WMC for have many similarities. current juniors who arrived in awhile, felt thai the Budapest stu- (And Do It With A Lot Of Style.) ~;i • • Toyota's Ga,. £§7~~(@ SEE YOUR TOYOTA DEALER TODAY. ,,~~~~~.~~..
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