Page 24 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 24
.. Thursday, October 3, 1996 - Page 12 FEATURES ~ Highlights from the president's office Continued from page / / tion of a new science facility. The new build- In the middle of September, Chambers decisions. Hughes Medical Institute, with a donation ing will be the most expensive ever con- visited Hungary to welcome a new class of The start of this semester marked the end of $700,000 to the college, and Lockheed- structed at WMC. "If all goes according to freshmen toWMC. This freshmenclass con- of a hectic summer for Chambers and the Martian, a defense contractor based in plan, we'll break:ground in the spring and sists of 33 students, one-third of whom are WMC community. "Easily the dominant Bethesda, donated $300,000. start work in the summer," says Chambers, from Russia and the Ukraine. "I am pleas- event was the presence of the Ravens," says The campaign's efforts culminated in the adding that the construction of the facility antly surprised with the number of students," Chambers. "Everything went amazingly Defining Moment launch held on Saturday, will be an 18 month project. says Chambers as he reflects on the total of smoothly." Chambers soon expects te sit Sept. 28th. Captain Kangaroo's return to Chambers lists the continuing efforts of 55 students who attend WMC Budapest. If down with the Ravens management to ne- WMC and a laser light show highlighted the The Capital Campaign as one of his major the program continues to progress as it has gotiate a contract for a possible return to launch with the primary purpose of formally goals for this semester. Another important in the past, one hundred students will soon WMC next year. announcing The Capital Campaign's goal. goal is to maintain and increase the success be involved in the exchange, "an extensive Chambers did manage to squeeze two According to Chambers, ''The launch will of WMC's campus in Budapest, Hungary. program in a school with only 1200 stu- weeksof vacation into his busy schedule this say.toeveryonethatthecampaignistosome Twenty students from WMC Budapest are dents," according to Chambers. Now that summer. He traveled to Europe for ten days, degree a success. It will give us momentum presently finding theirway around the United the students from Budapest have arrived in spending time in both London and Athens. for the final push we need to get across the States, and according to Chambers, "they are the United States and the program can be He also visited the Grand Cayman Islands top." amazing students." The students represent called a success, Chambers sets his sights where he was able to keep up with his scuba Fromthe campaign's fund-raisingefforts, II countries includingAustralia, Greece, and on finding a way to get WMC students over diving skills: $12 million will be dedicated to the construe- Mexico. to Budapest, a process which involves many CLASSIFIEDS Mister Doodle melting. . It was like someone had a from page 3 Continued I turned the knob to the navy blue door blowtorch and was spraying it through the of the shower, and it opened with a blood nozzle. ADOPTION: Loving, Secure, White TRAVEL curdling screech. I walked in. The theme I was now outside the shower, breathing couple unable to have children of OUf ***FREE TRIPS & CASH*** music from Missiqn Impossible blasted from in short gasps. I felt like I was having an Find out how hundreds of student the showerheads. Jesus, the stall was muggy asthma attack, and was weak and nausea. I own longs to welcome your newborn representatives are already earning (not as if Jesus cared or anything). I could finally said "Screw it", and grabbed my bar into our devoted, caring extended fam- FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH see steam rising to the ceiling and I could of soapand quickly cleaned myself. I cupped ily, Legal, medical expenses paid. with America's #1 Spring Break barely breathe. No one else was present in my hands and splashed the unbearable acid CALL JOHN AND CHERYL, company! •Sell only 15 trips and the shower, and I was.alone and defenseless. on my skin. I washed my hair, feeling my TOLL fFEE (410) 908:2322.'; +, r, I hung my towel hmply over the front of scalp bum and scold my head. Wildly I ran travel free. Caneun, Bahamas, ~;';'! I :;'the"stalhihd 'slowly reached for the knob. out and couldn't see because of the thick, Mazatlan, Jamaica or Florida! Knowing the water was going to be freez- gray steam. It was like driving in the moun- *EARN EXTRA INCOME* Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing CAMPUS MANAGER POSITIONS ing, Iprepared for the worst. As it came on, tains during bad fog. This