Page 118 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, February 20, 1997 - Page 6 NEWS Putting the''phun''into physics Saint Patrick's Day to be celebrated March 17 According to University of Maryland ity, There are about 20 engaging demonstra- the undoubted leader of the Christianization professor Richard Berg, physics really is fun tions in each 75-minute segment. BY FAYE INGRAM of pagan Ireland. SwjfWrirer and he can prove it. The Physics I.Q. Test is a collection of Although there are not many events On campus, Glar is planning to modify Just give him a tricycle and a piece of counterintuitive brain-teasers. The audience scheduled on-campus for Saint Patrick's it's annual beach bash this year to include string. Or maybe a plastic tube. Or ping pong tries to guess the answers which are then Day this March 17, many cities and organi- green non-alcoholic beer and a green des- balls. He's been using these and other nor- played out in a series of physics demonstra- zations take time out either on or around the sert in addition to the regular fare such as mal, seemingly nonscientific tools to show tions, said Dave Guerra, assistant professor day to celebrate the life of the Irish saint foot long hot dogs and cotton candy to cel- off the fun side of science for more than 15 and chair of the physics department at West- and Irish history and culture. ebrate Saint Patrick's Day on March 12, since years in "Physics is Phun," {he university's em Maryland. Given major credit for the conversion of the 17 falls during Spring Break. award-winning free public lecture and dem- "You're going to swear you really know Ireland from Paganism, Saint Patrick was The pub may also decide to offer a theme onstration program. the answers to some of them," he said. "And actually British. Born, in modem day Brit- meal to celebrate the day, but as of yet no The program, already a favorite in Col- just when you think you're right and there's ain as a Christian, Patrick was captured by plans have been made. lege Park and surrounding areas, is making no way the experiment can go the other way, an Irish raiding party as a teenager. Forced Other Saint Patrick's Day festivities stu- its Westminster debut Wednesday, March 12, the demonstration will prove you wrong. It into slavery, Patrick was unable 10 escape dents may attend to commemorate the day at 7:30 p.m., in Alumni Hall, at Western really does show you how challenging, yet his Irish captors for six years. are the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in Wash- Maryland College. interesting and fun this can be." Following his escape and return home, ington D.C. and a Saint Patrick's Day cel- Dr. Berg will present "The Physics LQ. The experiments, he said, are geared to Patrick had a divinely inspired dream call- ebration in Baltimore. Test," one of 16 "Physics is Phun" programs the high school level, but the program, free ing him to return to Ireland as a missionary. The Washington Parade will be held in developed over the years. Other programs and open to the public, is highly recom- Patrick traveled to Ireland after being or- mid March, lasting for one day and includ- explore the various areas of physics, includ- mended for younger and older audiences, dained a priest, and spent the remainder of ing a parade down Constitution Avenue with ing demonstrations on light, vibrations, too. his life founding Christian churches, ordain- bands, bagpipes and dancers, followed by a waves, the atom, water, heat, and electric- Courtesy of Public Information ing clergy and converting pagans. Perhaps planting of Shamrocks. this removal of the pagans is symbolicaUy Lasting for three days, starting March 15, Mondayseriesat~C represented drove by the legend of how Saint the Celebration "Du" Burns Arena and include in Baltimore will be held in all of the snakes Patrick off of the the Clarence Emerald Isle. an Irish band and dance group, free balloons celebrates German composer sion, Saint no serious played a major to his mis- and a leprechaun information about the parade setbacks Facing look alike contest. ' Patrick role in For more converting Ireland to a country with a long in D.C. call (202) 426-6700, and about the The Monday Night Music Series at recognition that male composers have al- tradition in Catholicism. Although other Celebration in Baltimore call (410) 396- Western Maryland College presents a mu- ways had. In the last five years, scholars