Page 121 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 121
FEATURES Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 9 Internet contest awards student New faculty lounge with trip to Cancun, Mexico moves into McDaniel House nv NIKKI B~:I.ANGF.R Hall, but was moved to me ground Sta/fWriler floor in a smaller room when the Soon the faculty and staff at West- building was renovated, three years ern Maryland College will have a new ago. The original lounge attracted lounge the size of an apartment to many faculty members because the relaxin. secretaries always had coffee brew- After meeting in a small one- ing. Faculty members often stopped room lounge in the bottom of Hill by to grab a cup of coffee and chat Hall for the past three years, the fac- with colleagues. ulty and staff will begin the move to "Everybody had their own chair the first floor of McDaniel House, which they sat in to eat lunch," located next to the President's House, Phillips said. in approximately two orthree weeks. When it was allowed, smoking A committee offaculty members was a popular activity in me lounge surveyed a number of different spots on the second floor. Faculty mem- on campus and decided McDaniel bers would often walk to it from vari- House was ideal for me new faculty ous parts of campus to talk to people lounge because "it wouldn't require they normally would not see. a whole lot of construction," Dr. Joan When the lounge was moved (0 Coley said, dean of academic affairs. the ground floor of Hill Hall, this tra- The new lounge has already been dition stopped. The aroma of coffee painted and is awaiting a new floor no [anger invited faculty to relax and and furrurure before it will be ready. enjoy each other's company. Phillips While the current lounge will still be admitted he has only eaten lunch available for use, the new lounge can t,hereonce. also be used by faculty and staff mem- Some faculty members are very bers. We have no idea whether this interested in me new lounge because one will work," said Dr. Ray Phillips, it may provide an atmosphere like the professor of English and committee lounge on Hill Hall's second floor. member .. But the new lounge will They are hoping more faculty mem- give the faculty more space and the bers will be drawn to McDaniel option of eating in the kitchen Of large House to eat and relax. dining room, or relaxing in one of the "Everything is on hold until we other three rooms, including the see it," Phillips said, adding that the by promoting a free trip to Heartland, a camp for kids who porch. final details about the new lounge When the C.E.O. of Tech- Cancun with no need to buyany- are HIV positive or have sib- The original faculty lounge was will soon be determined by the fac- nology Net called Amanda thing. lings who are. located on the second floor of Hill ulty committee. Rose to tell her she had won a Two names out of the first She is also lucky because trip to Caneun, Mexico she 1,000 people who entered the the trip only flies the winners thought it was a joke. "I Technology Net contest were to Cancun out of Baltimore laughed. I didn't believe him," drawn and Rose was one of Washington International Air- she said. them. The C.E.O. cal~d and left port. The woman whose name Over the recent winter a message at her dorm room was also drawn in the contest break, Rose, a junior at WMC, about five weeks after she en- is from Illinois and must pro- was "playing around on the tered the contest. When she re- vide her own transportation to Internet" while waiting to go turned his call, he told her she BWI. out with some friends. She dis- had won a trip for two to Cancun Because she needs to take covered contests different com- for five days and four nights, the trip between March and panies were offering and she with airfare and hotel accommo- October, Rose will probably go entered her name in six of dations included. sometime after finals. The them. They all offered prizes "People say I must be lucky," hardest part is choosing one of that included free trips and Rose admitted with a smile. Just her friends to go with her. "I cars. last semester, she won a raffle to want to take them al l!" she One of the companies was be on the set of the soap opera, said. Technology Net, a computer "One Life to Live," in New How does she feel about JUBASIGUEIRERA software company out of York. One of the show's stars, this free trip? "It hasn't hit me Correction; The photo 0/ a sculptor in the last issue of the Phoenix was Bethesda, Md. They were a Tom Zmucki, was on campus to yet. When I get there, that's incorrectly labeled as being part of the Chatterley Exhibit. The Phoenix new site on the Web and wanted promote a program about AIDS. when it will hit me." regrets/he mistake. to draw attention to themselves The raffle benefited Camp "The Sin Eaters" is a sculpture in Mark Chatterley's exhibit on display until March 14 ADOPTION A loving family and secure home await your baby. Stay home mom, professional dad and our adopted son wish to share our lives and love with another child. Medical and legal expenses paid. Let's help each other. Call Sue and Bruce at 410-467-9423 or 1-800-404-5589.
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