sucked. Iexpected ALSO AVAILABLE. Call Now! the water hitme square in the chest. "Jesu... the door to be 10ckedTindthe girl from The phone cards. For information send a TAKE A BREAK STUDENT God Da... Son of a bi..... Damn that water is Exorcist to walk through the 'fog and throw self addressed stamped envelope to: TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAK! powerful." up that green crap on·ine l .'Suddenly-funky Inc., PO Box 0887, Miami, FL 33164 Ijumped back and hit the curtain of the lights came on and the Village People came TRAVEL stall across from mine. I felt something in dancingand singing "YMCA." The main- BROKERAGE INTERNSHIP SPRING BREAK '97·SELL slimy grab me around my waist. II was cold tenance man walked in and asked, "Hey, the .... Prepare yourself for a Wall Street Ca- TRIPS, EARN CASH, & GO and slimy. I felt warm, thick breathing on showers working. okay?""--I-said,-'!Idunno reer. Earn your Broker's Liseense FREE. STS is hiring CAMPUS the back of my head and r rumed td'see the know,"and then'Sprintedas'if Roseanne Barr (series 7) in a semester. Provide your- REPS/GROUP ORGANIZERS to Alien from Independence Day about to de- .r was chasing me out of there. self with an inside track to the best promote trips to Cancun, Jamaica, vour my chicken-flavored flesh. Speaking The shower is possessed. I hear jobs in the investment industry. Part- and Florida. Call 800-648-4849 for in a high pitched voice it said, "Excuse me, children's giggles in the walls, and have seen timelflexible hours. Call Adam information on joining America's #1 have you seen Will Smith around. Twant to shadows fly by my sHfII~f611owedby a brisk, Michaels in Baltimore at 800-643- Student Tour Operator. have him overfor dinner. Hedid such a spec- cold,penetrating wind. Some evil force lives 3657. • •••••••• •••• _ _ tacularjob in the movie. Oh 190kat the time, in the pipes and spits it's flames of haired on f!rr~~~~~~~~~~-TRAVEL - the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is on. I'm sorry us. I've tried and heard everything on how I : LARGEST STUDENT TRAVEL to have bothered you. Bye-bye." to defeat this menace, but it's strong and GOOD :PLANNER on East Coast looking : theIs~:ef:~::~~h~~g;;!!~~: ~:~~~~; PO~:~:~e are some suggestions for all the WEEKLY efor Campus Rep to promote Kodak· headache. My towel was drowning and innocent victims out there. Get some holy INCOME ~~!:'~~:s~:~~a~~P;r';~~a:~~- - ~~:~~nf:I~~:lehae:~h~~~:~dn:~~:~;:;·hi! ;:;:~r~;;;;,s~:ds:~~~~t ~~: ss:o::~a~~e~~ processing mail for _best incentives. You handle the my skin like it was fire. l jumped back again like Frosty the Snowman in the greenhouse, national company! Free : sales ...we handle the bookkeeping. ': and nervously reached for the knob. The or ice cream on a hot summer day, but damn supplies. po'stagel No s Cancun, Nassau, Jamaica, S. Padre,. arrow was to the left, so I moved it more it, I'm not going to take it anymore. Just salling! Bonuses) Start :Orlando & Key West. EARN BIG: towards the middle figuringthis would make like Twisted Sister said, "We're not gonna immediately! Genuine _,$$$ AND/OR FREE the water warm rather than hot. Hell no! take it, NO. We're not gonna take it, opportunityfAwtlSAS.E.! Damn! The water was hotter. It was boil- anymmoorre." V M C, SUITE 174 .TRIP(S) ...GREATFORRE- ing.lfe!tliketheWickedWitchoftheWest P.S. Catchmenextweekasltrytoim- 1861 N ..FEDERAL HIlT :SUMEt!! in the Wizard ofOz-"I'mmelting, melting, press the cheerleaders. Yourstruly, Doodle _..----_. ----_. -_. ---- HOLLYlfOOD.FL 33020 CALL 1-800-222-4432 PARTTIME TEL~ER POSITIONS Volunteer Opportunity Hamstead Afternoon-evening and weekend postttonls available flexible work schedules -2 or 3 volunteers needed to help serve lunch at At Carrollton Bank we believe in providing exceptional service to each and every one of our customers. Weare currently looking for candidates who enjoy working local soup kitchen on the third Thursday of in a customer service and sales oriented environment. Interested applicants must have the following; each month. 'Previous sales experience in a retail environment 11 :30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul's United 'Previous customer service experience in a retail environment ·Previous banking experience helpful Church of Chist at Bond and Green Streets We offer a supportive, team oriented work environment, competitive salaries and benefit package with some part time positions. Tnterestedapplicants should con- (walking distance from WMC). tact: Louis Ward Call Dean Sayre at X242 or Cathy Alles at 635- Human Resources (410) 53·7351 6348 L.
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