Page 21 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 21
Thursday, October 3, 19?6 - Page 9 Need Help With Your Writing? The Writing Center is located on the first floor of Hill Hall, room 101. A writing tutor is on duty whenever the Center is open. It is also used as a classroom, so check the daily hours. You do not need an appointment to meet with a writing tutor; but if you would like to meet with someone individually, contact Ms. Story at x420. r-----------~---~~~~~~ I to.iun(J Cente» +I.'Uts '6 01'"au,n I IMonday 1O:30am-12:30pm Spm-midnight I I I ITuesday Bam-lOam ll:30am-l:15pm 4:30pm-midnight I I I Iw edne sdayam-cam 11:30am-12:30am 2p-3p 7:45-midnight I I I I'I'huz-sdasam-Iuam 11:30am-l:15pm Spm-midnight I I I IFridajam-lOam ll:30am-12:3Opm 2pm-6pm I I I I se't ur-daylosed *Hours subject to change weekly, call I Congratulations! I x420 for a listing or any changes I ISundaytpm-mtdmght I Phi Mu earns recognition L ~ ~ House of liquors Programming Award. They were received Honorable above. Mention for the National Clara Raynor Rader Chapter received recently The Phi Mu sorority because programming achieve- of their outstanding this award egg hunt, as pictured ments, such as their Easter Anita Kaltenbaugh, 6t·College'Activi'ties 16 Carroll Plaza sure [they] will continue Assistant Diiector chapter of programming said. "Bravo to the sisters of Phi Mu and I am is'the Phi Mu presi- the excellent efforts! !!" Heidi Snyder 848-1314 dent for 1996. r--------., I r--------., I Milwalkees Best I (regular & ice) I :10%OFF: Trumpeters' Spotlight: their- :$ ENTIRE : 7. 39 a case .t: : I : PURCHASE: I own organization, Trumpeters ..~-------.. .._------_ .. Have you heard about the recognize senior women displaying This semester the Trumpeters 1;:~~~~~~~~~~n~~/!~h~~~:~:;:uem'l qualities ROLLING ROCK STROH'S Trumpeters? No, I'm sorry it is exemplary and sincerity. of leadership, will be planning to spotlight a cam- group. not a new musical integrity, Mem- pus organization in each issue of In the later $6.9912 pk, $13.98 case, bottles (Reg + Lt) 30 pk, $9.99 cans bers of the Trumpeters are seniors years, membership was extended to The Phoenix. '.W.DUNDEE!HONEY SARANAC (ALL TYPES) Brandy Mulhern Dan WOOlen, and males. This will be in the form ofa top BROWN 4.99 six pk/bcttles Leslie Huffer. We follow the Today, members are chosen in ten list of reasons to join the spot- $4.996 pk, $15.99 case, bottles NATIONAL BO (Reg + Ice) motto: "For if the trumpet give the spring of their junior year based lighted organization. So, look for an uncertain sound, who shall pre- on l} leadership, character, and ser- us in each issue of The Phoenix and $7.59case/cans pare themselves to the battle?" (I vice demonstrated throughout their learn more about organizations and LARGE SELECTION OF BEER, WINE, Corinthians 14:8). three years at WMC, and 2} most activities at WMC. AND SPIRITS AT GREAT PRICES! The question remains, what is importantly, the potential for con- If you have any questions or the Trumpeters? The Trumpeters tinued excellence through their se- comments, contact Leslie Huffer at QUANTITY DEALS AVAILABLE! is a campus based honorary soci- nior year in all aspects of collegiate extension 8167. ety which was founded in 1944 to life. Contributed by Leslie Huffer MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 6:00 TO 9:00 P.M. 5:00 TO 9:00 P.M 8:00 P.M. 'TIl a..os!NG 5;00 TO 9:00 P.M AU.·YOlKAN-EAT I'DII I_lull Deck Bia lli."1 Beilcll IDIIID •• ,,1. 9 'f1l•• dalT $12 • Mill'lPll'ihl Sou1hwe.1em Baby Cajun Cookin'! .ill'IW 3:00 TO 8;00 P.M. ONLY 8 & W""
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