Page 18 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 18
Thursday, October 3, 1996 - Page 6 Grant to WMC will boost New computers in math science education programs classroom help students The Howard Hughes Medical Insti- of sue- understand mater."al cess in the sciences and we will continue tute (HHMI) has awarded a four-year bers said. "We have a tradition grant of $700,000 to Western Maryland to build on that strength with the help College, according to President Robert of this grant." Mathematics professor Robert Boner is mussels. H. Chambers. Western Maryland is one of 52 col- in the middle of explaining an equation to "Reformed calculus" can be taught with- The grant from the Institute's Under- leges and universities this year 10 re- his class. But the 30 students don't seem to out computers, but Dr.Boner wanted to com- graduate Biological Sciences Education ceive a four-year grant from be paying attention, focused instead on the bine the new course with Mathematica, one Program, the College's second HHMI The Howard Hughes Medical Insti- computers in front of them. of the most powerful pieces of math software award since 1993, will be used to sup- tute, which recently awarded more than Don', worry they won't miss a word. It's in the industry. port four initiatives in science, includ- $45 million to selected schools to all right there in front of them on that color- The experience for students is something ing the development of an institute for strengthen undergraduate education pro- ful screen. Welcome to high-tech calculus. that will continue to help them after they retired scientists to mentor WMC stu- grams in biological sciences. Only two The new computer lab in Lewis Hall of leave WMC, Dr. Boner said. They learn cal- dent researchers, Dr. Chambers said. Maryland schools, WMC and Sf. John's Science is state-of-the-art and there aren't culusskills, as well as computer software that Through the Institute for Emeriti Sci- College, received grants. many like it across the nation, according to is being llsed in graduate school and many entists, experienced science faculty, who WMC was one of 201 schools across Dr. Boner, who put the lab together thanks are eligible for early retirement at other the nation invited to apply for this year's to a matching funds grant from the National "The students are more institutions, will take on WMC students grant program. Science Foundation. as research assistants, giving the stu- The invitation, Dr. Chambers noted, Professors don't need chalk or the dusty involved in the calculus, dents valuable practical experience in was based on Western Maryland's out- board that goes along with it. Dr. Boner's and it sticks with them. " campus laboratories working on a wide standing record in the sciences. 'The in- notes are penned on simple paper at the range of projects. stitution is among the top 50 colleges professor's computer console. A mounted Dr. Robert.Boner, Mathematics Statistical reports, according to Dr. and universities in the per capita num- camera digests the information and sends it Chambers, have shown that scientists ber of alumni who go on to receive doc- to his computer which he can then program Professor ages 58-62, want to spend less time on torates in biology and biochemistry. to broadcast to any or all of the 18 student math workplaces. administrative tasks and more time In 1993, WMC was the only Mary- computers in black-and-white or color. "The students are more involved in the mentoring young scientists. land school to receive a grant from The calculus course is new this year, too. calculus," Dr.Boner said. "And it sticks with The institute will give the scientists HHMI when the bi.ology and chemistry Known as "reformed calculus," Dr. Boner them because they are the ones experiment- that research time and double the num- programs were awarded $500,000 for said the course emphasizes problem-solv- ing and coming to the conclusions." ber of research opportunities now avail- equipment for molecular and cell biol- ing skills and labs using real data not the , Of course, the new computer lab does able to WMC students. ogy, and for an undergraduate research "always-a-right-answer" kind of problems have its drawbacks for the professor. He must "The institute will be able to draw on program that matched students with that were memorized by earlier calculus stu- get used to students looking like they aren't the expertise of scientists that aren't alumni working in area laboratories. dents. paying attention. now available to our students," he said. That grant also currently funds an There might be dozens of answers for "I miss the eye contact," Dr. Boner said. In addition, the grant will fund an outreach linking Baltimore each new lab, Dr. Boner said. "But they're more focused and that's much outreach program in nearby Prince City high school teachers and students, Recent labs asked students to figure cal- better for me anyway.I know they're getting George's County aimed at exciting more the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and culations on problems of population growth, it." students about science through working WMC faculty. epidemics and the effects of pollution on Courtesy of Public Information with the area's teachers. WMC profes- Through field trips to environmental sors will provide an energizing in-ser- sites and research with scientists at vice for the middle school life science WMC, the two-week camp program is teachers who can then share the hands- designed to spur interest in science on work with the students, Dr. Cham- among the student participants. bers added. Since 1988, the Howard Hughes Medi- Each participating school also will cal Institute, a medical research organiza- receive a videomicroscope and CO- tion and the nation's largest philanthropy, RaM computer for its science program. has awarded more than $335 million, the The HHMI award also will allow largest private initiative in U.S. history to WMC to purchase equipment for its own enhance undergraduate science education. biology laboratories and renovate stu- "Our goal is to get students of all dent research facilities, too, Dr. Cham- ages, including women and minorities, bers said. involved in scientific exploration in- LarsePiua "Western Maryland College is com- stead of just memorizing facts from mitted to making the sciences more books," Purnell W. Choppin, president Any large Pizza available and more enjoyable for its stu- of the Institute, said. with Your Choice dents now and in the future," Dr. Cham- Courtesy of Public Information of One Topping Additional Toppings Visiting professors get $1.46 extra. SupcrSubs comfy with WMC 1·6" Super Sub JEREMY Losus press. I·Bags of Potato Chips SwffWriter When asked for her opinion of Western TWovisiting professors, Filling our your Maryland, Dr. Futeral-Myrowitz said, "The I·Cans of race on theWMC application isoptional and studentsare enthusiastic and dedicated.They Coca-Cola'" Dr. Duane Pilch, climbed the Hill this year take education seriously. I was impressed by Ch:.x;t;eFIOITl: and join the "green team". their level of insight and intelligence. They PhiIly~.YeatOOII, ~ltat~,Hern& Dr. Futeral-MyrowilZ is a resident of are warm and witty people. Everyone goes O1eese,T~&CheIese, Baltimore who wanted to come to teach out of their way to be helpful. I could work orCiIbSl.b WMC because of it's excellent social work here forever." program, which she could not teach in other Another visiting professor is Dr. Duane Call Us! 857·5554 colleges. Pilch,who isteachingbiochemistry this year. She has a Ph.D. in social welfare, a mas- He comes to WMC from the NIC ters in social work, and a bachelors in psy- Bethesda Cancer Institute, where he had chology. been doing research. However, when She has administrative and clinical re- given a choice of the two, Pilch prefers sponsibilities in addition to her teaching as- teaching. OPEN LATE ~,_, signments, in that she is a liaison for stu- Pilch was impressed by the sophisti- dents who are "getting their hands dirty" cated computers which are available for his doing field work in social work. class to use. "The people are supportive, yalll .. ~_..., Ntt _ ,_.., Dr. Futeral-Myrowitz was recently pub- helpful, and friendly. The students keep •• s:--z~~~~~~=~ lished in a book by the Oxford University the class interesting," he commented.
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