Page 119 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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NEWS Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 7 Students visit Holocaust Museum SGANe~§Bn '-11 BY KATE HAMPSON who were persecuted." The building itself contributes AssiJIWIl News Edilor To make their visit more per- to the learning experience. The On Friday, February 21 st, a sonal, and to prevent the students roof of the main hall is a twisted Western Maryland College Student Go group of Western Maryland Col- becoming overwhelmed by the skylight, supported by warped steel lege students visited the Holocaust numbers; each student was given an trusses. It gives the impression that Open Forum Update museum in Washington D.C. i.d. card detailing the life of a per- things are not right, that normality The following issues were discussed at the SGA Open The group mostly consisted of son involved in the Holocaust. This has been distorted. Forum on Monday, Feb. 24th,: students from German language was a very effective way of dem- Above one of the entrances and culture classes. The trip gave onstrating that the victims of this there is a window with solid panes • Future residence hall furniture purchases students a chance to experience tragedy were ordinary people, lead- framed by clear glass, a reversal of • Housing maintenance issues two different sides of Germany. ing ordinary lives until they were the usual order and a reflection of • RA and RLC performance The afternoon was spent in the mu- swept away by this horror. the disruption of the Holocaust. • Parking behind Blanch seum, where they passed several The aim of the visit was The museum is a fascinating • Substance-Free housing Hours in the permanent exhibition to give students a real idea of what place to visit, everyone can gain • Damage charges and also got to see some special the Holocaust was like, explained from it in some way. "I think ev- exhibits such as "The Nazi Olym- German Professor, Ingrid Rieger: erybody should sec it," agreed These issues were addressed at the SGA Student Forum pics" and "Daniel's story." "The Holocaust gains an immedi- Freshman, Chris South, "We need where solutions were formulated and sent to appropri- Afterwards the group went to a ate impression. Before [the visit] it to learn about what happened." ate administrators. German restaurant In was an abstract idea, but the mu- The dinner at "Wuerzburg Gaithersburg, where they experi- seum brings you close to it." Haus" presented a completely dif- Campus Concert Committee Update enced real German cuisine, to the The museum gives a perspective ferent side of German culture. It accompaniment of a live accordion thai students are unable to gain from was a rather Americanized view of They Might Be Giants is scheduled to perform on April player. books and pictures. Germany, the waitresses were not 18, 1997 in the PELC. Doors will open at 7:00pm. The Holocaust Museum was Among the various artifacts particularly authentic and the mu- Student tickets will be available March IOth in front of opened in 1993. The three-door were piles of victims' shoes, which sic was not really traditional. Englar Dining Hall. Students may purchase up to four Permanent Exhibition tells the full they had removed before entering However, explained Rieger, "It story of the tragedy. It details the the gas chambers and the bunks thai is important to see the stereotypi- tickets for $10 each. Additional tickets may be "persecution of the Jews and other they slept on in Auschwitz. The cal idea of Germany in this coun- purchased at $14, Tickets will be available to the groups such as Gypsies, Poles, and smell of these objects really took try." general public March 24th for $14 each. Tickets may Jehovah's Witnesses. the visitor back to the concentration 'German assistant, Keratin also be purchased at Reistertown, Westminister, and The combination of photo- camp in a way that pictures could Boewe, agreed that it was not very graphs, films, artifacts and per- never do. The personal testimonies accurate: "The atmosphere was not Towson Record and Tape Trader locations. Please sonal testimonies had a profound were also very emotionaL German, but the food was alright." direct any questions to College activities, SGA or affect on all the students: "It made On the third floor there is a room It was a good way of ending the CAPBoard. me really emotional," said Julie where visitors can sit and listen to day on a more cheerful note and Hyder, a freshman, "I feel like I the survivors talking about their gave the students an opportunity to Need Poster-Making Supplies? became more in touch with those expenences. mix in a more relaxed setting. International club to host party The SGA has recently purchased Any student a set of Texas Markers and paper for poster-making, this Saturday in the Forum organization is welcome (0 use the set for a fee of $5 to defray the cost of purchase, Forms will be available at the Info desk. Please contact Brandy at x8269 or BY KATE HAMPSON tunity for the club to contribute to the party is to provide an activity Randy at x8266 24 hours in advance to reserve the set. A
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