missionaries were sent to aid him, he was 9177. sical tribute to a 19th Century German and critics have begun to accord musician who is quickly becoming one of Schumann her rightful position in Euro- the most popular female composers. pean music." On March 10, at 7:30 p.m., several Performers include WMC lecturers Musical, Theatrical WMC faculty members will present se- Judy Ferencz and Don Horneff, both on lections of Clara Schumann, including her piano, and Katharine Barrett, cello, as and Artistic ~-I~ I only piano concerto which she composed well as, area musicians Deborah at the age of 14. Although a performing Stotelmyer, violin, and Cynthia Blum, Notes pianist throughout her life, Schumann mezzo soprano. Also, Alyssa Banks, pi- only composed until about J 850. The wife ano, will portray' Clara Schumann at age of German composer Robert Schumann, 15. March she died in 1896. Monday Night Music is a series fea- "Clara Schumann is probably one of turing performers from the college's mu- the most popular of the female compos- sic department faculty in a concert/lec- March 6',7, and 8 - Closing nights of TartuJfe . This is your Last Chance! ers," said Robin Armstrong, assistant pro- ture setting exploring topics that might fessor of music, who will discuss not be covered in the usual classroom March 10 - Monday Night Music presents a program celebrating the works Schumann's life and work during the pro- setting. of Clara Schumann at 7:30 pm in McDaniel Lounge.:... gram. "She is probably the first female March II - Integrated Arts Ensemble. A performance piece blending composer gaining the deserved fame and Courtesy of Public Information music, theatre, and dance starling at 7:30 pm in (Big) Baker Mark Chatterley's figure Memorial Chapel. sculptures featured at ~C March 24 - OPENING from 7 to 9 pm. The show will run through exhibition 18. of oil RECEPTION Blades' for Gloria Bunting April pastel drawings Mark Chatterley's large-scale figures appear to be aged bronze or craggy, weathered April stone, but those twisting, rising bodies are actually ceramic pieces, carefully handcrafted to resemble the more familiar metal or rock structures. April 1 - Collegium Concert at 7:30 pm in (Little) Baker Chapel. An exhibit of the unique sculptures, mostly the figure in the abstract or metaphysical, runs through March 14 in the Esther Prangley Rice Gallery at Western Maryland College. AprilS - Common Ground on the Hill presents a Gospel Extravaganza in Chatterley, a Michigan-based artist, has exhibited his work, measuring up to 14 feel, Alumni Hall at 7:30 pm. throughout his home state and in shows and galleries across the United States. In 1996, Chatterley showed'in an international ceramic art exhibition in Korea and in 1995 he par- April 7 - Monday Night Music Presents a program of original instrumental ticipated in the Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award Exhibition in New Zealand. pieces by Bo Eckard at 7 pm in McDaniel Lounge. The sculpture also has garnered numerous other awards, including first place at the 1993 Festival of the Masters at Disney World. April II, 12, and 13 - OPENING NIGHTS the Rimers of Elderdice in Alumni Hall Chatterley has work in private and public collections in Korea, the United Kingdom, Theatre with all shows starting at 8 pm. Tickets are $5 for Adults and $3 for New Zealand and the United States, including displays at Michigan State University's Kresge Children, Students, Seniors, and WMC. Art Museum, Monroe County Community College, East Lansing City Hall, Upjohn Re- search Division, and other sites in Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio. April 13 - Yale Gordon Sundays of Note presents Towson stare Chatterley earned bachelor's and master's degrees from Michigan State University. University Cello Ensemble with Elizabeth Borowsky on piano. The Rice Gallery in Peterson Hall is open Monday-Friday noon-4 p.m. In addition to the The performance starts at 2 pm in McDaniel Lounge. featured exhibit, the Albert and Eva Blum Collection of Art from Five Continents is on continuous display. April 17, 18, and 19 - Last Chance to see Steve Martin's comic play Courtesy of Public Information Picasso at the Lapine Agile in Alumni Hall Theatre! Tune in to CLAM CHO\NDER April 18 - A Senior Recital by our own JOANNA LAJEWSKI at ? pm in Levine Recital Hall. Thursdays from Spm-7pm WMCR 1620 AM
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